The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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682 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 16, 1922 Better Projection — More Patrons Tran^^rfeR T1UCI UAIUi * Will Do It Meters Show Voltfl and Ampere* Adjustment for Amperee Full Control of Arcs with the Switches on side of Projection Machine. No Complicated Moves. Ko Chance for Mistakes. Motor Generating Unit Ball Bearing Quiet Efficient Built to Last and Give Satisfactory Service All Arcs in Series Two or More Any Two Simultaneously Same Amperes in each Arc Improve your projection and your attendance and profits will grow accordingly. TransVerteR will do this. It permits the most artistic projection of pictures, because it is scientifically correct, and mechanically right. TransVerteR is built for you and to enable you to attract into your theatre steadier and more profitable patronage. The wide endorsement received by TransVerteR from Motion Picture Exhibitors everywhere, is evidence of its many desirable points of utility and economy. TransVerteR has many worthwhile features and the greater one's experience with projection conditions, the more these distinctive features are appreciated. You should know about TransVerteR It'rite Ior The Facts The Hertner Electric Co. 1904 West 112th Street, Cleveland, Ohio THE VALLEN automatic curtain machine Noiseless Positive Fool Proof Economical Guaranteed E. J.Vallen Electrical Company i^atented U SOUTH CANAL STREET AKRON, OHIO raven haftone screen Reproduces in Remarkable Perfection the DELICATE HALFTONES of Present Day High Grade Photoplay Films RAVEN SCREEN CORPORATION One Sixty-five Broadway, New York MARTIN CONVESTU FOR REAL SUN-LIT PICTURES PERFECT REEL DISSOLVINC WRITE FOR FURTHtR INFORMATiaN NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. 411 H>yM An., ClilMt* Brakaw %\*%: Ntw Vm« LA VITA CINEMATOGRAFICA Th« Leading Independent Organ of Italian Film Trada FOREIGN COUNTRIES SIX DOLLARS A YEAR Advertisements: Tariff on Application Editorial Offices: TURIN (Italy)— Gall eria Nazionala LUDWIG G.B.ERB, PRESIDENT TRADE MARK REG. U S. PAT OFF. MOTION PICTURE DEVELOI^ING AND PRINTING TELEPHONE AUDUBON 3716 203 TO 211 W. 146 Tt* St., New York City