The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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588 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 9, 1922 Picture Theatres Projected CHARLESTON, ARK.— Clark Porter has opened theatre. . SACRAMENTO, CALIF.— H. Murphy, owner Fresno Theatre, has purchased site at J and Statestaus streets for erection of new theatre. SANTA ANA, CALIF.— L. O. Vaughn, owner Temple Theatre site, plans to erect new building, to cost $150,000. NEW CANAAN, CONN.— Gilbert Stevens THE CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE 80-82 Wardour St W. I. London, England Haa the largect certified circuUtloa of tiaa trmde in Great Britain and the Domlniona. All Official Notice* and Newa tron the ASSOCIATION to iu member* are puhlialMd chi*ively in thia Journal. YEARLY RATEi POSTPAID, WEEKLY, VJS SAMPLE COPY AND ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST Appointed by Agreement Dated 7/8/14 THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CINEMAT06IIAPH CXHIBITORS' AMOOIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN ma* IRCLANO. LTD. LA CINEMATOGRAFLV ITALIANA ED ESTERA OVMal OT**a tk* luUia aoamatecniik Uwim Published on the 15th and 30th of Each Month Feralta MnrtptlMi: t7.M m tl traaM **r Aoaaa EdMarial aiid Buataaaa 0«ca*i Via Camiana, 31, Turin, Italy SATISFACTION ^in^chiiU'" GUARANTEED Tralten n All Futurat Omtlaplai — PrlatiDi Spec ill Titia Wark Standard Motion Picture G)nipany IMI-IOOe Millara BIdi. Tal. CaRtral 2347 CMiai*. IIL Cameramen fumiahed on short notice. Immediate Service — No Job too emalL GUARANTEED t,i:^t,^t!Jr SATISFACTION AMERICAN jfotoplaper (TradeMark Railiterad) Tk* MDi^ral Marval Writa far Catalam* AMERICAN PHOTO PLAYER CO. 1(00 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY 7«2 80. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO has plans by Calvin Kiessling, 220 Fifth avenue, New York, for brick moving picture theatre to be erected on Railroad avenue. CHICAGO, ILL.— New theatre will be erected at Madison street and New Austin Boulevard, with seating capacity of 4,000, to cost $3,000,000. House will be operated by Katz and Orenstein. INDL^NAPOLIS, IND. — Proposed to erect moving picture theatre, office and apartment building at northwest corner Fairfield and College avenues, to cost $150,000. Theatre will have seating capacity of 1,200. Address Gustav G. Schmidt, owner Crystal Theatre. BARDSTOWN, KY.— New moving pichouse, to cost about $50,000, will be erected by Baxter Amusement Company. SOMERVILLE, MASS.— J. E. Docatelli Company, of Boston, has contract to erect theatre at Ball Square for Hillson Association. ♦BROOKLYN, N. Y.— William Kennedy Construction Company, 215 Montague street, has contract for twenty-story brick, stone and terra-cotta theatre, store and office building, 162 by 251 by 41 by 64 feet, to be erected at DeKalb avenue. Fleet, Prince and Gold streets, for Goldfleet Corporation, 1564 Broadway, New York, to cost $1,500,000. NEW YORK, N. Y.— 1493 Broadway Corporation, 485 Fifth avenue, has plans by C. W. and George L. Rapp, 190 North State street, Chicago, for sixteen-story brick theatre, store and office building, 200 by 207 feet, to be erected at 1491 Broadway, to cost $300,000. Address Adolph Zukor, president. PATCHOGUE, L. I., N. Y.— Ward & Glynne will erect theatre, to cost $150,000. PATCHOGUE, L. I., N. ¥.— Nathan Goldstein will erect theatre, to cost $150,000. SCHENECTADY, N. Y.— New Spiegel Theatre on Liberty street will open shortly. *SUFFERN, N. Y.— Isaac Hopper & Son. 15 East 40th street. New York, have contracted for two-story brick and terra-cotta theatre, 75 by 100 feet, to be erected for Sufifern .