The Moving picture world (May 1922)

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May 27, 1922 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 419 CURRENT FILM RELEASE DATES Numbers following titles of pictures indicate pages on which consensus or reviews appeared. "R" refers to Reviews. "C" to Consensus of Reviews published in Trade Papers. Unless otherwise specified, all subjects are five-reel dramas. For pictures previously released refer to Index in last issue for April, June, August, October, December and February American Releasing Cardigan (R-85. March 5) (C-170. March 11) (Kendall Prod.). Jungle Adventures (Martin Johnson). Jan of the Big Snows (Curwood). The Cradle Buster (Tuttle-Waller). 6 Reels. Bluebeard, Jr. (Livingston Prod). The Lying Truth (Marion Fairfax. 6 Reels (R-968. April 29). Sisters (International). (R-763. April 15) (C-8C. May 6). The Hidden Woman (Nanuet Prod). My Old Kentucky Home (Pyramid Prod.) Seve n Reels. (R-91, May 6), (C-334, May 20). Man's Lav? and God's (Finis Fox Prod.) Six Reels. The Three Buckaroos (Balshofer Prod.). The Pillagers (Chaudet Prod.) Destiny's Isle (Earle Prod.). False Fronts (Herold Prod.). The Mohican's Daughter (S. B. V. Taylor). His Wife's Husband (Betty Blythe). (R-341, May 20). ARROW FeatnreB Ten Nights In a Barroom. R-812. Jan. 21. The Splendid Lie (Grace Davison). R-863. Feb. 23. Back to Yellow Jacket (R-200, March 11). The Innocent Cheat (R-202, March 11). Chain Lightning (R-202, March 11). A Motion to Adjourn (R-202. March 11). Cupid's Brand (Jack Hoxie) (R-969. April 29). Watching Eyes (R-343, May 20). Serials Nan of the North (Anna Little). R-82. Mar. 4. Comedies Fifty-two Two-Reel Comedies. ASSO. EXHIBITORS FEATURES Woman Wake Up (Florence Vldor). (R-401. Mar. 25), (C-195, May 13.) Don't Doubt Tour Wife (Leah Balrd). ( R 405, Mar. 25), (C-334, May 20). Lady Godiva (R-87. May 6). Marry the Poor Girl (C-334, May 20). HAROLD LLOYD COMEDIES A Sailor Made Man. R-690. Dec. C-70B. Dec. 10. PLAYGOERS' PICTURES Reckless Chances (R-429, Jan. 28; C-170, March 11). Tropical Love. Father Tom. (R-403. March 25). Hills of Missing Men (R-664. April 8). [EPUCAnONAL RLMS Klnograms (Sundays and Thursdays). Christie Comedies . (Two Reels) Cold Feet (R-7G2. April 15). Any Old Port (R-876. April 22). A Hickory Hick (R-344, May 20). Torchy Comedies Torchy Takes a Chance (R-115. Jan. 7). Battling Torchy (R-429. Jan. 28). Torchy and Orange Blossoms. (R-40B. Mar. 25). Torchy's Ghost (R-760. April 15). Mermaid Comedies etep This Way (R-552. Feb. 4). The Rainmaker. Mlscellaneons How to Get Thin. (R-403. Mar. 25). Campbell Comedies Monkey Shines (R-662. Feb. 11). A Rag Doll Romance. (R-550. April 1.) A Penny Reward (R-197. May 13). ToonerrlUe Comedies The Skipper's Policy (R-970. April 29). Wilderness Tales Missing Men. Night of Many Shadows (R-761. April 15). My Country (R-969. April 29). firorld 'Wanderings People of Old Bruges. (R-402. Mar. 25). E^Mous Players -LAskt January The Bride's Play (Cosmopolitan, Marlon Davies). 6,47t) Ft. R-321. Jan. 21. The Last Payment (Pola Negri). R-431. Jan. 28. (C-656. Feb. 11.) The Loves ot Pharaoh. 7,352 Ft. (R-79. Mar. 4) (C-554. April 1.) February One Glorious Day (Will Rogers), 5,100 Feet. R-ti65, Feb. 11; C-748, Feb. 18. Saturday Wignt (.Cecil DeMille), 8,433 Feet. K-550, Feb. 4; C-656, Feb. 11. The Law and the Woman (Betty Compson), 6,461 Feet. R-426, Jan. 28; C-546, Feb. 4. Moran of the Lady Letty (Dorothy Dalton), 6,360 Feet. R-755, Feb. 18. Boomerang BUI (Lionel Barrymore), 6,489 Feet. R-754, Feb. 18. A Homespun Vamp (May McAvoy — Realart), 4,777 Feet. R-84, May 4; C-775, April 15. Love's Boomerang (John S. Robertson Prod.), 5,618 Feet. R-201, March 11. (C-292. March 18.) Her Own Money (Ethel Clayton), 4,981 Feet. R-82, March 4; C-170, March 11. Midnight (Constance Binney — Realart), 4,651 Feet. R-201, March 11. The Red Peacock (Pola Negri), 6,786 Pest R-200, March 11. A Game Chicken (Bebe Daniels — Realart), 4,748 Feet. (R-299. March 18.) March Travelln On (William S. Hart), 6,267 Feet. (R-405. Mar. 26.) (C-544. April 1.) Forever (Fitzmaurice), 7,236 Feet. The Mistress of the World (Special — Chapter 1) , B,647 Feet. (R-298. Mar. 18.) (C399. Mar. 25). The World's Champion (Wallace Reld), 6.080 Feet. R-201, March 11. (C-292. Mar 18.) Her Husband's Trademark (Gloria Swanson). R-81, March 4; C-170, March 11, Bobbed Hair (Wanda Hawlev — Realart) (R-550. April 15). 4,395 Feet. (C-86. May 6.) Fool's Paradise (Cecil DeMille). R-982, Dec. 24; C-1120, Dec. 31. The Mistress of the World (Special — Chapter 2) , 5,275 Feet. The Mistress of the World (Chapter 3), 5,061 Feet. The Heart Specialist (Mary Miles MInter — Realart). (R-554. April 1.) (C-756 April 15.) (4,768 Feet.) The Mistress of the World (Chapter 4), 8.82f Feet. Bought and Paid For (Agnes Ayres). R-400. Mar. 25. (C-544. April 1.) Beauty's Worth (Marlon Davis — Cosmopolitan Prod.). (R-662. April 8.) (6,751 Feet.) April The Green Temptation (Betty Compson). (R-548, Apr. 1), (C-656, Apr. 8), 6,165 Feet. Through a Glass Window (May McAvoy Realart). 4,490 Feet. (R-971. April 29.) Find the Woman (Cosmopolitan), 5,144 Feet (R-761, Apr. 15). The Cradle (Ethel Clayton), 4,698 Feet (R 404, Mar. 25), (C-656, Apr. 8). The Sleep Walker (Constance Blnney-Real art). 4,530 Feet. (R-876. April 22). (C-195. May 13). Bought and Paid for (DeMille Prod.), 5,601 Feet (R-400, Mar. 25), (C-544, Apr. 1). The Devil's Pawn (Pola Negri), 4,712 Feet. The Crimson Challenge (Dorothy Dalton). 4.942 Feet. R-877. April 22). (C-195. May 13). The Truthful Liar (Wanda Hawley-Realart). 