The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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From the great book. Aiizia YexierslsA Additional titles bjr Montague Glass Directed by £ . Mason Hopper WE are proud to present this collosal pageant of human loves and sorrows that now takes its place with the few immortal works of the silent drama. Here is a living story of a vast metropolis where life's battle is thrilling, cruel, yet deeply fascinating, where the flower of love blooms sweetly and tenderly while the ceaseless parade of hates and passions, romance and adventure passes by in absorbing procession. Here is a true masterpiece. Here is a picture that will take its place with the greatest. Ask Goldi^ Released NOV.16 The Studii Skeleton RUN OVER IN YOUR MIND the biggest box office stars of the day. Pola Negri is among them, isn't she? You don't have to answer, of course she is. Well, here is a big piece of news. GOLDWYN IS GOING TO RELEASE THE GREATEST PICTURE THAT POLA NEGRI EVER MADE. Itis^Sapho," an adaptation of the world-famous novel and play. This is just one more reason for becoming a Goldwyn exhibitor. "BEN HUR" is going to be a stupendous production. There is no doubt about that. But one important question remains unanswered and it is causing a lot of discussion in the trade. Who will be the director of Lew Wallace's masterpiece? It is rumored that a choice has narrowed down until it rests between three of the most famous directors in the world. "Ben Hur" wUl be the prize assignment of the year. RUPERT HUGHES NEVER STOPS. With "Remembrance" going the rounds of first run theatres, and "Bitterness of Sweets" just completed, he has found time to finish the continuity of "Souls for Sale" and is assembUng a cast of stars. A wire from the Goldwyn Studios at Culver City states that Claire Windsor, Richard Dix, Frank Mayo and Lew Cody have been engaged thus far. "Souls for Sale," is a story of life in the Hollywood motion picture colony. It is a "best seller."