The Moving picture world (May 1922)

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60 MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 6, 1922 NO 1 1:1) S I' () R r S M A N T A' // N S / • /■ K S H I S A V /• /•; C" TION S I. yndc Dciiin si-asonahly changes frotn indoor lo outdoor sf>orts. II, iit> chess for tennis Tom J Geraghty who is full of trary to the original reports emanat playing his famous role of Henry ^^nse saws since his return from ing from the coast at the time. VIII m "When Knighthood Was limjiand, where he tms supervising » * * In Flower" with Marion Davies director of the Famous Flayers Arthur Hammerstein was host to Miss Vernon played opposite Mr. British studio, was walking around Gwynedd Vernon, the English Harding in a number of pictures in the Lasky Hollywood studio lot the motion picture star, who has just England— Richard Barthelmess, the other day when he saw a camera arrived in this country, at "The screen star; Henry King, who has »na» shooting a close-up of a shovel Blue Kitten," in the Selwyn Thea directed Dick Barthelmess in his turning over some mouldy earth. tre, one evening this week. It is an recent productions ; Herbert Gnm " What's that for?" lie asked odd coincidence, as Hammerstein wood, the English stage and screen lightly met Miss Vernon in Paris at the actor; Martha Miller, the young "// it's any of your business," time he purchased the rights for huntress who brought down the said the cameraman, who did not "The Blue Kitten." biggest lion and elephant in the re recognice Tom in his English cut A prominent group of stage and cent Akeley expedition in Africa; away "tve're trying to get a shot of screen people also occupied the box De Sacia Mooers, the film actress, some' fishing worms" with Miss Vernon. Among them and Mary Phillips, who was seen in "Well, be sure and get the right were Lyn Harding, the English the English Revue, "Pins and angle" said Tom, and walked actor, who is now in this country Needles." aivay — zvhich, if you think it over, was the only thing for him to do. * * * Prince Mohammed Ali Ibrahim, nephew of the newly created King of Egypt, sailed last week for home on the Olympic. With him went his Paramount Block Releases to Be Known as *'Encore Weeks'* . . n • , /-I 1 Hereafter Paramount will style of sub-titles in each picture, two private secretary. Blink McCloskey, ^^^^i of its block issues of previously factors which combine to effect an erstwhile prize fighter. While in released features "Encore Week" economy of title footage, this country 90 American nights cost ^^^j ^^^^ ^^^j, individual engage About 200 sub-titles appear in the the rrincc $60,000. "Encore Engagement." This average modern five-reeler, but the In a long interview to newspaper ^^.^^ decided upon by S. R. Kent Ray features have averaged 127. = iiK-ii, prior to sailing, the Prince jj^^ suggestion of Bill Johnson. Where the title footage in most fea iiatcd for Mayor ..f Culver City, s,'''!*^''!' among many other interesting assistant exploitation director of tures approximates some 1.500 feet, California. 1 !»■ is the only candidate according to the New York Southern Enterprises, Inc., who the Ray average is 808.5 ; and where K) has 110 opposition. i^^Ks: t^ip^ jt successfully at the Co as in most films a sub-title uses up "I am returning home at the re ij,rnj,us Ca theatre. eight feet of celluloid, the Ray aver qucst of my uncle, the King, _who ..^^ ' mind," wrote Mr. John age for these thirteen pictures has Anncs Firan Cobb Kcneral sales '^^V'* .'.'if 'T''^ *'"°""'' 'Tv , son. " Revival Week' implies the idea been 5.86. Agnes ,^o'^'>. B^J'er^ said "But I am coming back to something has been brought _ the United States m July to see the ^^,,5^^ ^^^^ for ollice wl The term is four years mananer nf the Concord Film Com^ Inc., wishes to lhaiik her iviiiv Inr WIS Mrs ti) I 1:1 Ilk licr , % ' t-u oaCK lo inc. wiutll IS iiui iiuc ui Sroi'r'fr:e;,t\hr.nS^^^^^ the ^^f, " .^'^rShtfuf'^ WhTe these Paramount productions. "En EdUCUtiOnal GctS trade for all the kind and loving ^.^^t? fi 1 ' c?; 1^,^^^^ women ^"'"'^ embodies the significance of messages; also for ,l,c ...uiti.ics of Sir^y^'lS'Sir and ''-'"^^f ^^l^r'^^^'^^.^tr^J^: HcUVy Bookl flowiis ami fniils sent to her during the past >ix weeks while she was so dangerously ill. * * • May Collins, who recently visited New York, has left (or Detroit, where she will join a local stock company lo act on the speaking stage. * * * C. F. Hod^e lia.s fucceeded Ben CtMilon as publicity director for Xilagraph. * * • I'.arl W. Rossman, Prizina caiueraniaii, and Capt. l*'. E. Klcinschmidl. .Xrclic explorer, left this week lor a seven nuinlhs' luintiiig and exploration tiiii to .M.iska. Siberia and .Vrctic regions north oi WraiiRells Island. Kossnian carries the remilar black and white camera. IurIi speed analysis of tuotioii c.iiiiera and a Pri/iua color caiuei.i. in order to make a complete record of the trip. .