The Moving picture world (July 1923-August 1923)

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Exhibitors' news and views EDITED BY SUMNER SMITH New McVickers in Chicago Becomes a Paramount House It is reported that Jones, Linick & Schaefer have sold the controlling interest in the New McVickers Theatre to Famous PlayersLasky and that possession will be taken early this month. It is understood that Aaron Jones will remain as managing director this year and other changes will be made later on. The lease is to run for ten years, according to the report, but the amount paid has not been made public (New York sources said that the deal has not been definitely concluded but will be. Harold Franklin, of Famous Players, asked to be excused from commenting. — Ed.) The Kenwood Theatre at Kimbark Avenue and Forty-seventh Street has been sold by Oscar Nelson to David Rosenkinn and Samuel J. Feinberg for an indicated price of $262,500, subject to an incumbrance of $175,000. The house seats 1,000, and included In the deal were the stores and apartments on the property. The many friends of Jake Cooper of the Twentieth Century Theatre will be glad to hear he in improving after an illness of six weeks and will be on the job soon. Among the exhibitors enjoying vacations are Henry Golson, manager of the Julian Theatre, who is spending a month on the West Coast, and Will Pearl, of the Pearl Theatre at Highland Park, who has returned from an extended automobile trip through the East with his family. The many friends of Jesse Crawford, premier organist for Balaban & Katz at the Chicago Theatre, are tendering congratulations on his marriage last week to Miss Helen Anderson, organist at the Roosevelt Theatre. The happy event took place at South Haven. Michigan, while they were on vacations, and now the boys are planning1 to give them a real reception when they get back. When Manager J. L. McCurdy of the Randolph Theatre puts on a sea-going picture like he had last week he not only gets local atmosphere by tying up with the naval reserve forces, but goes ahead and has the Navy Department send on the official navy film, showing how the jnckles do it all over the world. Then he hies himself and wife for a trip on the big lake boat to Buffalo, so that he personally can feel the big punch of the feature. That's Mac's way of doing things. Will Hollander, the hard working publicity director of the B and K organization. Is spending his vacation with his family, motoringthrough the wilds of Wisconsin. George H. Moore continues as manager of the Orpheum Theatre. It has been fixed up and reopened as a first-run house by Jones, Linick & Schaefer. John Sllha has sold the Stadium Theatre at 1803 Blue Island Avenue to John Vonnokis, who also operates the Crown and the Eighteenth Street Theatres. Sllha Is an oldtimer on the southwest side and no doubt will continue In the business at some other location. Charley Ryan Is one of the veteran managers of this city and for the past twelve years has looked after the Garfield Theatre at 2841 West Madison street. The house, by the way, will celebrate Its fourteenth anniversary the week of September 3 with a tiptop bill. Charley is taking a few weeks off with his. family before the big event and enjoying a real vacation at his cottage at Druce Lake, 111. Manager Rosenblum of the Rialto Theatre had Edwin August, director, and his cameraman as a headliner on his bill last week, so now the directors and cameramen are coming into their own in the movie houses of the Windy City. The newspapers are giving the Jones, Linick & Schaefer Orpheum Theatre a lot of publicity these days on the reopening last month after $100,000 had been spent on remodeling. The house was originally opened in 1907 as the first movie house on State street, and has been at it ever since, as the home of the silver sheet. Tapestries adorn the walls, deep carpets are on the floor and roomy leather chairs have been installed. A new ventilating system of washed and cooled air keeps the house at an even temperature during the warm weather. The many friends of Will Sohm, manager of the Belasco Theatre at Quincy, sympathize with him in the loss of his mother, who died at her home there last week. J. A. Keyes has taken over the New Orpheum Theatre at Darlington, Wis. He also has the Grand at the same place. William Capesius, S. C. Ripley and