The Moving picture world (June 1922)

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458 MOMNG PICTURE WORLD June 3, 1922 Joseph Plunkett hung up his stocking — Yes, right in May! And Old Santa Claus has slipped him a package that is going to bring him big Money. He's got the third picture of RICHARD BARTHELME55 S o n n 3) " Booked for the New York Strand for next week. And you can bet it'll be a big clean up for— If s got the punch of "ToPable David.'' It's got the love and romance of **The Seventh Day." It's got—best of all—a big heart throb that makes it bigger than either. It's ''Our Dick at his best." Presented by INSPIR.\TIOX PICTURES, IXC. Taken from the play by George V. Hobart; directed by Henry King; screen adaptation by Frances Marion and Henr>- King. A FIRST NATIONAL ATTR.\CTION. We'll Tell You What They Think Of It Next Week nh&rell be a Franchise averywher&