The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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472 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 2, 1922 model Grand Theatre, 704 Grand avenue, for Elliott Theatre Company, to cost $100,000. VERS.'MLLES, MO.— Royal Theatre has been remodeled and reopened. OKL.\HOM.-\ CITY, OKLA.— Improvements have been made to Empress Theatre and house reopened. HAZELTON, PA.— Diamond Theatre has been renovated and reopened under management of Martin P. Meyers. AUSTIN, TEX.-\S. — Improvements have been made to Crescent Theatre and house reopened. HUNTSVTLLE, TEXAS.— Di.xie Theatre has been renovated and reopened. APPLETON, WIS.— Niel Duffy, manager Elite Theatre, plans reinforced concrete and tile addition to theatre, 30 x 135 feet at 842 College street, to cost $70,000. CEDARBURG, WIS.— William F. Loidl has plans by H. T. Schramel, 221 Grand avenue, Milwaukee, for two-story stucco and tile addition to theatre, 20 by 70 feet. No House Too Small For the Fotoplayer A report of recent installations received from the American Photo Player Company indicates most interestingly the present musical tendencies of picture theatres along the lines of economy and efficiency. The installations recently made of Fotoplayers are as follows : Crystal Theatre, Superior, Wyonv'ng; Home Theatre, Los Angeles, Cal.; A. J. Davenport, Compton, Cal.; the International Amusement Co., El Paso, Tex.; Playhouse Theatre, Los Angeles, Cal.; F. A. RIchey, Los Angeles, Cal.; Casino Theatre, San Diego, Cal. ; Ramona Theatre, San Diego, Cal.; Star Theatre, Oshkosh, Wis.; Orpheum Theatre, Centerville, Iowa; Circle Amusement Corporation, Ottumwa, Iowa ; Flite Theatre Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; Seminole Theatre, Homestead, Fla. ; Lewis Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Grand Theatre, Winter Haven, Fla. ; Pearl Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Dixie Theatre, Coleman, Tex. The American Photo Player Company ad vise us that the smaller theatres are equipping themselves with Style Fifteen, the baby of the Fotoplayer family, which enables even the little house to present a musical program that would be totally beyond its reach financially to obtain with a regular staff of musicians. Hallherg Equipment Installed by Spiegel Max Spiegel has just purchased for his two houses, the State Theatre of Schenectady and the Troy Theatre of Troy, a double Hallberg electric speed indicator equipment, with generators for two projectors and specially designed projection room panels on which are mounted the speed indicators for use by the projectionists. The panels are equipped with a switchover and control devices for additional indicators located on the orchestra leader's stands in the orchestra pit. These installations, which were sold by Joe Hornstein. of the Howell Cine Equipment Company, illustrate the tendency of progressive exhibitors to insure the best possible results in the way of co-ordinating the music with the picture and enabling both projectionist and orchestra leader to work in harmony. C. H, Fulton Reports More Installations C. H. Fulton, president Fulco-Schaffer Sales Company, has sold two Power 6B improved model projectors, equipped with Power G. E. high intensity arc lamps and a Fort Wayne generator set to the Princess Theatre, Joliet, 111. Fulton has also sold the Dundee Community High School, at Dundee, III., a Power 6B improved model projector, equipped with Power G. E. Mazda unit and a complete Fulco safety unit. H. C. Stiff, technical engineer, is now supervising the above installations. H. C. Stiff, technical engineer of FulcoSchafTer Sales Company, Chicago, made an installation of Power G. E. high intensit;. lamps at tlie Missouri Theatre, St. Louis, Mo., October 23. Reports received are that they are working satisfactorily, and giving excellent results on the screen. FOR SALE Five-Year lease on Theatre in Connecticut, Seating Six Hundred. In City <)f 1(10,000 Population. Showing FirstHun Pictures. Write Box 55, Moving Picture World FOn SALE— CHEAP 'i -Nil. (IIS rmv4T*** .Movlni; rictiire Mui'liineH ill pcrtft t rendition. I K»\«'n .Motiuii rUture !S(r*'en, 16x18. I.UUC Outdoor Splits. 1 (oiuerl <;nincl riiinu. (Kxcfllent Cunditinii). Submit offer: Xotlek Amusement Co. Chirfmont .\\dutf New York C'Hj CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Help and Situations Wanted Only 3c per word per insertion Minimum charge 60c Terms, strictly cash with order C*P7 Bust reacb ua b; TusaUt noma U Inaore piAliraCloo In that wet'k'l UAue. FIRST-CLASS PKO.IECTIONIST. with flftc.n years' experience, at liberty. Capable of handlinK any equipnient and produce artistic projection. Kr. .! C. Shivers. Lexington. N'eb. EXPERIENCED ORGANIST desires position . relief in or near New York. Best references. IS-l. care Moving Picture World, New York City. WELL KNOWN CONDUCTOR of exceptional ability and experience in one of tile three principal motion picture houses of New York City aa first conductor, desires similar position in a flrst-class house. Highest of references. Address "Conductor," care Moving Picture World. New York City. AT LIBERTY — Leader (piano) for pictures or vaudeville. Must have orchestra. Fine library Good salary essential. Married. Member of 8(11.' A. F. M.. "New York. Box 289, Moving Picture World, New York City. "MAPTIN" ROTARY 1T1/\I\ I 1X1 CONVEKTEB FOR REAL SUN-LIT PICTURES PERFECT REEL DISSOLVING WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. 412 S. H»rM Av*., ChlMO Kie Br*kaw Bldf.. Nrw Ytrt Iran^rteK REDUCES POWER BILLS MAKES BETTER PICTURES Changes AC into DC, which is best for projection arcs. It automatically supplies the voltage needed without the use of wasteful ballast. TransVerteR gives the projectionist perfect arcs, clear-white, steady light that is easy to control. Writs lor TransVerteR Facts THE HERTNER ELECTRIC COMPANY 1»(M WEST 112th ST. CLEVELAND, OHIO BETTER LIGHTING— BETTER BUSLNESS COLORINGS and FROSTINGS Otl*r-Llt«: Truwparvnt eoatlBg for Lnilde Frottlne: Produces colored, frosted offwt. M. Permafrost: rermanent atchlog Suld. Atti OiMiMta: Opaque oaatlng for outside use. quickly. .4ltraelive Prices. Write for Detail*. Behrend Motion Picture Supply House Bryant 7843 729 SEVENTH .*VEME NEW YORK CITY SOLE AGENTS New York. New Jersey. Connectleut Theatrical Trade B. F. PORTER TAKES OVER BIG CENTER Will Have Largest and Finest Motion Picture Trade Center, Equipment Supply House, Public Projection Room, Service and Emer gency Station, in the World. Best Experts for Repairing Machines and Generators. Prompt Service for Theatre Troubles. B. F. PORTER, ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR, 729 SEVENTH AVE., AT 49th ST., NEW YORK 1