\ .specially const ructeil yacht will carry the |v>rty from Seattle. Wash Mabel Normand, to mention some I met ?" One interviewer asked about the ^ Bookings mand by the audiences for their . , . return." The extensive releasing Mr. Johnson added that the adop schedule of Educational Film une interviewer asK« a.n.uv 1 . . ^ ^^^^ '-Eucotc Week" Pxchinces Inc durinfl Uie women of other countries. The , ,i,„ r.\tnaiit,e^. iul., iiuiiiii, uic Prince did not catch the question whereupon the alert "Blink" translated it into Egyptian code. His Highness responded in the same tongue at length. " The Prince .says they're mostly oil cans." replied "Blink." rubbing his cauliflower right ear, a reminder of his pugilistic days. "What impressed you most in this country ?" he was asked. "Your night life." he said: "it has Paris beaten. I found Hollywood deadly ; the people living there go to bed too earlv." * * * brought splendid results at the Co , , ; second full lumbus Theatre, and it is therefore *'»St >ear ^ine seconci lUll being recommendetl to all exhibitors year of this organization as playing the pictures. Stahl Seeks Story Having completed the cutting and titling of "One Clear Call," his latest First National production for Louis B. Mayer. Director John M. Stahl is now looking for a story for his next picture. Human interest is the principal requisite for these vehicles, but they must also have regular, every day sort of people for characters, a strong climax and Due to its constant expansion l-'irst National has been forced to a consistently good, logical plot take over two additional floors in the building at 6-8 West Fortyeighth street, and now occupies the major iX)rtion of the twelve-story building. The publicity department Complete Comedy cnlh ington. to the Arctic regions, where "^^^ ^>ccupies the entire seve ctiire record will be made A^^^r. and other de^irtments which a national distributor) has almost doubled the amount of film available for booking through Educational Film Exchanges a year ago. With this much greater program to draw from, early reports from Educational branches to the home olVice in New York on the progress of the second Educational Pictures Week, just ended, indicate that from SO to 90 per cent, of all usoablo fihn in the various exchanges was kept busy during the week. These early n^ports. there a motion pi of bear, brown seal, walrus, whales, native types, and the gcvMogical. astronomical and gev>sraphic phenomena of the Far North. Tlie Inst of the color subii-cts sccurixl will eventually be relea.sctl on the regular Pri.'ni.i color short subject service. * • • Trans-atlantic comnuuatiou is resuming its usual spring and summer fervor. W illiam .\. Brady expects to s.iil for Euroi>c next week. William Fox will go in a month or so. Maurice TvMinieur sails on Saturday of this wet-k have also been cramped for space have been movcil to the fifth and twelfth floors following their vacation by former tenants. While the additional floor space has relieved the congestion somewhat, it still takes a genius to find a spiit or a niche into which a desk can be put. • • • "Shf Lot'ts and Lifs" is a mox-ic tilif th,it QOfs xt\n' ha,lt to Mother F.zr. • • • Toe Brandt left town last week on an extender! business trip to key cities, • • • It is reporter! tlwt William Des .•\(tcr three weeks of strenuous work. Billy Bevan aixl Roy del Ruth have completed what they con foiv. mean a much greater sider to be one of the best efforts their combined talents have produced since Bevan began his .^tarring career for Mack Sennett n^sponse from the exhibitors of the country during this particular week of recogniThe new picture has been cut and jjon of the value of the short subject, than even the fine cooperation that kept virtually ever> nvl of film in the exchanges working during the first Educational Pictiiivs Wivk. a year ago. .\mong the tir^t of tlie final ivporls to be rtvoived are The thirteen pictures made for several showing up to 100 First National by Cl«rles Ray p.>s .^.j. ^^^.pj ^f (he film in N-arsess a rather unique and sigitmcant J,^,,^ .,r.M,.w of pictures titled "Gymnasium Jim" and will bo shipped to New York immediately for distribution through the exchanges of the Associated First National Pictures. Shot-t Subtitles in Riiy Pictures Crtvrge H. Davis is in town from recent accu S«n Francisco. fi^r "The C.reat Conspiracy mond was not seriously injured in a distinction, inasmuch as ihey are ^ i %■ i recent accident while imking scenes notable for an unusual hrevity in tXtOKtHl MUUl. con each sub-title ami for an economy ^^kbhb^^^h