The Moving picture world (May 1922)

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208 MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 13, 1922 Music That Pays AS WELL AS PICTURES Successful Exhibitors put real theatre muaic on their programs — music that really appeals. You can "book" that kind of music easily — install a Barton Orchestral Organ. Any organist can play a Barton and the reiults checked in at the box office are surprising. Low prices ar« In •fleet now •Ith terms that Invite everybody In on the Barton proposition. Write today. The Bartola Musical Instrament Co. iU Mailers Bids. Chicago RADIO EQUIPMENT FOR PICTURE THEATRES Show your patrons what a REAL radio concert is like. It's easy and inexpensive if you get the right dope and equipment. We are specialists who know the requirements of the picture theatre and handle only practical outfits. Write or phone and we will help you. The Robin Engineering Co. 203 West 49th Street New York Phone: Circle 10, 237 TITLES FOR ALL PURPOSES — ANY LANGUAGE 10 Years Specializing in This Product Assures You of the BEST Moderate Prices QuIcJc Service PREMIER TITLE COMPANY 3S6-3S8 EAST 33rd STREET CHICAGO MACHINES THEATRE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES WRITE FOR CATALOG ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. G. E. MAZDA EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS Full Particulars Furnished MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO. 724 So. Wabash Ave. 228 Union Ave. Chicago, III. Memphis, Tenn. "Nothing Else WiU Do" NEW STANDARD TYPE Automatic Ticket Issuing AND Registering Machine UNIVERSALLY ENDORSED Send for particulars AUTOMATIC TICKET REGISTER CORPORATION 1780 Broadway New York Loew's New York State Theatre Has A Simplex Equipped Projection Room THE accompanying illustration shows the projection room of the Loew's State Theatre, New York City. Those who designed the room had in mind the comfort and health of the projectionists who would work there, as the approximate measurements of same are, thirty-five feet in length, thirteen feet in width by twelve feet high. The equipment installed at the time of the opening consisted of three Simplex projectors equipped with type "S" lamps and lamphouses, 3,000 feet magazines, arc light reflectors, film footage registers, asbestos heat shields, extra long light shields, double speed control handles, double motor siwitches (both of which permit of the starting, control of motor speed and stopping of same), from any side of the projectors. Robin speed indicators and Kinolite lenses are also part of the equipment. Other Equipment In addition to the three Simplex projectors, a Simplex stereopticon and a Simplex spotlight, are installed. All of the above equipment is finished in battleship grey enamel with highly nickeled parts, thus keeping in harmony with the color scheme of the projection room, which too is finished in battleship grey. Remote control panels are installed on the front wall of the projection room opposite each projector, making it convenient for the projectionists to control the amperage as needed froin a battery of multiple rheostats which are located in a separate room adjoining the projection room. The picture does not show the room in which the rheostats are located, but it does show the new pedestal shoe under the pedestal feet. These shoes are a very recent product of the Precision Machine Co., Inc.. and add greatly to the appearance of a projection room. These shoes are used in place of wood blocks or platforms in raising the projector feet from the floor, and permit for cleaning thoroughly around the base. With the advent of the Simplex Sun-Light high intensity arc lamp, the above type "S" arc lamps were replaced with the Simplex Sunlight arc lamps. While the picture only shows two of these installed, Mr. Michael J. Campbell, supervisor of projection for the entire Loew Circuit of theatres in Greater New York, states that since the picture was taken the third Simplex projector has also been equipped with one of these. In addition to the State Theatre the following Loew Theatres are equipped with the Simplex Sun-Light high intensity arc lamps. In New York City, the Orpheum, Eightythird street, Boulerard, Burland, Na'tionaJ, Rio Victoria and Greeley Square. In Brooklyn, the Alpine, Brevoort, Metropolitan, Broadway and Gates. In Newark, N. J., Loew's State. Guerin Junior Indicator Demonstrates Its Value In our issue of May 6, the Better Equipment Department advocated the use of seat indicating devices as minimizing the work of the ushers and permitting of a smaller staff to produce satisfactory results. The Guerin Theatre Seating System, Inc., of New Orleans, evidently read the article, as we are just in receipt of a communication from them, backing up our views with information that two of New Orleans' finest theatres have installed Junior indicators, built by the Guerin Company and are now able to seat the largest crowds in a fraction of the time formerly required and with a total elimination of confusion, also that the Merrill Theatre of Milwaukee has also installed the device with the most satisfactory results. Not only does the Junior seat indicator permit the seating of one hundred patrons in the same time required to seat twenty-five under the old system, but houses using them have THE PROJECTION ROOM Of Lock's Stale Theatre, Xetv York, and its Simplex equipment