The Moving picture world (June 1922)

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750 MOVING PICTURE WORLD June 24, 1922 Kissed (4,231 feet) (Marie Prevost—Star) (King Baggott—Director) (Universal) (R—May 27— 417). Koo Koo Kids V- reels) (Arrow). Lady Godiva (5,700 teet) (Founded on the poem, "Lady Godiva," by Alfred Tennyson) (Featured Cast) (Hubert Moest—Director) (Associated Exhibitors) (R—May 6—22) (C—June 3—497). Light Showers (1 reel) (Pollard Comedy) (Pathe) (R—May 13—2U0). Lights of the Desert (Shirley Mason) (Fox) (R— 738, June 24). Little Rascal, The (2 reels) (Baby Peggy) (Uni- versal). Loose Nuts (1 reel) (Universal). Love at First Sight (% reel) (Paul Terry Cartoon) (Pathe). Love's Masquerade (4,300 feet) (Conway "Tearle— Star) (William P. S. Earle—Director) (Selz- nick) (R—May 6—88). Lucky 13 (Richard Talmadge—Star) (Phil Gold- stone ). M Maid and the Millionaire, The (% reel) (Paul Terry Cartoonj (Pathe). Make or Break (2 reels) (Arrow). Man from Home, The (G,805 feet) (.\dai)ted from the play, "The Man from Home," by H. Leon Wilson) (Featured Cast) (George Fitzmaurice— Director) (Paramuont) (R—May 13—198). Man Who Married His Own Wife, The (4,313 feet) (Adapted from the story by John Fleming Wil- son and Mary Ashe Miller) (Frank Mayo—• Star) (Stuart Paton—Director) (Universal) (R —May 6—91). Man's Law and God's ( 6 reels) (American Releas- ing Corp.). Marshal of Moneymint, The (Arrow). Me and My Girl (5 reels) (American Releasing Corp.). Medium Spirit (2 reels) (Arrow). Missing Husbands (6,601 feet) (Adapted from Pierre Benoit's novel. "L'Atlandide") (Featured Cast) (Metro) (R—May 27—416). Mochican's Daughter, The (6 reels) (American Re- leasing Corp.). Model Dairy, The (% reel) (Paul Terry Cartoon) (R—May 13—199). Movie Chats No. 17 (Kineto) (R—June 1(^—577). Modern Mariners (2 reels) (Arrow). Moongold (2 reels) (American Releasing Corp.). Mosquito (1 reel) (Max Fleischer's "Out of the Inkwell") (Warner Bros.) (R—May 6—89). Movies. The (1 reel) (Snub Pollard) (Pathe—Re- issue) (R—May 27^16). Mr. Barnes of New York (4,804 feet) (Adapted from the drama by Archibald Clavering Gunter) (Tom Moore—Star) (Victor Schertzinger—Di- rector) (R—May 20—342). My Mistake (2 reels) (Arrow). My Old Kentucky Home (7 reels) (Monte Blue— Featured) (Ray C. Smallwood—Director) (R— May 6—91) (C—May 20—334). My Wild Irish Rose (7 reels) CVitagraph) (R— 736, June 24). N Nanook of the North (6 reels) (Pathe) (R—7;!."^, June 24). Nero (11,500 feet) (Featured Cast) (J. Gordon Ed- wards—Director) (Fox) (R—June 3—498) (C —734, June 24). Never Let Go (2 reels) (Reginald Denny) (Uni- versal). Next Aisle Over (1 reel) (Harold Lloyd—Star) (Pathe—Reissue). No Brains (2 reels) (Harry Sweet) (Universal). No Brains (2 reels) (O'Conor Productions). North of the Rio Grande (4,770 feet) (Adapted from "Vingle E. Roe's story of the same name) (Jack Holt and Bebe Daniels) (Rollins S. Stiir- geon—Director) (Paramount) (R—May 27— 416). Nothing But Trouble (1 reel) (Harold I.loyd) (Pathe—Reissue). O Off His Beat (2 reels) (Harry Sweet) (Universal). Oh, Daddy (2 reels) (Arrow). Open Trails (Arrow). Ordeal, The (4,592 feet) (Agnes Ayers—Star) (Paul Powell—Director) (Paramount) (R—579 —June 10). Our Leading Citizen (Thomas Meighan—Star) (Paramount) (R—738. rjune 24). Order of the Fish (2 reels) (Arrow). Out of the Silent North (4.211 feet) (Frank .Mayo— Star) (William Worthington—Director) (Uni- versal) (R—June 17—Gij3). Over the Border (6,837 feet) (Adapted from Sir Gilbert Parker's short story, "She of the Triple Chevron") (Betty Compson and Tom Moore— Stars) (Penrhyn Stanlaws—Director) (Para- mount) (R—June 17—653) (C—734, June 24). Papa's Night Out (2 reels) (.