The Moving picture world (January 1923-February 1923)

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74 MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 6, 1923 Warner Brothers Celebrate Completion of Six Classics at Los Angeles Studio LOS ANGELES (Special)— The Warner Brothers, Sam, Jack, Abe and Harry M. Warner, who arrived in Los Angeles last week, celebrated the completion of six classics of the screen by giving a dinner to a large number of prominent men and women in the industry at the Ambassador Hotel on December 20. The six productions include '^'^'^ picture will be started by him ''Racq to Rirhps " aiirl "Hernp': nmuediately upon the completion ot Kags to Kicnes, ana ileroes O. ..i.^^r Men s Wives." now in the mak the Street, both Harry Rapt pro inp at the Schulberg studios, witil ductions featuring Wesley Barry, K^rbara I,a Marr. David Butler. Zazu "Little Church .-Xround the Cor '^'l'^''^'" "'"1 _„,.,, 1 I rrancisco in the principal roles, ncr, adapted from the stage play _J of the .same name by Olga Printz "Mothers-ln-I.,nw" is an original lau, F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, screen story written by Frank Dazey ITU t) • 1 J r\ J" ■. Afrncs Christine Johnston, the The Beautiful and Damned, vvUn ^ell known collaborators who were ri'sponsiblc for Gasnier's first Pref<'rrod picture. "Rich Men's Wives." as well as that film's conipanieii piece. "Poor Men's AA'ives." "Poor Men's Wives " will be Schulbcrg'g February lelease through the Al Licbtman Corporation, while "Mothers-ln-Law" will Mppear on his schedule later. other will be installed on the roof of VUW Broadway. New York, the eaeteru offices of the organization. A huge radio station, said to be the largest In the motion picture industry, is in the process ot erection nt the Warner Brothers west coast studios. The radio station will be established atop the new additions to the present studio nt an approximate e.xpenditure o'f $50,000. Marie Prtvost, Kenneth Harlan end others; "A Dangerous Adventure." with Grace Darmond, and the Charles G. Korris novel, "Brass," a Rapf production directed by Sidney Franklin. Sinclair Lewis' "Main Street," the last of the seven productions for the season, is in the course of production at the coast studios In order to link up the entire country, the Warner Brothers will erect two other stations. Balaban & Knrz, rif Chicago, handling the seven screen classics, will nave un^ erected at their exchange, and the The two-fold purpose of the idea li to broadcast general programs, live west coast news and advance iiiforma' tion of the production schedule ot eighteen pictures to be made by the Warner's for ne.\t season. It is also stated that the many prominent screen plays that have been and will be signed to appear in the productions will speak from these stations. Each radio center will transmit news to thousands of picture and radio fans, hundreds of exhibitors and the many radio stores in the country. Big Films Score in Southwest Burr Feature Averages High Signal honor was awarded C. C. Burr, president of Mastodon Films, Inc., last week when his picture, "I Am the Law," received the highest rating among pictures produced for the independent market last season in a compilation culled from exhibitors' reports and printed in one of the trade journals. "I Am the Law" received an average rating of 70 pc. DALLAS (Special) Big inde It was adapted for the screen bv i"'n''o"t .P'^tures are hnding a ready T„i;„„ 1^ u iiic bcr(.en uy ,„^rket in this territory. Insofar as Jiilicn Josephson, and it is being exhibitor bookings are concerned indirccted by Harry Beaumont. dications noted in Moving Picture Among those present at the dinner World's independent number of last were Mr and Mrs J. D. Williams, •Inly have materialized with the reMarie Prevost, Monte Blue, Miss suit that the year is proving the DuPoiit. Irene Kich. Helen Fergu biggest experienced in a long, long son. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Franklin, "~ " ""^ ' '" ' ' ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Julien .losephson. Mr. time. The type ot high class Independent pictures being shown gen and Mrs. Harry Beaumont, Mr. and erally through the Southwest has Mrs. William Seiter, Harry .Meyers, improved considerably in the past Claire Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. William two years. The invasion of the in Beaudine. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rapf, Chester Franklin, Marguerite Clavtoii. Pauline Starke, Millard Webb, dependent by men who succeeded in the other branch of the business harf emphasized to exhibitors the im \\aller Long, .Tack White, Cyril portanee of Independent pictures, and Chadwick, Gertrude Bennett, Louise judging from the number of first-run Fazenda. Peggy Brown, Kenneth engagements booked by the leading Harlan Madge Cummings and Alice exchanges, the Independent market Grey Terry. cannot turn out enough good pictures to suit the theatre owners in this Kenneth Harlan has packed up his territory. They are asking for more, make-up kit and has moved over to The outdoor pictures are also getting the Schulberg Studio on Mission a particularly good play in this ter Road permanently. He has actively ritory. started his contract with Preferred , . Pictures. Inc. Although the arrange Arrow Film Corporations "Night ment was entered upon some weeks Life in Hollywood" is being booked ago Harlan had to fill engagements in this territory on a basis that remade with other producers before sembles the road show type. L. C. joining B. P. Schulberg. He did ap pear in one Preferred picture, how ever, "Thorns and Orange Blossoms." McHenry is now in Oklahoma exploit ing the picture, which is scheduled for showings in both Tulsa and Ok and is now at work on "Ttie Girl lahomn City. .T. W. Dahm. who last Who Came Back." the plav by Charles season was advertising man with the E. Blaney and Samuel Ruskiii Golding Ringling Brothers' Circus, is handling which Tom Forman is completing, .nnother print. Dahm Is now hitting Harlan is only one member of an the hich spots. He Is well-known to Important cast, including Miriam exhibitors and Is heralding the picCooper and Gaston Glass. ture In circus fashion. Independent exchaiigemen in this territory extend their best wishes for a prosperous and hniipy new year to everybody in the independent market. Ben Y. Cammack. branch manager ot Southern States Film Company, announced this week that his concern, through their various exchanges, will release all of the productions made by C. B. C. Film Sales Corporation. The company Is now advertising "More to Be Pitied" and "Only a Shop Girl." Al Lichtman Preferred Pictures have caught on in this territory like wi'dfiro. Their ponulnritv has been remarkable, for It has been won with but one production, namelv. "PIch Men's Wives." for the second production. "Shadows." has not yet been given its premier here. Producers' Security Gets "Lion's Mouse" Announcement was made this week that Producers Securltv Corporation has acquired "Lion's Mouse" and will arran-e for Its distribution. Wvndham Standing and Marguerite Marsh play the leading roles In this production. It is understood that Lnrry Evans, who was placed under contract by B. P. Schulberg some weeks ago, has about finished work on his first story for Schulberg. This will be titled "The .Aristocrat." and will be placed in production in the spring or summer. Evans' contract calls for a general literary supervision at the studio of nil Preferred activities. "Are You a Failure?" the .lanuaT-y release of the Al Lichtman Corporation, was written by Evans and was produced bv Tom Forman. Madge Bellamy and Lloyd Hughes head the cast. Grant Carpenter has been added to the staff of Warner Brothers scenario department. Mr. Carpenter has written an unusual number of screen plays, both originals and adaptations, one' of the many being "Lessons in Love." Carpenter has been placed under a six months' contract to adapt several of the eiirhteen productions srhedulcd for next season by the ■Warner organization. Two other prominent??? According to an announcement just made bv B. P. Schulberg. Olga Printzlaii has been signed by Preferred Pictures to write the scrip, for Gasnler'a next production for that organization. "Mothers-ln-Law." Lichtman Sells Australian Rights Al Lichtman announced this week the consummation of a deal which will take care of the distribution of his entire output for the first year in Australia and New Zealand. The deal was made with Millard Johnson, of Australisian Films. Ltd. Thanks — and the Same to You We herrby arknuwItMlKt* thv well \viNhe^«. rerf'ix «• d In \ urioiiH formH, f ruiu the following: Hnrry, Ali«. .luck und Sam Warner, Hurry Kapf, Mr. and Mrh. W. Ray .lolinHton. Al Lichtman. David BarriNt of Philadelphia, Walter A. Baier of Milwaukee', Frank Zanihreno of Chicago. Ge4»rK<* Feeke of KoHton, William A. Mahoney of i'rovidenre, David Sef^al of I'hfladelphia. Charles M. Inman of HoMton. Mr. and Mrn. Rut^erH NeilNon. Irving I.,eHHer, Jackie Coo^an and Mr. and MrH. .Inckie Coofpan of I^of* AngeleH, Herman .lanH, Matthew Rielly of Provtdeni-e, Martin Tuohey of Providence. Sol Braanlg of Providence, David *J. I^UNtij; of Brid|report. Kichurd Walton Tiilly, Minh Hope Hampton, .MIhh Miriam BattiHta, Edward I.. Klein, I^on Younfc. I.ou MaranireFla. Nat I>evine. William Finkel of PittHburjrh. Jack Connelly of Wanhinffton. Artluir Brnmberi; of Atlanta. Wallace WorHley, Whitman Bennett. C. C Bnrr, K. W. Baremore. Kddie Bonnn, Sam Morris, Charlen Verhalen, Dick Weil, J. Charlen DaviH. 2ihI. Oscatr Cooper. Johnny HineN, I>oriH Kenyon, Jame*i Beecroft, Lou Baiim. Joe Schnitzer. Nat RothHtein. .Vatt Taylor, Bobby North. Sam Saxe, L. I,awrence Weber. Bill Nlirh. T. S. da Ponte, Mr. and Sirs. Bruce Mitchell of Lom Angeles. LcNter F. Scott. Jr.. Marie PtevoHt, Charles B. Taylor of BufTalo. C. K. Brin of Seattle. Ren AmHterdam of Phlludelphia. Van Powell, Walter R. Greene of Philadelphia. Al Feinman. Betty BIythe. Mary Kelly. I.oniM Bernian of Philadelphia. Maurice Daniel Kann, John F. ChalmerM, Alfred Clialmern. Mildred E. PhillipM. Constance JoHlln, Charles E. Moyer. Kenneth Webb. "Smiling Billy" Mason, Nils CSrantlund. Monte Bine. Dell IfendcrNon. /ena Ke^fe. Daniel Carson <ioodman, Dave Warner, Mary Anderson. Joseph Depew. .Monty Banks. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Schulberir, Tom Forman. Hy Daab, <irace Darmond, Chic Sale. Kd Reld of Providence, Joe I-Tynn. Arthur McHuKh, Fritz Tidden. Moe MeMHlnic, Joe Brandt. Esther Under. Jack and Harry Cohen. Edmund Breese. John Lowell, L. Case Russell, Gaston Glass. Harry Charnas of Cleveland, Joe Plunkett, Joe Lee. Jack Harvey, Bill Strong. E. O. Van Pelt. Jack Murray, Frank Mathison. Julius SIneer, Morris Schlank, Charles Goetz. Wenley Harry, Frank L. Smith. Jack Costello. Jack Iloxte. Ben Wilson, Jack Lloyd, Billy Bitxer, Robert Edirar Long:. Charles Goodwin. Sam I>ewis. Sam Dody, Bernie Fineman. Al Jones. Louis I^wyn, I-enore I'lrio. Lou Ascher, Jimmy Powers. Edwin La Mar. Bill La Mar, Emmett Moore, Charles Moyer. Mr, and Mre. Ralph Rosrers. Thomas Meiirhan. Harry Lande of Cleveland. Alton and Burton Emery of I'rovidence. R. L; Mayor .Inseph H. Gainer of I*rovldence, K. I.; Eddie Lyons, Jim I^ouerhboroucrh. Paul Gray, Arthur Jamen, Charles PettlJohn. Arthur McClintock, Foster Moore, Johnny Wilson. Dan Morf^an, Capt. Mims, Harry Hoyt. and Cyd Samson of Boffalo. Also those of Warner Brothers. Al Lichtman. Mastodon Films, Inc., Arrow Film Corporation. Eqnity Pictures Corporation, Norca Pictures Inc., Georipe IT. Wiley. Inc., Harry Rapf Productions. Inc., L, Lawrence Weber-Bobby North. Tilfford Studios. Producers Security Corporation, Principal Pictured Corporation, Jackie Coogan Productions, Inc., Pathe, Inc.. Independent Film Corporation Exchansres of Philadelphia and Washinirton, Masterpiece Film Attractions, Inc.. and Royal Pictures. Inc., of Philadelphia; Motion Pictnre Distributintr Corporation of Boston. Emery Theaters. Inc.. of Providence: Midwest Film Distrilmtors of Milwaukee. Projcress Pictures. Inc., of Chicniro and Indianapolis. Apollo E^chanife of New York. Jans Exchansre of NewYork. Warner Fxchanee of New York, C. B. C. Film Sales Corporation, Peerless Rooking Offices. Hurtifr & Seamon Attractions, Newark Mnrnlnr Ledicer. Joe Lefko of Pittsbnrirh. Fred Sears. Os«ar Nenfteld and Tony I-nchese of Philadelphia. Eddie Lester. Harry Helchenback. Walter Parker. Tom Swltiler, Clarence Brecker. Franklyn Backer. Phil Goldstone. Harry Latz. Matt Radln. Elmer Clifton. Senator Walter Hartford of Mn.lestic Theatre, Pairtucket. R. I.: William Canning of Manchester. N. If.; "Doc" Ilorater of Albamhra and Panth'-on Theatres. Toledo, O. ; Phil Wolf. Charles Feldehlm. Henry Flneman, Clifford Knight. Paul Gray. Horace Mortimer and Milton Crandall. and other firms, mention of which limited space prerents. Same to you all — and here's hoplnir for a record-brei^Ulnir New Tenr. ROGER FERRI