The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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470 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 2, 1922 SPECIAL ROLL TICKETS Tmit own ipeelAl Ticket, uij eol*n, Meur&t«l7 dubbetred; enerj rsll (naruiteed. Ompvb Tleketi ftr Pnte I>r«wlDKf: tS ••, $0.00. Prompt tlilpmeBta. Caab wltb the order. 0«t tbe umplee. Send dJafrnuo f«r Reaerred ' 8«at Coupon TlcbetB. eerlai n dAt«<L All tickets must e*Df«m tt Ooreronent reguUtleo and beu ettabUshed prLee of admlsslw ai>d ui paid. SPEOAL TICKET PRICES Five Thousand t^M Ten Thousand 5.M Fifteen Tliousand Twenty-five Thousand 9.0f Fifty Thousand 12^ One Hundred Thousand 18.M National TiirSet Co. shamokin, Pa. MAILING LISTS MOVING PICTURE AND LEGITIMATE THEATRES 221M Movinc Pictur* by State* pmr M.. ttM Ul» Film Exchanfo, for List TM IM Manufacturera and Studio* tJS$ 41* Machin* and Supply Dealor* Um 3t74 Leritimate Theatre* U. S. A Caa. BM lit Vaudeville Theatre* ISt A. F. WILLIAMS IM W. ADAMS ST. CHICAGO TITLES TOR ALL PURPOSES— ANY LANGUAGE 10 Y*«r> SpMlallzIng In Thit Pnduet Ak»ur«s You 9t th* BEST Modarata Prieea Oulcli PREMIER TITLE COMPANY iS«-35« EAST 33D STREET CHICAGO MACHINES THEATRE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES WRITt FPU CATALOl ■RKER BROS. OPTICAL CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. Why Experiment with Poor Work 7 Why Pay Exorbitant Price* 7 Get in Touch with the Standard Motion Picture Company l*ai-IO«l Mtllara BIdi. rtmm CaatrmI 2J47 Cklcaaa. IIL Developing— Printing. Special Title Work Cheapest by far with Satisfaction Guaranteed AMERICAN jFotopIaper (Trade-Marli Registered) Tha Mus'cal Marvel Write for Catalogue AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO MUNCY, PA.— J. F. Fahnestock has plans by E. Arthur Rianhard, Masonic Temple Building, Williamsport, for an up-to-date moving picture theatre. ♦PHILADELPHIA, PA.— Stanley Company of America has taken title to building at 6316-22 Woodland avenue, lot 86 feet front by an irregular depth, assessed at $25,500, subject to mortgages of $225,000, which includes, it is understood, cost of erecting moving picture theatre on site. ♦PHILADELPHIA, PA.— Percival M. Sax has contract for one-story Logan Theatre, with gallery, 178 by 135 feet, to be erected on west side Broad street, between Louden street and Wyoming avenue, to cost $400,000. PHILADELPHIA, PA.— Northeast Amusement Company, Commercial Trust Building, will erect one-story brick moving picture theatre, 54 by 165 feet, at Benner street and Torresdale avenue. PHILADELPHIA, PA.— M. Yellin has contract for two-story moving picture theatre, 56.1 by 182.4 feet, to be erected at 510-12 North Sixth street for Louis Blumberg, to cost $45,900. PHILADELPHIA, PA.— New theatre which Stanley Company of America will erect at 11th and Market streets, wiU be known as the EIrae. QUAKERTOWN, PA.— Peoples Theatres, Inc., 829 Hamilton street, Allentown, has plans by Ruhe & Lange, 12 North Sixth street, Allentown, for one-story brick fireproof moving picture theatre and otore building, 55 x 180 feet. TREMONT, PA.— Loyal Order of Moose, No. 1333, will erect two-story brick moving picture theatre and lodge building, 50 by l-'S feet, to cost $60,000. Address William J. McDonald. McMINNVILLE, TENN. — First National Bank has plans by Marr & Holman. 701 Stahlman Building, Nashville, for one-story brick and stone moving picture theatre and bank building, to cost $75,000. ♦DALL.-^S, TEXAS.