5,243 Feet. (R-972. April 29). (C-195. May 13). The Spanish Jade (J. S. Robertson Prod.). Is Matrimony a Failure (Cruze All Star) 5j^6^12 Feet (R-972, April 29), (C-334, May The Good Provider (Cosmopolitan Prod.) (C9G4. May 29). R-879. April 22. Across thp Continent (Wallace Reld) (R-92 May 6). For the Defense (Ethel Clayton) (R-92. May 6). Through a Glass Window (May McAvoy) (R-171, April 29), (C-334, May 20). May Beyond the Rocks (Gloria Swanson), 6,740 Ft. (R-342, May 20). The Wife Trap (UFA production), 5,207 Ft. (R-200, May 13). The Beauty Shop (Cosmopolitan), 6,536 Ft. (R-344, May 20). North of the Rio Grande (Jack Holt-Bebe Daniels), 4,770 Ft. The Man from Home (Fitzmaurice Prod.), 6,895 Ft. (R-198, May 13). The Ordeal (Agnes Ayre.s). The Bachelor Daddy (Thomas Meighan), 6,229 Ft. (R-89, May 6). BURTON HOLMES (One Reel Each) Stamboul (R-427. Jan. 28, Along the Rio Grande. At the Damascus Gate. Lake Maggiorl. First Families of America. I FIRST NATIONAL Alf's Button (Special). (R-81. March 4) (C 874. April 22). Polly of the Follies (Constance Talmadge). (R-864. Feb. 25.) (C-292. Mar. 18.) Her Mad Bargain (Anita Stewart). Woman's Side (Katherlne MacDonald). (R 761. April 15). (C-195. May 13). Love's Redemption (Norma Talmadge). R-331. Jan. 21. The Beautiful Liar (Katherlne MacDonald). (R-664. Feb. 11.) (C-399. Mar. 25). The Song of Life (Stahl Production). (R-86B. Feb. 25.) (C-75. Mar. 4.) Kindred of the Dust (Walsh Production). (R-661. Feb. 11). (C-8G. May 6). The Rosary (Sellg-Rork). (R-82. Mar. 4.) (C-65G. April 8.) The Barnstormer (Charles Ray). (R-551. April 1), (C-334, May 20). Red Hot Romance (Emerson-Loos). C-748. Feb. 18. Penrod (Wesley Barry). 8,037 Ft. (R-862. Feb. 25; C-170. Mar. 11). (C-399. Mar. 25). The Cave Girl (R-84. Mar. 4.) Blind Hearts (Hobart Bosworth). R-1076; C-159. The Silent Call. R-649. Nov. 26. C-5S1. Dec. 8. She Sea Lion (Bosworth). R-S17. Jan. 31. (C-66e. Feb. 11.) Shattered Idols (R-199. March 11) (C-875. April 22). Cops (Two Reels — Buster Keaton). R-198, March 11. Smilin' Through (Norma Talmadge). (R-296. Mar. 18). (C-399. Mar. 25). A Question of Honor (Anita Stewart). (R 401. Mar. 25). (C-544. April 1.) The Seventh Day (Richard Barthelraess). (R-400. March 25) (C-875. April 22). Not Guilty. (R-552. April 1.) Fair Lady. (Rex Beach Prod.) R-654. April 1.) Gas, Oil, Water (Charles Ray) (C-964. April 29) (R-878. April 22). The Infidel (Katherlne MacDonald) (R-971. April 29). (C-195, May 13). The Woman He Married (Anita Stewart) R-877. April 22). (C-195. May 13). The Deuce of Spades (Charles Ray) (R-341 May 20). The Girl in the Taxi (De Haven) (R-344 May 20. COMEDIES The Duck Hunter (Sennett — Two Reels) On Patrol (Sennett — Two Reels). Pay Day (Chaplin — Two Reels). (R-769 April 15) (C-86. May 6). Step Forward (Turpin). His Wife's Relations (Two Reels) (Buster Keaton) (R-89. May 6). Note— Refer to top of pagre for explanation of reference marks SPECIAL Monte^ Crlsto (Eight Reels.) Arabian Love (R-761. Apr May 13). WILLIAM FAHNUM A Stage Romance. 6,416 Ft. (R-865 36) (C-75. Mar. 4.) .Shackles of Gold (R-343, May 20). (R-648. April 15). (C-195. Feb.