The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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368 MOVING PICTURE WORLD November 25, 1922 entire business of the former corporation and has assumed all its obligations. No change has been made in the personnel of the corporation or its officers. DEBRIE CAMERAS REGULAR SPEED! SLOW MOTION ORD HE EVENTS OF THE WORLD An exclusive feature of the Debrie is the sUde fitted with ground glass which can be brought into position in the aperture without opening camera, enabling accurate focusing at anv time. M oTioN picture: APPARATUS CO. | 118 West 44th Street New York City Opposit** Belasro Theatre Ownersliip Management of Willoughby. Inc. You will Always Find the best Equipment Advertised in Moving Picture World* LA CINEMATOGRAFIA ITALIANA ED ESTERA OfflfU) Omm ft th* lullma ClB«B>tocnph VMm Published on the 15th and 30th of Each Month Fw*ln (akMHitlM: t7.0« w (S tmm Mr AMB EdilerUl and BuciacM OfflcMi Via Cumiana, 31, Turin, Italy Hallberg Resigns from the U. T, E. to Engage in Research and Exploitation JH. HALLBERG resigned, on November 1, as consulting engineer of the United * Theatre Equipment Corporation, to devote his entire energies to the manufacture, improvement and exploitation of the Hallberg products, and to act as consulting technical engineer for moving picture theatre owners, inventors and manufacturers. Mr. Hallberg is a pioneer inventor and manufacturer of picture theatre and electrical apparatus, having entered the field in 1907. More than five thousand exhibitors in the J. H. HALLBERG A Pioneer in the Picture Theatre Equip, ment field. United States and many others abroad are today using apparatus bearing his name. Father of a Great Line A list of the Hallberg apparatus includes motor generators A-C to D-C, the Hallberg A-C economizer, Mazda lamp regulator, the Hallberg continuous feed arc control, the Hallberg electric film speed indicator and recorder, the Hallberg portable featherweight electric light plant and projector, the Hallberg direct connected gasoline and kerosine electric light plants, the Hallberg D-C motor generator charger for six-volt radio batteries, the Hallberg featherweight 200-watt electric generating plant, radio storage batteries, and Hallberg electric instruments tor all voltages for D-C or A-C or any frequency for switchboard or wall mounting, also portable volt meters, watt meters and frequency meters. Mr. Haiiberg maintains a research laboratory for making comparative efficiency tests for inventors, investors and manufacturers. In his long connection with and high position in the business end of the motion picture industry, an extended personal knowledge of the comparative values of different types of electrical apparatus renders his advice to inventors and prospective investors particularly valuable. Developing Radio Apparatus To his line of motion picture apparatus, Mr. Hallberg has recently added a high class line of receiving radio apparatus adapted to theatres, commercial institutions and the home, one type of which may be operated direct from any 110-volt lighting circuit and without batteries or aerials. Mr. Hallberg retains, until further notice. his offices at 25 West 45th street. New York City, and from which an extensive sales campaign for Hallberg products will be conducted. Invites Correspondence All users of Hallberg economizers, motor generators and other specialties are cordially invited by Mr. Hallberg to correspond with him or to call for any information which may be of value in operating or improving operation of Hallberg equipment. A service engineering department is maintained and Mr. Hallberg personally takes a keen interest in the continued satisfactory operation of his apparatus after its installation and will be glad to offer advice to old or prospective users of his machines. In the consulting engineering department, motion picture theatre owners, inventors, prospective investors and manufacturers are met for the purpose of discussing proposed installations, inventions and the merit of various types of old and new apparatus. Mr. Hallberg states that he is open to the agency for exclusive and specially meritorious apparatus and that he will be glad to hear from established distributors and dealers concerning the sale of the Hallberg product. Every Exhibitor His Own Lighting Artist The exhibitor who wishes to produce his own color effects, on either inside or outside lights, will be interested in the PermaColor-Lite products, for which the Behrend Motion Picture Supply House, 729 Seventh avenue. New York City, are the distributors for New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. The Perma line is put up in containers of gallon, quart, pint, eight-ounce and fourounce capacity, so that any number of bulbs desired may be dipped and colored at one time and without waste; or the exhibitor may carry in stock sufficient material to take care of his needs far in advance. The Line in Detail The line of Perma products consists of Color-Lite, for use on inside bulbs; Opalite, which is waterproof and weather-proof, for use outside, and Frostine, which gives a translucent light, is permanent for inside use. Color-Lite is a transparent coating for electric lamps and gives a smooth, hard, even, natural glass finish, and, being waterproof, will keep indefinitely. A hard enamel surface with a high polish is produced with Opalite and this finish is waterproof and permanent for outdoor use. It will not peel and can be washed away when soiled. Frostine produces a hard, solvent, rough surface, gives a translucent light and a beautiful colored frosted effect. It is permanent for indoor use and can be washed away when dirty. For those desiring to use frosted lamps, same as supplied by the lamp manufacturers. Permafrost, which is an etching acid, is offered by the Behrend Motion Picture Supply House. A complete line of the Perma products is always carried in stock by the Behrend Motion Picture Supply House, who will send, on application, a price list of the entire line and full information in regard to its use. LOUISVILLE, KY.— James Carrigan. operating Aristo Theatre, is considering site for erection of new theatre, to cost $1,500,000.