The Moving picture world (November 1922-December 1922)

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836 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 30, 1922 Ohio Censors Bar Love Making Scenes from Films MovinjT Picture WORLD PUBUSHBD WnUT BT OHAUURI PUBUSHOrO OOHPANT 61t Fifth Avenue, New York City Telephone: Uorrar Kill 161* Branch Offlee: Chloaco, tt Bast Jaakaoa Bowlerard John F. Chalmcra, preeldeat; Alfred /. Chalmen, rlce-prestdent; Jamea P. Chalmers, Br., Tice-pr»sldent: Ellia J. Chalmers, se*retarjr and treasurer, and Brrln Li. Hall, huslness manager. BMltorlal Itaffi Robert B. Welah, editor; John A. Archer, manarlnr editor; Epes Wlathrop Sargrent, exploitation; F. H. Richardson, projection; B. T. Kerser, equipment; Charles S. Sewell, reviews; Roger Feni, Independent productions: Sumner Smith, regional news: T. S. da Ponte, producers news, and A. Tan Buren Powell, Straight from the Shoulder Reports. Maaager et AdvertlaLagi Wendell P. Mllllgan. Maaager of Clrenlattaai Dennis J. Shea. Subscription price: United States and Its possessions, Mexico and Cuba, $1.00 a year; Canada, tS.SO; foreign countries (postpaid). 110.00 a year. Copyright, 192t, by Chalmers Publishing Company. Copyright throughout Oreat Britain and Colonies under the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1911. (All rights reserved.) Other PabUeattaaa Cine Uundlal (Spanish). Technical Books. Member Audit Bureau Circulations. Member National Publishers Assoelatloa. Boston Theatres Robbed Yeggs Break Into Four and Make Their Escape Yuletide yeggs, seeking a little coin to tide them over the holiday season, paid their respects during the past week to several moving picture theatres in Boston and the vicinity, forcing open strong boxes in a half dozen different picture houses and making good their escape with several hundred dollars in booty. It appears quite probable that the midnight marauders entered the several cities and departed thence on night freight trains, as the picture houses, for the most part, were located near the railroad tracks. The theatres which were robbed were the Dudley, Washington street, Boston ; the Theatre Comique, Munroe street, Lynn ; the Strand, Green street, Newburyport ; the Palace, Broadway and Modern Theatres, Lawrence, and the Plaza at Salem. With Warner Brothers Watt L. Parker, for the past four years connected with the Select Pictures Corporation, most recently as advertising manager, has resigned to accept the position of advertising manager of Warner Brothers, with offices at No. 1600 Broadway, New York City. He assumed his new duties Tuesday, December 26. LOVE-MAKING scenes, involving the love triangle, will be barred in the future by the Ohio Film Censors. Such an announcement was made on December 15, at Columbus, Ohio, by Vernon Riegel, director of education, and head of the censor board. This is one of the most drastic policies put in operation by the board, and is one of part of a general policy for love-making scenes. Riegel said : "We shall be as liberal in our censorship in general, as is consistent with the proper performance of official duty, but there will be strict censorship of pictures involving love-making in the future." If Riegel's words are carried out to the letter, it means that most every motion picture comedy or drama will feel the knife, for the great majority of films contains love-making. This new order comes on the heels of action of the censors in rejecting several important pictures in which thousands of By MARY KELLY IN the name of a new picture corporation known as G. H. Haskins Productions, the "G" is for Grace This should be a practical tip when you consider the title of the forthcoming picture, "Just Like a Woman." For the producer, author and director is a woman, and in her first picture she offers her personal conception of a modern girl. "Just Like a Woman" will be released by Hodkinson in February. Grace Haskins is a new figure among producers. The last five of her twenty-three years have been spent in gaining a practical knowledge of the details of picture making. First, as secretary to Madeleine Travers and subsequently as an assistant in the editing and cutting departments of various companies, she studied the work from diflferenl angles. "My observations while engaged in the various studios, convinced me that a large amount of expense is not necessary to make an attractive production. I set about my own production with a definite rule — economy. I looked over some of the used sets in the big studios and decided that with a little reconstruction, re-tinting and imagination it would be possible to transform them into something that would look like new. Since my picture has been completed, it has been appraised by old-timers in the industry. I have had the great satisfaction of having one of the best judges tell me that 'Just Like a Woman' has the appearance of costing two and one-half times what it did actually cost." To inspire public interest in the picture. Miss Haskins is announcing a contest in which she will offer $500 to the one.who can write the test story on the title, "Just Like a Woman.' This is open to everyone. In view of the nature of this contest, she dollars have been invested. The two latest pictures to be rejected are Gloria Swanson in "The Impossible Mrs. Bellew" and Elsie Ferguson in "Outcast." It is possible the latter will be passed with eliminations. Dorothy Dalton in "The Siren Call" was recently passed after considerable reconstruction. During the last six months, or since the row which resulted in Mrs. Evelyn Snow resigning, and Riegel taking charge, the following pictures have been rejected: "The Alibi," "The Bootlegger's Daughter," "Father Tom," "Foohsh Wives" (second time), "Heedless Moths," "Here Come the Girls," "Hypocrites," "The Knife," "The Impossible Mrs. Bellew," "The Law and The Woman," "The Love Slave," three chapters of "The Leather Pushers," "The Red Peacock," "The Storm Girl," "Striking Models," "The Weak-End Party," and "Whose Baby?" It is possible that the new order by Riegel has some political significance, because a new governor goes into office January 1, 1923 The new governor, A. V. Donahey, is a democrat, while the present executive, Gov. Davis, is a republican. Riegel is a democrat, one of the very few held over when Davis took office. is not giving a detailed synopsis of the story of her picture. She is endeavoring to obtain a number of individual opinions on the subject before she discloses her own. The picture is a comedy drama, light in motive, and featuring Marguerite de la Motte. Mrs. Goldman Dies Kews of the sudden death of Mrs. Montague Goldman, wife of manager of the department of distribution of the FamousLasky Film Service, Ltd., of London, was received in New York by cable December 19. Had It Wrong A statement to the effect that the Blms of certain motion picture companies, members of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, had recently been barred from Mexico was printed, in error, in Moving Picture World's issue of December 23. The companies named were Metro Pictures Corp., Warner Bros., Educational Film Exchanges, Select Pictures Corp., Goldwyn Pictures Corp., Vitagraph, Inc., and Famous PlayersLasky Corp. It develops, however, that instead of being barred from Mexico recently, the facts of the case were that the embargo against them which had been made effective last April, was recently lifted. "Just Like a Woman," First Picture of New Organization