The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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November 11. 1922 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 161 *I Am the Law" Opens; Gotham Booking Plan Despite its belated release, "I Am he Law," the Edwin Curewe directed Lffiliated Distributors, Inc., great Jorthwestern feature, is in great de|aand among exhibitors iu New York nd New Jersey. Early bookings anlounced this week by Bobby North of he Apollo Exchange, which is disriljuting the picture in the metropolidistrict, indicate a big gross lilal for this production, which was ivcii its premier showing this week I 15. S. Moss' Broadway Theatre. New ork, where it played to splendid udiences. Mr. North expects this icture to tack up a top gross record or his exchange. The publicity given he picture is helping considerably. Among the more important first run cokings already arranged by Apollo Jxchunge are the following: Loew's lltate, Newark: B. S. Moss' Platbush, i (roadway, Franklin, Kogent. Coli1 eum, Hamilton and Jefferson in New I ork ; B. F. Keith's Fordham, Kivi-ia. Prospect, Greenpoint and Eighty» rst Street Theatre in New York : B. i'. Keith's Parthenon in Brooklyn; '. F. Proctor's 120th Street in New ork; Belvedere in Brooklyn; Procj or's Yonkers Theatre in Vonkers: i tate Theatre and Uitz in Jersey City, nd Strand Theatre In oboken. Negotiations now under way indiate that Warner Brothers' next spell lal, "The Beautiful and Damned," • fill be given its premier showing at i he Strand Theatre. "More to Be Pitied Than Scorned," the I. B. C. Film Sales Corporation first Big Six" release, is playing over the I ^loss-Keith-Proctor houses to good usiness. The fact that the new association if independent nookers who have ombined into one booking organizaion has started to function is alracting much interest among exhanges in New York. Jnsl liow (hr irrangement will affcc-l I lie bookings emains to be seen. The first inde)endent exchange to declare war o.. he "a.vndicate" bookers was Warner Jrothers' Exchange, which, while landling "School Days." turned down he latler's proposilimi .•iiid liooked he picture independently. Sam Zierler of ComnionweaK li I'i. ^ures Corporation has several offers from Broadway houses anxious to tage the premier metroiiolitan showing of the Al I.ichtman special, 'Shadows." Joe Plunkeft of tile Strand and Sam liothafel of the' Clapilol both attended the special trade Showing of the B. P. Schulberg pi< ■ ;nre. which Tom Forman directed, at the Hotel Biltmore last Friday niirlif Commonwealth Pictures Corporation aad the unusual distinction of playing part host to exhibitors in the "Metropolitan territory twice within :en days. Two wei>ks ago Sam Zierler jn collaboration witli C. C. Burr gave I special sliowing at the Biltmnr( of Johnny Hines' feature. "Snre-Fire Flint" and "Secrets of Paris." and a week later "Shadows" was shown. The Arrow Film ExchaiiL'e has ^tarted exploitation on its two new Arrow features. "Streets of New I^'X'ton Kiuii production, and "Night Life of Hollywood " The New York Board of Censors this week passed the Al Lichtman Bpecial. "Shadows." with Lon Chanev without a single cut. "Madonna in Chains" Ready The first release of Ainalgamated Exchanges of America, "The Madonna in Chains." was completed last week and will be ready for release late this month. Those in the cast include Martha Mansfield. E. K. Lincoln, Joseph Striker, Mrs. Rodolph Valentino and others. Mrs Valentino left for the Coast immediately after the picture was completed. C. B. C. Tieing Up Xmas Shopping with Its Latest Production week by the announcement of only one way in which the promised co-operation of big stores in many of the cities is to be utilized for the good not only Film Sales Corporation received of the C. B. C. and the feature but many inquiries as to just what for the community as well, lines could be followed out in This is to take the lines of a such a campaign. That these are "Do Your Christmas Shopping many and varied is proved this Early" cair.paign and the wheels Following the announcement a week or two ago of a tremendous campaign tying up local merchants on the exploitation of "Only a Shopgirl," the C. B. C. D. C. Goodman Will Make Four Equitys Daniel Carson (joudman, author and producer of the latest "Special" production, "What's Wrong With the Women?" released by Equity Pictures Corporation, was among the arrivals when the Olympic reached port on Tuesday last. Dr. Goodman has been in England and France for the past six weeks, enjoying a short vacation, and at the same time, getting extensive first hand information and atmosphere for his next contribution to the screen. This coming production will be the second of a series of five pictures that Equity Pictures intends to release during the current year, all from the pen and hand of Daniel Carson Goodman. The remarkable success achieved bv "What's Wrong With the Women?" his first offering, has given Dr. Goodman the incentive to surpass his last picture, and has convinced Equity Pictures that special productions, containing a powerful story, an excellent cast supervised by a director who considers detail and continuity above all else, will alwaj's find a ready market in the independent field. At the present time, no definite information can be given to the trade regarding the name of the new picture or its type of story. ular with exhibitors in this territory, for bookings are heavy on this feature. Joe Horowitz Passes Away DETROIT (Special)— Joe Horowitz, one of tlie best known and bost liked film men in Michigan, passed away at his home here on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 26, following a brief illness. His death came as a shock to his many friends. Mr. Horowitz, af fectionately known to his friends as "Joe." had recently re-ostablished .1 local distributing lirm. Apparently David Mundstuck, who has organized Exclusive I'ictures, Inc.. here, intends operating on an elaborate basis, for he has submitted bids for some of the bigger pictures now available for his territory. Among the product for which he' is negotiating are Affiliated Distributors. Inc.. IM-cduct and "Notoriety." Will Nigii s first L. Lawrence Weber-Bobby North production. Warner Brothers Exchange here, reorganized, is now working smoothly, and hardly a visitor in this section, visiting the Film Building, misses dropping in. The first release in this territory will be "Rags Xtt Riches," with Wesley Barry. Joins Lichtman Leon I). Netter this week joined the Al Lichtman Corporation and together with Henry Ginsberg will have charge of foreign and domestic sales of the company's product. Netter's new duties will keep him on the road a considerable part of the time. Before joining Lichtman. Mr. Netter was New York luanager for Educational. He was associated with Sol Lesser in a State rights business for eight years on the Coast and in New York. have already been set in motion and definite practicable tie-ups being made. A detailed campaign along these lines, planned by Esther Lindner, head of publicity and exploitation for C. B. C. has already gone, setting forth ideas and suggestions that are actually practicable and will serve as a basis of guide for all exchanges handling the Six Box Office Winners — with suggestions for getting stores and newspapers behind the movement, placards, co-operative moves with local Chambers of Commerce, and other opportunities. The majority of territorial organizations handling the features have already reported that at least one — and several more local merchants have received the idea enthusiastically and promised their fullest cooperation. This line "Do Your Christmas Shopping Early" is being used also by C. B. C. and the exchanges in advertising the six features — and will be their own slogan also to exhibitors for the next month. To carry out this idea one of the exploitation novelties in connection with "Only a Shopgirl" is a pocket shopping list of celluloid, such as women carry in their pocket-books on their shopping tours — made of celluloid which can be written on and then erased or washed ofY and used again. DOGGONE Business generally at the independent exchanges is improving witli the Standard Film Service Exchange leading the procession. Standard, incidentally, is releasing the bulk of independent product in this section, for, in addition to operating as the Standard Exchange, the Harry Charnas contingent also have the Federated and Al Lichtman franchises for this territory. C O I M C H "What's Wrong With The Women ?", the Equity special, is seemingly pop MASTODON FILMS, INC. C. C. BURR, Pres. 133-135-137 West 44th Street NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. BOOK AT EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGES