The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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466 .1/ (M / A (. /' / ( I U A' /i U' O RLD l)t'cctiil)cr 2, \9. RcvUw Con«»ti«u» Footac* U.IU ol CliarlfK Jones Nov. * Nov. 2S Step l.ivfly, rifane Svnuhine Com»<ljr . ..Nov. ■! ^ i*» numpn »ii<l riuimin Miui and Jeff Nov. * > [ "W Town Th»t Korgot Go.!, ... Special Nov. H I".**' Ar»bi« Tom Mix Nov. 1 .; <*t The HaunKvl House Siinslnne tomeily Nov. 11 Camplior E.luc.itional Nov. » '«w The V.llaRT lllacksmitli \\m. Walling Nov. 1« The Love I'.amMcr John Gilhert Nov. 18 ..Shivley Mason Nov. 25 R»vta«r The Golf Hug Pmil I'arrott Oct. The Kopin Kool Will R.igem Oct.».... Ilenpecke^l H«rry Paul Terry Oct K Shine 'Km lip I'aul I'ariolt .Shirley ol the l"i Kanoh Kome.^* . . Cometly ... Nov. 25 1 " ....Not. 4 I.OI»| The Klcphant's Trunk V'artoon Fable Nov. 4 I.' Our (Jang Hal Roaili Nov. 4 . Hale an.l Hearly Snuli rollard Nov. 4 . The Driller I.eo Maloiiry Nov. 11. Hook. Ijne and Sinker Snub I'ollartl Nov. 11 2.0 Washed .A«hore Paul Parrolt Nov. 18 _ l.( The Price of Progrcti Special Nov. 18 2.« HarveM Hands (•,-n<< Nov. 18 m l.i The Rolling Stone ' ' !<• Nov. 18 l.(Mj GOLDWYN Winier Pep Sp»nl 1 ilni Alwxi the Woman Hetty Comptoo July U .Aug. 12 ? -i^O A Rex Beach Week Ead Sport Film J.OM Taking the Air Sport Kilm By. Way I'hainptona Sport Kilm 1'"' For, Hook. Line and Siuktr L»« Spht Secxjnda • •• »••»■ Playing the Gam* • • Remcmhranoc All-Star Sept. 2J Oct. 14 S.h.V .Sherlock Holmea John Barrym.>rx! May » June 3 8.i«JI Tlie .Sin KKvhI I.loyd. director Jan. 21 Oct 22 6.500 Brothers Under the Skin. . . Featuie%1 Cast ..Nov. 25 4.9&.' Hunitry Hearts A Blind Uargain ■ Brv>ken Chains •• .... Northwest Mounter! Police... Sport Film Nov. 2 1,«« The Knchanied Fiddle < •<■ Nov. 18. His Fjiemy's Friend 1 > Nov. 25. Young Sl\crlock«w ..' I 'ui u..nK Comedy. Nov. 2S. The Big Scoop Johnny Jonei Nov. 2S. The Flivver «>— ' <^-" 2.0 2.0 il>3ui l^arroir... ... ...Nov, 25 \'S PLAYGOERS PICTURES The Man She Brought Back Face to Face The Island of Doubt Through the StonB Her Majesty The \\ onian Who CuBC Back Sunshine Harbor Lonesome Cornen The M.m .m.l the Moment Chas Miller Trod... Oct. 7 Nov. 18.. Reginald Warde Oct. 7 Nov. U.. W yndham Standing . Sept. 30 ....Oct 21... Roaa Proil Sept. 9 Mollie King Aug. 19 s.ont . 4U1 Margaret Beecher Kdgar Tones H.ivl.M.l Il.ihh.,... .Aug. 12 Oct. 7 $.«» «JOi .Nov. U 4.621 Nov IS 4,470 SELZNICK HODKINSON 12. . Sept. 30 Heart's Haveti Adam« McKim .\ug. Great Author* Series J.™ Movie Chat Series 1.000 Slim Shoulder* Irene Cattle Inly 8 Aug. 19 t.