-Popular Amusement Company will open new Capitol Theatre, located at 1521 Elm street, in about thirty days under management of Leon S. Gohlman and L. A. Goodwin. House will have seating capacity of 1,200. KOSSE, TEXAS. — W. F. Box will erect brick theatre and store building. YOAKUM, TEXAS.— A. V. Wade, who operates chain of moving picture houses in the State, expects to open new theatre soon. CHINCOTEAGUE ISLAND, VA.— Wilson R Booth, Salisbury, Md., is preparing plans for two-story brick opera house, 153 by 42 feet, with seating capacity of 800, to cost $50,000. PORTSMOUTH, VA.— Portsmouth Improvement Company will erect building to replace Orpheum Theatre, recently destroyed by fire, to cost about $300,000. EVERETT, WASH. — A. A. Algase, of Seattle, plans to erect new moving picture house. SEATTLE, WASH.— Inter Club is backing movement for city to erect a municipal theatre. Address Edwin J. Brown, mayor. SEATTLE, WASH.— Alfred Goddard will erect moving picture theatre on east side Rainier avenue, north of Hudson street. Building will have red tile front and seating capacity of 400. G. E. Havelick, the lessee, will install $8,000 organ. Si^i Colored with RECO Hoods alway* look fresh. The colors are permanent, as hoods are made of natural colored blown glass. They slip over the lamp and are firmly held by a bronze spring. Ask us mart about them. CCTBIC COMPA 2 size* 10 W-40W ZC24 W. CONGRESS ST. CHICAGO, ILL. Also makt FluaUei s, iSiimll Motort, eto. LANCASTER, WIS.— City plans new city hall and municipal theatre, to cost $10J,000. MANITOWOC, WIS.— New Palace Theatre, at 11th street and Tower avenue, will be opened by Harvey Buchanan and Fred Dauplaise. MILWAUKEE, WIS.— Wisconsin Real Estate Development Corporation has plans by M. Tullgrcn & Sons, 425 East Water street, for theatre and commercial building to be erected at northeast corner Sixth street and Grand avenue, to cost $2,000,000. RACINE, WIS.— Strand Theatre Company, recently organized, will open theatre. Improving Theatres HAYWARD, CALIF.— Sum $50,000 will be expended to remodel Hayward Theatre. Balcony will be erected, with seating capacity of over 900. Modern heating and ventilating system will also be installed. LAKE CITY, FLA.— Grand Theatre will be remodeled, exhaust fans and electric fixtures installed, etc. CEDAR RAPIDS, lA.— Majestic Theatre has been redecorated and reopened under management of A. C. Slattery with vaudeville and picture program. ♦CHARITON, lA.— Iris Theatre recently leased by D. E. Arris and W. E. Dixon, has been renovated and reopened. WATERLOO, lA.— Palace Theatre has been remodeled and new pipe organ installed. House has reopened under management of Arthur Heston. CARTERVILLE, ILL.— Lyric Theatre will be remodeled and enlarged. F. H. Koennecke is managing house for Marlow Amusement Company. PALATINE, ILL.— Mr. Lindner, of Chicago, has taken over management of Seip's Auditorium Theatre and installed new moving picture machine. May also equip house with new seats. SPRINGFIELD, ILL.— Vaudette, a moving picture house, has been redecorated, seating arrangement changed and reopened. WAUKEGAN, ILL.— Sid Heynian will enlarge his theatre on South Genessee street and make other improvements, to cost about $25,000. BEDFORD, IND.— M. Switow, 640 South Fifth street, Louisville, Ky., has plans by George Haynes for alterations to moving picture theatre and a one-story brick addition, 65 by 80 feet, to cost $60,000. Seating capacitv will be increased to 1,400. NEW ORLEANS, LA.— Alamo Theatre on Canal street, one of the Saenger group, and recently damaged by fire, has been repaired and reopened. ♦KANSAS CITY, MO.— E. P. McCIure, Grand Theatre Building, has contract to re TYPHOON COOLING QYSTEM I TYPHOON FAN CO •* 345W.39 ST. *J NEW YORK