C. M. Stumcke have organized the firm of Rice & Emerson, with offices at 155 North Clark street, to produce shows and manage movie theatres. Frank Dltzenberg of the St. Clair Theatre at East St. Louis is among the exhibitors who have gone to the West Coast to look them over, so they can tell their patrons all about the making of the feature films and their favorite stars. The Elite Theatre at Golconda, 111., has been taken over by Thomas S. McCoy, who will fix the house up before the fall season opens. Harry Redmond of the Majestic at East St. Louis, 111., will make many Improvements in his house this summer and the work will be done while the house is open, as business is keeping up in good shape for the warm weather. John McElwee has started construction of a new movie house at Lake Drive and Genesee street in Grand Rapids, Mich. Sidney L Stein & Company have leased to Louis Frank and L Maynard Schwartz the 600 seat movie theatre at 2648 and 2652 Lincoln avenue for ten years at a term rental of $48,000. Charles L Keller of the Stein Company looked after the details. M. A Brown has reopened the Forest Theatre at Forest City, Iowa, and is featuring music with the feature programs. Work has begun on the new Washington Square Theatre at Quincy, and the furnishings have already been purchased for the house by the owners, Plnkleman and Cory. The Hostetter Amusement Company has taken over the Lyric and Auditorium Theatres at Norfolk. Neb., and now control all the houses in that hustling little ciy. Will Tracy of the Gem Theatre at Plattesville, Wis., has taken over the Regent Theatre at Prairie du Chlen. Wis., and will look after the bookings of both houses. Ray Swan, who has been treasurer of the Majestic Theatre at Cedar Rapids. Iowa, for six years, has been made manager of the house, succeeding W. J. Slattery. John Heraiger is planning to open a movie house at Menasha, Iowa, and is making arrangements for his equipment this month. The Rex Theatre at Grand Junction. Iowa, has been sold to Mrs. Kate Wilcox, who will make some improvements in the house. The many friends of R. C. McMullen. formerly of the Roosevelt Theatre here, will be glad to hear he is making good with Ascher"s Merrill Theatre at Milwaukee. In the fall Manager McMullen will enarge his orchestra to eleven pieces and make several improvements in the house. The main office of the Consolidated Theatres Corporation, who operate a chain of movie houses In Indlnna and is located here, has closed a nlnety-nlne-year lease on the Park Theatre at Indianapolis from the Hook Holding Company. The house Is located at Capitol avenue and Washington street, and hns lM-en one of the landmarks of the city for many years. Charles Fecher, James Coston and Fred J. Mortman will take over the lease of the Buckingham Theatre at 3221 North Clark street from Lottie Brenner for ten years from June 1, 1926, at a yearly rental of $10,000. The house is under the management of Feder and Johnson, who are operating a mixed movie and vaudeville program, and doing a good business. B. N. Nixon of West Baden has taken over the Orpheum Theatre at Lafayette, Ind., from Harry Taylor and will make some Improvements. The Lyric Theatre at Anna, 111., has been closed by Rogers and McFarling, the new owners, who have also taken over the Yale Theatre and made several improvements In the house. Wallace Aitken is in charge of the Yale for the new management. The Spencer Square Theatre at Rock Island is operating on a week-end schedule while repairs are being made. Manager Slenker Is using home talent to boost attendance for the Friday evening shows. Wiley McConnell, manager of the Orpheum at Quincy, accompanied by his wife, Is motoring through the wilds of Missouri. S. A. Westcott, manager of the Strand at Cedar Rapids, has reopened the house redecorated. He looks for good business the balance of the summer and fall. Will 1'. Cullen, well known manager here, has gone to Los Angeles to make his home. The old Haymarket Theatre on West Madison street was damaged by fire last week when the adjoining building caught fire. A. J. Diebold. well known Iowa Theatre manager, has bought the Waterloo Theatre at Waterloo, Iowa, from Alex Frank. Diebold is part owner of the Dlebold-Ford Amusement Company, who control a string of movie houses in Iowa. The Waterloo will be under his personal management for the season.