\rrow). Pardon Me (2 reels) (Arrow). Peace and Quiet (2 reels) (Arrow). Peace in Pieces (2 reels) (Arrow). Peggy. Behave! (2 reels) (Baby Peggy) (Univer- sal). Penny Reward (2 reels) (EMucational) (R—May 13 —197). Perils of the Yukon (Serial) (Wm. Desmond—Star) (Universal). Pillagers, The (7 reels) (American Releaslnc Corp.). Plain Grit (2 reels) (Reginald Denny) (Univirsal). Playing the Game (1 reel) (Sport Pictorial) (Gold- wyn). Price of Youth, The (Arrow). Primitive Lover, The (6,172 feet) (Adapted from the play, "The Divorcee." by Edgar Selwyn) (Constance Talmadge—Star) (Sidney Franklin —Director) (R—May 27—418). Prisoner of Zenda, The (10,467 feet) (Adapted from Anthony Hope's novel (Alice Terry—^Featured) (Rex Ingram—Director) (Metro) (R—May 6— 87) (C—June 3—497). Punch the Clock (1 reel) (Harry Pollard) (Pathe). Put on the Brakes (2 reels) (Arrow). Q Queen of the Moulin Rouge (6 reels) (American Releasing Corp.). R Raiders, The (4,800 feet) (Adapted from the novel, "The Whiskey Runners, " by Bertram Sinclair) (Franklyn Farnum—Star) (Nate Watt—Direc- tor) (Canyon) (R—May 6—88). Red Hot Rivals (2 reels) (Lee Moran) (Univer- sal). Referee, The (5,000 feet) (Conway Tearle—Star) (Ralph Ince—Director) (Selznick) (R—May 27 —115) (C—734, June 24). Rented Trouble (2 reels) (Arrow). Restless Souls (5 reels) (Earle Williams—Star) (Vitagraph) (R—738, June 24). Retribution (5,800 feet) (Featured Cast) (Casmillo Salvatori—Director) (Rialto Productions) (R— June 17—654). Rex Beach Weekend (Sport Pictorial) (1 reel) (Goldwyn). Ridin' Wild (5 reels) (Featured Cast) (Robert T. Thornby—Director) (Western Pictures Exploi- tation) (R—May 6—90). Rough Shod (4,486 feet) (Charles Jones—Star) (Reeves Eason—Director) (Fox) (R—June 17 —654) (C—734, June 24). Ruler of the Road, The (3 reels) (Frank Keenan— Star) (Pathe—Reissue) (R—May 13—198). Screen Snapshots No. 1 (1 reel) (Pathe) (R—June 10—577). Science at Home (1 reel) (Kineto) (R—June 10— 578). Second Hand Rose (5 reels) (Gladys Walton—Star) (Lloyd Ingraham—Director) (Universal) R— May 13—199) (C—June 3—497). Seeing Red (2 reels) (Tom Santschl—Star) (Uni- versal). Shackels of Gold (5,957 feet) ,Adapted from Henri Bernstein's play, "Samson") (William Farnum —Star) (Herbert Brenon—Director) (Fox) (R —.May 20—342) (C—June 3—197). Shaky Family Tree, A (1 reel) (Universal). Sheik of Araby, The (Former title—The Man Who Turned White) (H. B. Warner—Star) (R-C Pictures) (R—May 13—196). Sherlock Brown (4,800 feet) (Bert Lytcll—Star) (Bayard Veiller—Director) (Metro) (R—June 3—501). Sherlock Holmes (8,000 feet) (Adapted from William Gillette's play of the same name, which was based upon a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) (John Barrymore—Star) (Albert Parker —Director) (F. J. Godsol) (R—May 20—340) (C—June 3—497). Should Brides Marry? (2 reels) (Arrow). Sic 'Em Brownie (2 reels) (Brownie—The Dog) (Universal). Silas Marner (0.344 feet) (Adapted from the novel by George Eliot) (Crauford Kent—Featured) (Frank Donovan—Director) (Associated Ex- hibitors) (R—May 27—418). Silent Shelby (5 reels) (Adapted from the novel. "The Land o' Lizards") (Frank Borzage—Star) (Aywon) (R—May 20—.344). Sliver Girl, The (3 reels) (Frank Keenan) (Pathe —Reissue). Silver Wings (8,275 feet) (Mary Carr—Star) (Ed- win Carewe and Jack Ford—Directors) (Fox) (R—June .3—499). Smiling Jim (5 reels) (Franklyn Farnum—Star) (Paramount). Smudge ((;harles Ray) (First National). Slyest Bidder, The (2 reels) (Arrow). Smith. .lohn (6.000 feet) (Eugene O'Brien—Star) (Victor Heerman—Director) (Selznick) (R— June 10—580). Snooky's Home Run (2 reels) (Federated). Son of the Wolf (R-C) (R—737, June 24). Sonny (6.000 feet) (Adapted from the play by (jeorge V. Hobart) (Richard Barthelmess— Star) (Henry King—Director) (R—June 3— 499). Spanish Jade, The (5,111 feet) (Adapted from the novel by Maurice Hewlett and the play by Louis Joseph Vance) (David Powell and Evelyn Brent—Featured) (Paramount) (R—May 27— 416) (C—734. June 24). Sparks of Flint (Arrow). Special Delivery (2 reels) (AI St. John—Star) (Fox) (R—May 6—91). Split Seconds (1 reel) (Sport Pictorial) (Goldwyn). Squarin' It (1 reel) (Universal). Squire Phin (5 reels) (Maclyn Arbuckle—Star) (Leopold Wharton—Director) (Producers Se- curity Corp.) (R—May 13—197). Starland Revue (1 reel) (R-C Pictures) (R—June 10—.581). Stran-e Idols (.=5.700 feet) (Dustin Farnum—Star) (Fox) (R—June 10—580) (C—734, June 24). Stay Down East (2 reels) (.^rrow). Step On It (4,225 feet) (Adapted from the story. "The Land of the Lost," by Courtney Ryley Cooper) (Hoot Gibson—Star) (Jack Conway— Director) (Universal) (R—May 20—340). Strictly Modern fl reel) (Harry Pollard—Star) (Pathe). Stroke of Midnight. The (Adapted from the story by Dr. Selma Lagerlof) (6 reels) (Victor Sea- strom—Star and Director) (Metro) (R—June 17 —652), Such Is Life in London's West End (1 reel) (R-C Pictures Corp ) (R—April 29—698). Such Is Life in Monte Carlo (1 reel) (R-C Pic- tures) (R—June 10—.581). Such Ta Life in Voledam (1 reel) (R-C Pictures Corp.) (R—April 29—968). Sweet Cookie (2 reels) (Arrow). Sweet Mama (2 reels) (Arrow). Swing Your Partners (1 reel) (Harold Lloyd— Star) (Pathe—Reissue). T Ten Seconds (2 reels (Lee Moran—Star) (Univer- sal). Texas (5 reels) (Franklyn Farnum—Star) (PWI Goldstone). They're Otf (Peggy O'Day—Star) (Francis Ford- Director) (Aywon) (R—May 27—417). Timber Queen, The (Serial) (Ruth Roland—Star) (Fred Jackman—Director) (Pathe) (R—June 10—581). They Like 'Em Rough (4,700 feet) (Viola Dana— Star) (Harry Beaumont—Director) (Metro) (R —June 10—581). Three Weeks 0££ (2 reels) (Lee Moran—Star) (Uni- versal). Through a Glass Window (4,490 feet )(May Mc- Avoy—Star) (Maurice Campbell—Director) (Realari—Paramount) (R—April 29—971) (C— May 20—334). To a Finish (4,000 feet) (Buck Jones—Star) (Ber- nard Durning—Director) (Fox) (R—June 10— 578). Told at Twilight (3 reels) (Reissue) (Baby Marie Osborne—Star) (Pathe) (R^May 6—90). Tomale O! (2 reels) (Arrow). Tooncrville Blues (2 reels) (Ira M. Lowry—Di- rector) (Educational) (R—June 10—577). Tracks (5.466 