The Moving picture world (May 1922)

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62 MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 6, 1922 In the Independent^Field European Showmen Dickering, with U. S. for Road Showing of Big Productions British showmen with theatre holdings and interests in London and on the European continent are negotiating with several motion picture companies here for the indefinite bookings of big pictures in legitimate houses there. Among these showmen is none other than C. B. Cochran, the leading British producer, who this week made it known in London that he will inaugurate a summer policy of pictures on his Pavilion Theatre in that cit}'. He is dickering with several producers in America. Just how long this policy will be pursued depends entirely upon its success. It is proposed to use the services of American managers to put on the shows to go along with the pictures, but no definite ofifer along these lines has been made as yet. The ' Lichtbildbuhne" to preparing a yearly book of the German film Industry which will be published In the spring. The Richard Oswald A. G., of Germany, has increased capital from seven to twelve million marks. In view of the general scarcity new tariff negotiations are pending between employers and employees of the German film industry. hampering the film Industry In producing artistic film. In November, 1021, Germany Imported 11,000 kg. of exposed film, worth 2,!)T:J,(KH) marks. The export of raw film amounted to 3o*.0(H) kg., worth 49,402,000 marks, while 61.000 kg. of exposed film, worth 4,987,000 marks, have been exported. but win be this week. through with the picture The "Lichtbildbuhjie" complained about the violations of German film monopolies being the rule in the Balkans and In Egypt. On January 1 the "Agfa" ("Aktlengesellschaft fur Anillnfabrikation") has once more raised the price of raw Him to 0 marks pro. meter. In Coblenz the American army of occupation has been forbidden to visit any cinemas. The Vienna firm, "Das Kino," has been transformed Into a Joint itock compiny with a capital of 12,000,0(X) kronen. Thus the firm, disposing of two printing establishments and a modem studio, is the biggest Austrian enterprise. The Prus.sian cabinet has given out directions in order to protect cinemas of too heavy taxes. In Leipsic a distributing agency has been founded by exhibitors. The firm is called "Deutsche Vereins A. G." D. W. Griflith is now in London, and, according to several reports from the other side, is being approached by money interests there who are trj'ing to interest him in making a big picture in that country. No comment on this report was available in New York, although it is not thought likely that D. W. will make his next picture abroad. Tom E. Davies, the British film magnate, who spent ten weeks in this country, is back in London. He bought many pictures here, but to date has not announced what they are. According to a report from the other side, Douglas Fairbanks in "The Nut ' will not be ready for release until June. British film interests interpret the abandonment of the Congressional program to increase the tax on films as a victory for them. Editorially, the Bioscope, a British trade paper, says : "The British film producer indeed owes a debt of gratitude to his American confreres who actively opposed any alteration in the tariff laws that would have exercised a prohibitory effect upon the importation of his manufactures into America." That capital is the one big thing needful for British pictures was the substance of addresses made at the recent dinner of the Royal Automobile Club, at which Harley Knoles, malaging director of the Alliance Film Corporation, was the principal speaker. Britishers are looking forward with considerable enthusiastic expectations to the release of "Frailty," the Stoll plctre. The release is set tor June. The firm of George Clark productions has changed its "style and title" to "George Clark Pictures, Limited, Guy Newall Productions." The Crown Prince's Indian tour has been photographed and is now being used as an added attraction at the British cinemas, where the picture sare said to be making good money. Americans in Germany attempted to open an American picture house in Berlin, but the venture proved a costly failure for the enterprising showman who attempted to put it over. No statement was received this week from the Stoll's concerning the Sherlock Holmes series problem that has resulted in this country from announcements by two companies that they each have the series. Cable queries to the other side brought no answer. Norman Kerry, according to a report In New York. Is going to Austria next month to make a series of pictures In that country for the international market. Norman Kerry is now on the Coast, The "Projektlons A-G. Union," the oldest producing company of the German film industry, has had its annual meeting. In this company the Ufa holds the majority of the shares. The German film trade union has held her general meeting in Berlin. In Gummersbach, Germany, the "Fllm-Fabrik-Aktien-Ges." has been founded with a stock