<Xt\ Marrieii People Mabel Ballin July 29 Sept 2 5,1)0 \ffiniiiea Colleen Moore Aug. 16 "i*1 The Headleas Horwmgin Will Rogers Jet. 28 .Not. 2S 6.000 The Mvstery Box Bray Special Nov. 2S l.ttV The Sky Splitter Bray Special Nov. 25 l.OOO Bulldog Drummond Carfialc Blackvrell ....Nov. 2S J.Wi Channing of the Northwo John Smith Under Oath SeUnick News Love It an Awful Thing. One Week of Love .Kugent l>'Brien June 17 June 24 ., .Eugene O'Brien June 10 July 22 .. .F.. Hammerttein Aug. 26 5, .Two a Week Km .Owen Moore Sept 16 Oct 7 t.SOi .Elaine H.^nimerstein .Nov. IS 7.fM) S.17$^ UNITED ARTISTS The Three Mutketeert IX>ug!a» Fairbanks Sept 10 Sept >t. Little Lord Fauntleroy Mary Pickford Oct. 1 Oct I... The noil's Ilouie Nanmova Feb. 25 Mar. 4 The Man Who Played God. Geo. Arlisa Oct 7 Oct 21 . Rohin Hood Douglas Fairbanki ..Oct 28 Tess of the Storm Cunotry. .Mary Pickfnl Nov. 2S .. S.VTO s.sss in 010 10.000 AL LICHTMAN UNIVERSAL Rich Men's Wivet C.asmcr lVo.i .Sept 2 Nov. 4 6.500 Shadows B. Schulberg Prod.... Nov. 11 7,040 Thorns and Or»i\ge BloasomsC.asnier Pro.1 Nov. 2S h."'7l The Hero C.asmer Pro<I Are Vou a Failure? Forman Provl lV>r Men's Wivet Gasnier Pick! The Girl Who Came Back. .Forman Prod Mother».in-Law Gasnier Prod. .A«c. S . .July • C3S0 74di METRO Tlie Fire Dollar Baby Vu>U O.iv.a lune 10 June 24 6.aM PKw t Write Letters C.areth Hughes May U June 10 4.aX> The Prisoner ot Zenda Rex Ingram Prod ...May 6 June 3 10.4fi7 Forget MeNot Burtton Prod luly 29 The Face Between Bert Lytell July 29 Au«. S 5.000 \ l.a.fies' Man Bull Montana Aug. 26 ,'.<W0 The Hands of Nar» Clara K Young Aug 19 Sept 33 6.000 Broadwav Rote Mae Murray Sept SO Oct 21 7,227 tunc Madneat Viola Dana Oct. 7 5,600 Trifling Women Rex Ingram Prod.. ..Oct 14 Nov, 25 '.tWO Youih lo Youth Billie tfcve Oct 2* N'Wl A Piivcniir.l I'Vince Bull Montang !>ct. 28 l.OXi F:iter Nov. 11 Clara K. Young 6,.'=<X) Mvid and Sand Nov. 11 1.aurel Comedy 2,000 Love in the Dark Viola Dana Nov. » 6,000 Adveniurea of Robinton Crusoe » Haii* Myers Serial.. June 17 Human Heart! House Peter* luly 22 The Storm House Peter* July 1 Perils of the Yukoa Wm Desmond Serial. July I Matinee Idles Neely Edwards m 1008 Sure Shot Morgan Special 3000 The Gvpsv Trail Art Acord JCW In the Days of Buffak) BilLArt Acord-Serial ....Sc^t t Foolish lives Lee Moran 2008 The Soul Henier Harrv Carey 1000 Off the Earth Neelv Edwardt 1008 White and Yellow tack Miilhall XXO Hit First Job Lewtt Sargent 1.Q0I Giants of the Open Roy Stewart Oct. 21 2.000 The Radio King Serial Sept. 30 Serial 7 Oct 2B 4.S0I 7 Oct 28 4JJI 7 Oct. 28 T.ta 7 2.000 14 2.000 2.000 7 2.000 21 l.OOO PATHE June 24 July 1 eooo \0M Nanook of the North Film Go Ctei Em. Hutch— Serial.Charlra HutchitoB Pathe Review Issued Weekly Paihe News Twice a Week Topics of the Day Issnevl Weekly 2S0 The Timber Quf*" Ruth Roland Serial... l*t's C«i LK>yd Reissue lOW Hear "Em Rave Lloyd Reissue 1000 T>ie Poy and the Bear Kahle Sept. B TOO Si Senor Lloyd Reissue lOOO Come an.f Get Me Lew MaVmey Sept. 23 WIO