The Moving picture world (May 1922)

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May 6, 1922 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 105 LUOWIG G.B.ERB, PRESIDENT lERBOCRAPHI TRADE MARK REG U-S . PAT OFF. LABORATORIES AND STUDIO MOTION PICTURE DEVELOPING AND PRINTING TELEPHONE AUDUBON 3716 203 TO 211 W. 146 St., New York City CUSHMAN A'A 12 K.W. 30 to 125 Volts Engine and Generator Plants Cushman Plants are used with the greatest «atl3factloii far Picture Shows, Clrcu»e8, Carnivals and all other purposes where steady, reliable portable lleht ix required. The iensUive Throttling Governor makes the Cushman the Ideal eneine for this work. Plant Is very Ught weight and compact, with radiator cooler, for belt or chain drive. Ask for circular and prices, stating size you require. CUSHMAN MOTOR WORKS 938 N. 21st St. Lincoln, Neb, Every continent knom the dependability and snpsrUiltj of this Universal 4 kvr. plant — the reeogaiiMl staadard for motion picture work« either permaneBt or traveling. Also for alnusa*. eanilvals. etc. 4 K. W. Klectric Plant Oet Catalogue BO Univaraid Motor Co. Othkeah, BASS CUTS THE PRICE Latest 200 ft. Model Universal, 1922 ball bearing dlseolylng shutter, complete with Tessar lens. Bass's price. $399,00. Universal panoram and tilting top tripod. $80.00. 4 00 ft. Liberty War Model Universal, complete with lens and magazines, $255.00. Hundreds of other bargains. Write or wire. Immediate shipment. BASS CAMERA COMPANY, 109 No^ Dearborn St. Dept. 107 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS "MARTIN >> ROTARY CONVERTER FOR REAL SUN-LIT PICTURES PERFECT REEL DISSOLVING WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. 412 S. Hoyne Ave.. Chlcage 1010 Brakaw BIdg., Ne* York 1 heatinq v/entilatin^ [ .et the theatre ventilcUor| speciailM^s tellyQUjifioiMi^ Send to day for Booklet 6 nQHZQQH ^(7(7UN^ SySTEIA i n c. 1476 BRpiA.owAy Mew Voric, W.V J NOTICE Equipment — Manufacturers and Dealers .The 4th Edition (25000) of F. H. Richardson's HANDBOOK is going to press soon. The new 4th edition of the Handbook will contain about 1000 pages of technical matter — 400 pages more than the last edition. . / limited amount of advertising will be accepted up to press time. For rates address ADV. DPT. MOVING PICTURE WORLD Murray Hill 1610 516 5th Ave., N. Y. C. B. F. PORTER TAKES OVER BIG CENTER Will Have Largest and Finest Motion Picture Trade Center, Equipment Supply House, Public Projection Room, Service and Emergency Station, in the World. Best Experts for Repairing Machines and Generators. Prompt Service for Theatre Troubles. B. F. PORTER, ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, 729 SEVENTH AVE., AT 49th ST., NEW YORK