feet) (Noble Johnson—Star) (Joseph Franz—Director) (Associated Exhibitors) (R— June 17—(),")4). Trap (0 reels) (Lon Chancy-Star) (Robert Thornby—Director) (Universal) (R—May 13— 196) (C—June 3—197). Trail of Hate, The (5 reels) ("Big Boy" Oulnn Williams—Star) W. Hughes—Director) (Dl Lorenzo, Inc.) (R—June 3—501) (C;—734, June 24). Trouble (4,800 feet) (Jackie Coogan—Star) (Al- bert Austin—Director) (Sol Lesser) (R—June 8 —499). Trouble Doctor (2 reels) (Arrow). Trouper, The (Gladys Walton—Star) (Universal). Truthful Liar, The (5,243 feet) (Wanda Hawley— Star) (Thomas Hetfron—Director) (Realart— Paramount) (R—29—972) (C—May 13—195). Two-Fisted Jefferson (2 reels) (Arrow). U Uneasy Terms (2 reels) (Arrow). United States Navy in the Making (Kineto) (R— June 10—581). Urban Movie Chat No. 11 (1 reel) (Kineto) (R— May 0—88), Urban Movie Chat No. 13 (1 reel) (Kineto) (B— May 6—92). V Vacation Time (2 reels) (Arrow). Veiled Woman, The (Hodkinson) (R—736, June 24). Vengeance Is Mine (3 reels) (Irene Castle—Star) (Pathe—Reissue) (R—May 13—200). Very Truly Yours (5,000 feet) (Shirley Mason— Star) (Harry Beaumont—Director) (Fox) (R —May 13—199). Virgin's Sacrifice, A (Vitagraph) (Corrlne Griffith). Village Sheik (2 reels) (Al St. John) (Fox) (R— June 10—578). W Wallflower, The (5,228 feet) (Colleen Moore—Star) (Rupert Hughes—Director) (Goldwyn) (R— May 13—1!)6). Watch Him Step (5 reels) (Richard Talmadge— Star) (Jack Nelson—Director) (Phil Goldstone) (R—May 13—200). Watch Your Step (4.713 feet) (CuUen Landls and Patsy Ruth Miller—Featured) (Goldwyn) (R— April 29—972) (C—June 10—576). Watching Eyes (4,577 feet) (Featured Cast) (Ar- row) (R—May 20—343). Western Speed (Charles Jones—Star) (William Wallace and Scott Dunlap—Directors) (Fox) (R—May 13—199) (C—June 3—497). What Next; (2 reels) (Arrow). When East Comes West (5 reels) (Franklyn Far- num—Star) (Phil Goldstone). White Hell (6.100 feet) (Featured Cast) (Bernard Fiekel—Director) (Aywon—Charles E. Bartlett) (R—May 27—418). Whose Husband Are You: (2 reels) (Arrow). Why Pick on Me? (1 reel) (Harold Lloyd—Star) Pathe reissue). When Good Fellows Get Together (2 reels) (Ar- row). Why Not Now? (2 reels) (Arrow). Wife Trap, The (5,207 feet) (Mia May—Star) (Paramount) (R—May 1.3—200). Wildcat Jordcn (5 reels) (Richard Talmadge—Star) (Phil Goldstone). Wise Duck. The (Fox) (R—May 27—418). With Stanley in Africa (Serial) (Geo. Walsh and Louise Lorraine) (Universal). Without Fear (4.406 feet) (Pearl White—Star) (Kenneth Webb—Director) (Fox) (R—April 29—970) (C^May 13—195). Woman of No Importance. A (Adapted from Oscar Wilde's plav of the same name) (Featured Cast) (Deni'son Clift—Director) (Selznick) (R —rune 17—653). , ^ ^ ^ Woman Who Walked Alone (5.941 feet) (Adapted from John Colton's story. "The Cat That Walked Alone") (Dorothy Daltoi>—Star) (Paramount) (R—June 17—655) (C—734, June 24). Women Who Fear (Playgoers Pictures). Y Yellow Stain, The (5,006 feet) (John Gilbert- Star) (Jack Dillon—Director) (Fox) (R— j,ay 27—415) (C—June .3—497). Yellow Men and Gold (5.224 feet) (Adapted from Gouvcrneur Morris' story of the same name) (Helene Chadwlck and Richard Dix—Fea- tured) (Irvin V. Wlllat—Director) (Goldwyn) (R—June 10—577). „ ^ , Your Best Friend (Warner Brothers) (C—734, June 24).