Count the Votes Lloyd Reissue _ 1000 The Two Slick Trader* Cartoon F»We Sept .10 7K) <:p^— Serial Charles Hutchintoo. ..Sept. 2J 2.000 Soak the Sheik Paul Parrott Sept. 2.t l.OOO Face the Camera Paul Parrott Sept 30 1.000 At the Old Stag* Door Lk>yd Reissue 1,000 The Big Flovl Cartoon Sept, 30 780 Pay Your Dues Uoyd Reissue LMI Depntired I.eo Maktncy Sept .10 tJtSt Fire Fighters Comedy Oct. 7 2,000 The Hate.1 Rivals .....Cartoon Oct. 7 Never Touched Me Two of a Trade Cartoon Comedy Oct 14 709 The Old Sea Dog Snuh Pollard Oct 14 2,000 The Girl Who Ran Wild Gladvs Walton Oct The Long Chance All Star Oct. Under Two Flag* PHacilla Dean Oct White and Yellow Jack MulhaU Oct Some Familr ••. Lee Moras Oct. The Wrong Man Harry Carey A Kickin' Fool Oct Once to Every Boy Lewis Sargent Oct, The Fresh Kid lohnny Fox and Edna Gregory Oct. 21 J.O00 King of the Greeks Jack Mnlhall 2.000 The Lone Hand Hoot Gibson fVt 21 4,857 Doing 'em Good Neelv Edwards Oct 28 ". 1,000 Weilding Pumps Brownie t'Wt. JB 2,m0 Rustlers of the RedwWs. . Rov Stewart Nov. 2$ Not. B tOOB The Kentucky Derby .Tewel Oct. 28 5..W8 Wolf Law Frank Mayo Oct 21. 4.46J The Cahhy Century Not. 4 2,000 A 44 Caliher Myitery Harrv Carey Not. U tOOO Blue BKvvd and Red Roy Stewart Nov. 4 .\O00 Broad Daylight I ois Wilson Nov. H 4,S9I Accidei tai Wealth Neelv Edwards "2000 Ginger Fa.-e C > I'^medy Not, IB 2 000 Another Man's Shoes ; wlinson. . .Not. U 4,251 A Mo.lel Messenger ent Nov. 11 LOW Pirates of the Deep .11 •Jo" '? ^53! The Ijvender Bath LadT. . . t.i....> s Walton Niw. B. S.O00 The SiNeed Bov Lewis Sargent 125 Just IX^irs Comedv Not. It 2.0n0 .\ Bullv Pair Comedv Not. It 1.000 The Jilt Matt Moore Not. 2S ». 5.000 Riditi' Wild nv>^t Gibson Not, 2S 4.166 HelU\ Judge Ccit irv N-v .'«; 2.000 VITAGRAPH Going • % cm Fire ,-<.i Bail ,1 R.vnantie Movae Sh ver and .Shake Pr.Vi.lcasting tTiop S»ieT * Co TTie Rajah ..Lev> MaVmey .....News -Special ... .....Paul Parrott Cartoon Paul Parrott .....Johnny Jones... .....Lloyd Reissue... ..Uoyd Reissue.. The Bar Oroa* War l*o Makwey .Get. X.. .Oct 14 ....^u.. 2.000 .Oct 14 ..Oct. 21 1.000 ..Oct 21 lono ..Oct 21 1 -XIO ..Oct. 21 1.O10 1008 Gypsy Passion A GuiltT Conscience.... The Angel of Crooked Street Tlie Silent Vow The l.*dder !">« The Girl in His Room.. A Pair of Kings CroU A Girl's Desire The Little Wildcat The Fighting Guide Fortune's Msak .French Prod. A^. 8 ,.\ntonio Moreno .May < ..Mice Calhoun June 3 .».-„ A It William Duncan. Sr^cial .Mice Calhoun ... Ijirrv !^rao« ^rry Seenoa .Mice Calhoun ... .Mice Calhona William Duncan, . I.a Apr . lulv . lulv . JuN . Aar Sept .Sept. .Sept. ...tone 17 ..^Pr. 29 .5cpt. 2 .. ..July 22 . Oct, t . ..Not. U. 2.000 .. . Earle Williams . . . . .Oct 14 (0»tlnw il om taOowiac PM«> ... SW ... 4S.\' ... .w^ ... J0« .. 4.eS' ... 5(»» ... «w; .. 4.«n