\musement Company, Inc., Ramapoe, N. Y. UTICA, N. Y.— Nathan Robbins, care Avon Theatre, Inc., has plans by E. C. Horn & Son, 1476 Broadway, New York, for sixstory brick and terra-cotta moving picture theatre, store and office building to be erected at Columbia and Washington streets, to cost $500,000. WOODSIDE, L. I., N. Y.— Woodboro Realty Company plans to erect moving picture and vaudeville theatre, with seating capacity of 1,500. KEENE, N. H.— Reported D. Latchis will erect moving picture house on Main street. CINCINNATI, O.— Lincoln Amusement Company has plans by Frank W. Folz & Company for Roosevelt Theatre to be erected at 423-27 Central avenue, to cost $150,000. MUSKOGEE, OKLA.— Considering erection of an outdoor theatre, with seating capacity of 600. .Address Ray Stern, manager Honor Heights Beach. FIVE THOUSAND YARDS Battlcdiip Uboleum; four tboueand oi beet grade cork carpet. Government aurplu* *tock at laaa than wholesale prices. OPERA CHAIRS froa war camps, boottis, machine* and entire equipment furnished at half original coat. Wftto your requirements. J. P. REDINCTON, Scrantan. Pm. THE.\TRE OWNERS If you want to sell your house, we have a buyer. Our name and reputation as successful, dependable broken is known to almost every exhibitor. We pride ourselrea that wo are one of the oldeat advertisers in tills paijer. Our .si>ceialty — Wo netsOUate private sales, leases, partnertiblps, and clialn movies for large corporations. Write us. Tou will net a uulck, inteUieent answer by return BiaiL No sale — no commission! Lewis, Established 1896. Offlee*. TiTS-.tSO Kllicott aiuare, Buffalo, N. Y. A newly remodelled theatre, euitab!*' for road .show, operas, motion pictures, for rent or sale. Strictly fireproof, capacity 1.400 seats on ground floor. Stage, 40x70, and equipped with all modern Improvement. For information write to P. Foti, Scenic Theatre, Willimantlc, Conn. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Help and Situations Wanted Only 3c per word per insertion Minimum charge 60c Terms, strictly cash with order Capy Biuat reacb ua by Tuaeday llestloo In tbst week'* Issue. t* laaoi* im^ SITUATIONS WANTED FIRST-CLASS PRO.J lOCTlONIST. with fifteen years' experience, at liberty. Capable of bandlini any equipment and produce artistic projection. Fra C. Shivers, Lexington, Neb. AT LIBERTY — Leader (piano) for pictures or vaudeville. Must have orchestra. Fine library. Good salary essential. Married. Meint>«r of 802 A. F. M., New Yorlf. Box 289, Moving Picture World, New Yoric City. FIRST-CLASS PROJECTIONIST, non-union, A-1 mechanic by trade, desires position. Studio, Theatre or Exchange. Box 290, Moving Picture World, New York City. FIRST-CLASS CHIEF OPBRATOR-BLBCTRICIAN at liberty. Any machine, and plant, do own repairs; twelve years' experience; go anywhere; write, stating salary. Brown, care City Hall Poet Office, Parli Place-Broadway, New York. BETTER LIGHTING— BETTER BUSINESS COLORINGS and FROSTINGS 0*kr-LII*: Traaspatvnt seatlai f*r Inald* ••aUM: Op*«a* aeatiaf far eutald* Attrtkctive Price*. Froitlna: Produces eolored. treated affaet. Permstraat: Pamaasat atchlDi Hold. Aata qulGlcly. Write (or Details. Behrend Motion Picture Supply House Bryaat 7«43 W» SEVENTH AVENCK NBW YORK CITY SOLE ABENT* N*« Ysfli, New Janay. OMiiiaatleut Thaab-lial Trade QUARTER SIZE I lock $30 »H t« • $25 SOLD BY AIX LEADING SUPPLY HOUSES Stnd for Dtscriptiv Booklet KOLLMORGEN OPTICAL CORPORATION 35 Steuben Street Brooklsm, N. Y., U. S. A. We manufacture "Snaplite Jr." lensM for portabU projection wtachin*s.