of 30,000,0(10 marks with a view to producing raw Dim. This foundation is of special imporlajice, in view of the fact that the world's markets demand of raw film considerably surpasses the supply. The "Filmliga," a German association for furthering good film production, protested against the high cinema taxes In January, 1022, the capital invested in the German film industry was increased by 24,270,.")00 marks. Clar Kimball Young's contract in which Sam Zierler. the New York State rigtits exchange man, is financially Interested, calls for a series of five pictures annually. Tha first one will shortly be completed. Elliott Dexter, as exclusively reported in Moving Picture World, six weeks ao, is her leading man. pleased with the work done on it thus far. C. B. C. Forces Acquire Studio for Big 1922-23 Producing Program Los Angeles (Special). — Owing to the increased activities of Harry and Jack Cohn and Joe Brandt, who constitute the distributing firm of C. B. C. Film Sales Corporation, and producers of considerable short stuff, they have taken over a local studio where they will confine their production activities. The move was necessitated because of the ambitious plans of the firm. Among the pictures made by this firm are the popular Hallroom Boys comedies and the two-reel Sunrise comedies. The Hallroom comedies will be produced on a more elaborate scale, according to the announcement given out this week. It is proposed, too, to use the studio for the production of six melodramas that Messrs. Cohn and Brandt will produce during the coming season. There will be twentysix Sunshine Comedies turned out by Harry Cohn. The studio has been equipped with every modern facility. It is understood that a large production staff will be maintained here. The cutting and editing will all be done here and prints sent to New York ready for release. James B. Leong, the Chinese producer, has leased the Balboa studio here and will shorUy begin production there. Fred Caldwell has completed the continuity on a seven-reei special that Commonwealth Pictures will make at at the Balboa studio. C. E. Peters has been engaged to do the photographing. C. \. Beatty is the general manager of the Better Pictures Corporation, which, according to letters received here, has established a new lat>oratory in Chicago. with Universal, producing comstart production io. She will be five-reel specials Independent dlsand William R. venture. "Fires of Vengeance" Is the title of the first Long Chaney starring picture that Irving Cummings is producing for the independent market. Irving Lesser is said to be financially interested with Cummings in this production. Eva Novak, formerly has organized her own pany and will shortly at the Fine Arts stud featured In a series of of the mystery type for tributlon. E. L. Butler Reed are backing this Ferdinand Earle was scheduled to star production this week on a super special entitled "Faust," with an allstar cast. Mr. Earle has written the scenario and George Benolt engaged to do the photography. "No Money to Guide Them" Is the title appropriately given to the latest Hallroom Boys comedy, a pr'nt of which is now in New York. Harry Cohn produced this one, whclh si one of the best of the series. Jack Hoxie Is a busy man these days. He Is working on the second of the new series of Westerns which Sunset Productions will handle. Anthony J. Xydias is president of this firm. Philip Space — (well named) — used to be an eastern newspaperman, but now he is filling up newspaper space (no intent at comedy) exploiting Jack Hoxle for Sunset FroducMons, Inc. J. A. Howe, an old timer in direction line, is now working on the Roach line, after having done considerable work with Independent producers. Norman Kerry, who is working on Peter B. Kyne's "Brothers Under Their Skin," is to go to Au.strla where he will appear in a picture in which he Is to be starred. Director Fred Caldwell is very busy these days shooting "The Night Life of Hollywood," a travesty on the articles that have appeared In the newspapers. The cast includes Frank Glendon, Josephine Hill. Jack Connolly and Gale Henry. Arista Film Corporation, according to authentic gossip here, will State right "My Mother." Joe Dl Lorenzo, of New York, who is State righting the new series of "Big Boy" Williams Western flve-reelers, arrived here this week, completing the first leg of his trip to exchange centres. He took a look at the production on "The Trail of Hate," the second of the new series, and appeared to be well Grace Comeron will play the lead In "Little Dolly Dimples," which P. S. McGenney will make for Shamrock Productions. Inc. Del Andrews, until recently with Thomas Ince, is now associated with Hunt Stromber?, who has entered Independent production on an ambitious basis. He is production manager and nim editor as well. P. S. Corp. Gets Sunburst Films Producers Security Corporation has closed a contract with the Sunburst Pictures Corporation to handle the distribution of this company's products. Albert W. Plummer, president of the Sunburst Company, announces that the filming of "The Sands of Humanity" will start about May 10.