The Moving picture world (May 1922)

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210 found the indicators a novel advertisement and an added attraction. Many theatres in which they have been installed have noted that hundreds of new patrons have attended the shows, being attracted by the novelty of the device and a desire to see it operate. MOVING PICTURE WORLD May 13, 1922 SPECIAL ROLL TICKETS Tour own special Ticket, any colors, accurately numbered; every roll guaranteed. Coupon Tickets for Prize Drawings: $5.00. $6.00. Prompt shipmenta. Cash with the order. Get the samples. Send diagram for Reserved Seat Coupon Tickets, serial or dated. All tickets must conform to Government regulation and bear established price of admission and tax paid. SPECIAL TICKET PRICES Five Thousand $3.00 Ten Thousand 5.00 Fifteen Thousand 6.50 Twenty-five Thousand 9.00 Fifty Tliousand 12.50 One Hundred Thousand 18.00 National Ticket Co. Shamokin, Pa. Radio r^^k? Mat TALK from your eoreen WITH your quickly TTPETRITTEN MESSAGES 00 RADIO HAT SLIDES $8. Aooept no Substitute. For Sale by all Leading Dealers USED FOTOPLAYER AT A BARGAIN PRICE! Remarhable opportunity for motion picture theatrel Fotoplayer in perfect condition: Klves complete orchestral reproduction ; played by hand or from double tracker player piano: provides excellent picture music at minimum e«t. Mualc continuous — no pauses for rewinding — can be changed Instantly to fit the scene. A chance to make your mustc, as well as your dims, a source of steady profit! Terms, If desired. Satltfaetion guaranteed. Write for full descripUon. A. F. COX, 717 Tribune Bldg^ Chicaaro QUALITY plus SERVICE backed up by a fair scale of prices — are offered and delivered with every order we receive for Developing — Printing — Titles fVrite for Latest Seal'' ~t Pricen STANDARD MOTION PICTURE CO. MaUers Building CHICAGO Phone: Central 2347 AMERICAN jf otoplaper (Trade-Mark Registered) The Musical Marvel Write for Catalogue AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. 1600 Broadway New York City THEATRE SPECIALISTS Designers of Over 200 Theatres C. HOWARD CRANE ARCHITECT ELMER GEORGE KIEHLER, Associate CYRIL E. SCHLEY Main Office: HURON BLDG.. DETROIT, MICH. Brancll Offices: New Yorli, Chicago, Windsor, Ont. Joe Hornstein, in New Quarters, Offers Big Bargains in Motion Picture Cameras JOE HORNSTEIN, having outgrown his quarters in the Godfrey building, has hired the entire building at 740 Seventh avenue, corner of Forty-ninth street, New York, where he now occupies two floors, the lower floor being devoted to the purposes of show room and sales department and the upper floor to the offices and store rooms. In addition to his line of motion picture equipment, the Howells Cine Equipment Company, of which Joe is vice-president and general manager, has, during the past few months developed a tremendous volume of business in the wholesaling of radio equipment. The Howells Cine Equipment Company is the wholesale sales agent for the Marko Eveready A. and B. storage batteries and dry cells, electrose insulators and dials. Pacent jacks, plugs and multi jacks, Westinghouse telephone equipment, Maganvox amplifiers, Brandes head telephones, Copperweld antennae wire and Ideal transformers. The Howeitite Camera How the mischief he accomplished it, we don't know, but Joe Hornstein has certainly put one over. We ran into his new office the other day to congratulate him on his new and amplified quarters and Joe showed us a motion picture camera which he was retailing at $100.00 per. This camera, by name, "The Howcllite," is equipped with a 3.5 anastigmat, with iris diaphragm, a brilliant finder, carrying case, two extra magazines and a tripod. The entire lay-out weighs in the neighborhood of ten pounds and has a capacity for two hundred feet of standard motion picture film. The focusing device is simple and convenient, the mechanism strong and sturdy and we rather imagine that the Howells Cine Equipment Company will have the deuce of a job keeping purchasers in line while the cashier is countitTg over the one hundred dollar bills. The only drawbacks lies in the fact, which Joe confided to us. that only a limited number can be obtained and the late comers for one of the biggest camera bargains ever known will probably trot back home with the hundred dollar bill still in their pocket and regret in their hearts that they did not get on the job earlier. Meanwhile, Joe's new ranch at 740 Seventh avenue, is the cameraman's mecca. Buffalo's New Web Will Cost $80,000 The new Web Theatre, built on the site of the old Kick House by Contractor Robert Bennett and designed by C. M. Borter, has been opened in Niagara Falls, Ont. The Web is one of the finest theatres in the surrounding vicinity of the Niagara frontier and probably the best equipped for its si^e, of any motion picture house in the locality. The building is of brick, concrete and steel and as nearly fireproof as possible. The capacity is 1,000 on one floor and balcony. The seats are leather covered with a space of 31 inches for each. The switchboard which is located in the basement has the appearance of a .miniature power plant. The heating equipment includes a large steam boiler with an extensive radiator system in operation throughout the building. \ large electric fan removes cold air and forces warm air in through a series of flues. The latter process will be reversed in warm weather and warm air will be displaced by cooler air. Simplexcs and Transverter Two type "S" Simplex machines have been installed in the projection room which is in the rear of the balcony. These are supplied with current through a Hertner Transverter, supplying 75 ampers to each machine at a six volt rate. Latest spotlights with color wheels have been installed by the Perkins Electric Company at Toronto. The theatre represents an outlay of $80,000 by five men who form the directorate. They are: H. Williams. G. Ellis, C. M. Borter, G. A. Briggs and F. H. Boulter. The first initials of the first three men's names has been adopted as the name of the theatre, the "Web." Mr. Williams is president and Mr. Borter, secretary and treasurer. Less Than Cost $10 To Manufacture fob Chicago 1-P HP 110 Volt 60 Cycle Large user of motors cancelled order and is letting them go at sacrifice prices. They are strictly first class — new — and guaranteed for 1 jear by us. You'll never get an opportunity like this again, so better order now. Reynolds Electric Co. 2648 W. Congress St. Chicago, lU. LA CINEMATOGRAFIA ITALIANA ED ESTERA OfTlclal Orfian of the Italian CinematAKraph Union Published on the 15th and 30th of Each Month Foreign Subscription: $7.00 or 85 francs Per Annum Editorial and Business Offices: Via Cumiana, 31, Turin, Italy NOTICE We have developed in our laboratories processes of recovering the valuable constituents of waste film and we are desirous of makinga connection with a concern with facilities for taking up the processes on a commercial basis. Box 264, care Moving Picture World, 516 5th Ave.. New York City. TYPHOON COOLING QYSTEM I TYPHOON FAN CO. 345W.39-ST. NEW YORK