The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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"The new "Tess of the Storm Country' is the greatest picture Mary Pickford has ever made. It is more than that. It is one of the great pictures of motion picture history. It is the high water mark of the star's career. Miss Pickford seems the incarnation of eternal youth. She is wonderfully and profoundly satisfying. " — N. Y. Evening Mail. "Mary Pickford's re-creation of 'Tess of the Storm Country' surpasses infinitely most movies that are now in their first blush. It seems by far the best picture ever turned out by a film actress. For an extremely adroit fusion of comedy, pathos and melodrama it has all the other feminine pictures sinking for the third time. You v^all enjoy this picture." — N. Y. Sun. "Tess of the Storm Country' is an excellent film, and one that cannot fail to please and entertain any audience. Your beloved Mary is there, charming as ever." — N. Y. Dsuly News. "Miss Pickford is as winsome as ever in "Tess of the Storm Country' — the last word in charm and attractiveness. Improved methods of filming have brought the new version up to the best standards of today." — N. Y. American. " 'Tess of the Storm Country' is unquestionably a success, it is sure to be a highly profitable production. Miss Pickford herself is splendid." — N. Y. Herald. " "Tess of the Storm Country' was and Is the best thing Mary Pickford has ever done. Miss Pickford in her latest edition of the famous picture, far outshines the Mary Pickford of eight years ago: And that is the highest praise we can give." — N. Y. Evening World. "The unusual Mary Pickford makes this an unusual picture. She is perfectly beautiful."— N. Y. Tribune. ^ess of 3rom the nouel by Qi'ace Mil lei White J3y arrangement ujith Qdolph Zukor Direction by ^ohn J~ J?obertxon Photography by Charlef Qoxhef "Mary Pickford makes 'Tess' real, for Miss Pickford acts. She scampers and skips in her old familiar way, but she also acts. She has intensely human moments. Her pantomime is subtle and finished." — N. Y. Times "Miss Pickford probably has never acted a part more beautiful than she acts this one. The element of suspense is played upon with great effect and the plot so arranged as to arouse the utmost interest."" — N. Y. World, "Mary Pickford's beauty never has appeared softer or lovelier. The photography is superb. The direction ranks among the best. The production is splendidly cast. And Miss Pickford's characterization of the wild, madcap, tender-hearted squatter girl has been beautifully accentuated."— Morning Telegraph. "The story of 'Tess of the Storm Country', is the kind of mixture of pathos, humor, drama and sentimentality which Mary Pickford always fits into perfectly." — N. Y. Call. "Mary Pickford never has had, and probably never will have again so excellent a vehicle as 'Tess of the Storm Country' for the exploitation of her natural and dramatic talents. She, herself, was as effective as ever. She appeared more like seventeen than she did five or six years ago. " — N. Y. Globe. "The re-created 'Tess of the Storm Country is the finest achievement of Mary Pickford's career. The story is closely knit and the pictures as they melt before the eye, are rich in atmosphere and beauty." — Evening Telegram. "Mary Pickford has a new success to her credit. One loves Tess for her sweet simplicity and unspoiled faith as much as for her spirit and spunk when viciousness peers in the window and villainy stalks through the door." — N. Y. Evening Journal. UNITED APTI J-TX COf^POf^ATION MAIiY PICKFOriD OOUGLAJ" FAiriDANKX CMAQLIC CHAPLIN PQEJ-IDENT