The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 9, 1922 HALLBERG "The Economizer Man" Offers Thanks to his many friends, among exhibitors and projectionists who have been boosters for Hallberg goods during the past fifteen years. 1 want to renew old acquaintance and want to help your to secure better results from your Hallberg apparatus and to provide renewals or repairs which may be necessary after many years of service. I call your particular attention to my latest, horizontal, two ball bearing type Hallberg 2 in Series Arc A.C.-D.C. Motor-Generator operating one or more Projector Arcs in series at the same time without wasting power in Rheostats in series with the Generator and the Arcs. The change over is made without manipulating a single device except the Projector switches, and I guarantee absolute dissolving on the screen without dip or disturbance in the light. The Hallberg Line Includes A.C. to D.C. as well as D.C. to D.C. Motor Generators in all sizes, for all circuits, for Arc or Mazda Projector Lamps — A.C. Electric Economizers and Transformers for Arc or Mazda Projector Lamps — Continuous Feed Carbon Arc Controllers — Electric Film Speed Indicators — Multiple Unit Rheostats — Electric Control Panels — Extremely high efficiency Portable Projectors for all existing hghting circuits also with the Hallberg "Featherweight" gasoline Electric Light Plant, weighing less than 100 pounds, the Marvel of the Age (or traveling exhibitors and where the ordinary electric light current cannot be obtained. LARGE STOCK— PROMPT SHIPMENTS J. H. HALLBERG Established 1904 xipur vr»Rlf Service Dept. U. S. A. New Film Concerns in Albany Incorporations Capitalized at .p3,000,000, the Rohbins Enterprises, Inc., of Utica, incorporated and filed papers in the secretary of state's oltice. Albany, during the week ending November 25. The incorporators are Walter J. Green. VV. C. J. Doolittle and Julius Uothstein, all residents of Utica. Eight other companies entered the motion picture business in this state the past week, these including the B. P. I'ineman Productions, $500. and the Al Lichtman Exchange, of Wasiiington, D. C, $500, both companits having as directors W illiam Kessler, Harry Lewis and Henry Herzbrun, of New York City; Bond Photoplay Corporation, $25,000, Philip Silberman, New York City; Jacob S. List, L. G. Solomon, Brooklyn; C. & L. Amusement Corporation, $25,000, M. R. Loewenthal, Milton Collins, Lyman Hess, New York; Atlas Distributing Corporation, $50,000, .'\braham Goldfarb, Philip Gardner, J. A. Courtright, New York; Abbott Theatrical Enterprises. $100,000, Buflfalo, Harry Abbott, Jr., Jacob Lavene, Roy V an. Buffalo; Brennan-Mosser Productions, $1,000, Samuel A. Pleasants, Bogota, N. J.; Anna Halperin, Shirley M. Moore, New York; Zinkin Productions, Incorporated, $500, .Arthur Zinkin, S. M. Stone, New York City; Charles H, Harris, Norwalk. N. Y. Simplex Installations for Day-time Viewing Two specially constructed Mazda Simplexes for viewing room work have been installed by B. F. Shearer, Inc., in the Clcmmer Theatre, Spokane. One was purchased by Doctor Clennner and Doctor Lonibaugh. managing directors of the Clemmer; the other by Ray Grombacher, of the Liberty Theatre. The purpose is to view pictures in the day time, thus doing away with much of the night screening of prints. More Installations of Robert Mortons George Levy, Western district manager for the American Photo Player Company, was in Seattle recently. He reported Robert Morton Organ installations as follows: The Majestic Theatre, Seattle; Davis' New Mack Theatre, Port Angeles; the Strange Theatre, Kelso, Wash.; the Blue Mouse, Eugene, Oregon, and the Bell, Springfield, Oregon. Kelso 's Vogue Now Being Re-decorated Mr. Strange, owner of the Vogue Theatre. Kelso, Wash., has let contracts to B. F. Shearer, Inc., for decorations and daperies and special lights and fixtures. His color scheme will be old rose and gray. The work is to be completed within ten days, without closing the house. recent meeting of the Evar.s Film L.t'icii^ tory's directors, elected a inemb"board. Murphy Joins Evans Ed. Murphy, well and favorably known as a laboratory expert, has joined forces with Major Tom Evans, of the Evans Film Laboratories. Mr. Murphy, who is one of the oldest laboratory men in the country, was, at a SPECIAL ROLL TICKETS Your o»n apocial Ticket, any clIum, accurately numtaT«l; eicrj' loll euarantcecL < "Vijion Ticicls for PrlM llrawinss: t',.01). 16.00,, rr» mi»t stlipmerils. Cl iillli the onlir. Oet ii I'lcs. s«iil (llaKram for Rmerri <'oiii.on Tickets, serial or datn .Ml licketi must (ynform to Govern mi-nt rei:ulaUnn and bear e«Ublliil >'f a.lmiMon anil lai paid. SrE(I\L TICKET PRICES V\\r rh<iii«and $3.00 Ten I'hoiiHand S.OO I If teen ThouHand 6.50 Tn ent.v-H\ <• Thousand .... 9.00 Fifty Thousand 12.50 One llimdrrd ThouHand ... 18.00 National Ticket Co. Shamokin, Pa. HAVE YOUR ELECTRIC SIGNS IN COLORS The color l.s in the glass of Reco Color Hoods. Clear, brilliant, pyr-catching colors that out-attracts the signs of your competitors. Pay lor selves within a year ovf-r dipped or colored lamps. CIrciiliir 0)1 request L E ' T R I C COM PA N Makers of Reco Flashert and Motors ■ir,-:i w. roni^rpNH Sf. Chirak'o MACHINES THEATRE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES WRITE FOR CATALOG ERKER BROS. OPTICAL CO. ST. I.OIIS. MO. COMMERCIAL FIBRE CO. OF AMERICA, INC. Phone: Madison Square 4430 15 East 26th St. New York City Sole Agents for Fabbrica Italiana Lamine Milano " F. I. L. M. " Positive raw film manufactured in Italy. TITLES FOR AUL PURPOSES— ANY LANGUAGE 10 Vtan SpMlallrlng In Tlili Pn>4aet Altures Yau af tiM BEST Mo<l«rMa PriMa Quiak PREMIER TITLE COMPANY tU-Xt EAST 33D STREET CHICAGO ELECTRICALLY OPERATED NEW STANDARD AUTOMATICKET SELLER UNIVERSALLY USED Write for prina and name of dlatributor in your territory. AUTOMATIC TICKET REGISTER CORPORATION 1778 Broadway Near Yark. N. V.