The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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(eceraber 9, 1922 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 589 The value of the piAure is in proportion to its lighting ON DIRECT CURRENT Amperes Carbon Diameter f %xi2" Columbia Cored Upper 25 to 5° • • • \ 5 ^ 6 Silvettip Solid Lower o to 6 / J^xi2" Columbia Cored Upper 50 o ^ ' ' ' \ 6" Silvertip Solid Lower 6 to / %xi2" Columbia Cored Upper 5 o 70 \ ^ X 6" Silvertip Solid Lower « f %xi2" Columbia Cored Upper 70 to 55 . . 1^ g„ Silvertip Solid Lower g ^ ^ f IX12" Columbia Cored Upper I. 16* 6" Silvertip Cored Lower ON ALTERNATING CURRENT Amperes Carbon Diameter 40 or less than 60 Combination 60 or less than 75 Combination 75 or less than 100 %" Combination The profits of your house THE profits you take out of your house depend upon the highlights you put into your pictures. After all, you have but the one thing to sell — pictures in light. Inferior lighting degrades the best pidure in the world to worse than mediocrity; an ordinary good reel, it reduces to a fizzle. The most you give your patrons for their money — what you provide to interest, to amuse, to educate, to thrill— ^Ae^' get through their eyes! And they won't keep coming back to see dark pictures. Poor lighting makes every pidure poor, and will work more to keep people out of a theater than any other factor in the industry. The dired road to bright, brilliantly highlighted pidures is — Columbia Projedor Carbons. On Dired: Current: Columbia Silvertip Combination Carbons present richer color values ; and the narrow diameter of the silvertip negative lower permits it to bum to a sharp point, holding the arc steady and also keeping the shadow off the lens and screen. On Alternating Current: Columbia White Flame A. C. Special Carbons yield a sharp and purewhite light, steady, brilliant, absolutely silent. Use Columbia Projedor Carbons to double the enjoyment of what you are showing and keep the profits of your house up to where they belong. Columbia Projedlor Carbons are the most satisfactory source of motion pidiure light in the world ! fV rite for information NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio San Francisco, CaL