The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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sepiemiW 1, 1923 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 35 Big Contract Signed Harry A. Sherman Company to Release Through Vitagraph Chester Bennett, prominent producer and owner of the Chester Bennett Laboratories, recently signed a contract with J. I. Schnitzer, vice-president of the Film Booking Offices of America, providing for the distribution by that organization of more than $1,500,000 worth of productions to be made by Bennett at the Pat Powers Studios. The Bennett production program will include five big features in which Jane Novak will be starred and six out-door photoplays featuring Eddie Hearn. Miss Novak will start work September 15, on her first production under the terms of the new contract. Mr. Bennett will supervise the making of both the Novak and Hearn productions, besides actually directing the former star in all of her productions. The director of the Hearn unit has not yet been chosen. Three Promotions F. B. O. Advances Three Men to Higher Positions Following its policy of promoting its men from the ranks the Film Booking Offices this week announce the promotion of three of its force to executive positions. L. B. Metzger, formerly manager of the Seattle offices has been promoted to supervising manager of the Portland and Seattle offices and is to make his headquarters in Portland. A. H. Huot assistant manager of the Seattle exchange, is now the manager of the Seattle. office. W. B. Corby, a salesman of the Washington, D. C, office is promoted to branch manager of the Salt Lake City offices. Changes in Preferred In a statement made this week, Al Litchman, President of Preferred Pictures, announces the following changes in the sales personnel of his organization. Norman Sper has been appointed Manager of the Albany Exchange, replacing Robert Harris, resigned. Paul Bush has been appointed Manager of the Preferred Chicago Exchange at 808 South Wabash Avenue. Haskell M.yMasters has been appointed Special Representative. Heads Kansas Exchange Hoyt G. Morrow has been appointed by Al Lichtman to manage the Kansas City Exchange of Preferred Pictures Corporation. Mr. Morrow is well known to the trade, having served as Dallas manager for the old Artcraft exchange. Later he opened the First National Exhibitors Circuit in Dallas. For a year he was sales manager in the Southwest for Peacock Productions, Inc., supervising the Kansas City, St. Louis, OicJahoma City and Dallas exchanges. Joins Universal Bernard McConville, one of the screens leading scenario experts, has joined the Universal forces. He will supervise all Jewel and Super Jewel scenarios. HARRY A. SHERMAN is at the head of the newly formed Harry A. Sherman Productions Corp., which is being financed to the extent of $1,000,000 to make a series of feature productions which are to be released through Vitagraph. Mr. Sherman will have associated with him in the venture H. B. Miller, a pioneer motion picture executive of Pittsburgh. Harry Sherman first became active in the motion picture industry about ten years ago through his interest in a number of Northwest theatres and a film exchange. He secured the rights to "The Birth of a Nation" in that territory and this resulted in his accumulating a small sized fortune. H. B. Miller, more familiarly known as "Hunt" Miller, has at various times in his picture activity been associated with and interested in the Mutual Film Corp., the Universal Sales Co., the Feature Film and Calcium Light Co., a Pittsburgh exchange, the Willat Studios, the Metro, and the Paramount Pittsburgh Exchange. Mr. Miller has undertaken the financing of the newly formed Sherman company. For the six productions that arc to be released through Vitagraph capital to the extent of $500,000 will be underwritten and an additional half million dollars is to be expended in the production of additional product. Mr. Miller's experience in the motion picture industry dates back to the period when in association with the Messrs. R. A. Rowland and John B. Clark he was one of the principal factors in the formation and financing of the Metro Pictures Corp. He was one of the original stockholders in the Pittsburgh Paramount Exchange. Ohrt Out for Himself John B. Ohrt, for three years an important executive in the home office of the Universal Pictures Corporation, has resigned in order to establish an accounting and efficiency bureau under his own name. For the last year and a half he has been the General Service Manager for Universal, co-ordinating the service of supply among the wide-spread branches of the Universal organization. Herewith is facsimile of data blank sent to theatre owners in endeavor to reduce insurance premiums. If you've misplaced yours, clip this one, fill out and mail to headquarters Motion Picti'ke Tiibathe Owners of America 132-136 West 43rd Street new york city INSURANCE DATA. h your Building classified as Fireproof? , (or ordinary Construction) Cive date of erection Owned or leased? State Amount of Fire Insurance carried on Building $.. State Amount of Fire Insurance carried on Contents $.. State Expiration Dale of prewnt policies State Amount ct llected on Fire losses on Building during the past five years. (Give year and amount) ($ ), 1919 ($ ), 1920 ($ ), 1921 ($ ), 1922 ($ ) State Amount collected on Fire losses on Contents during the past five years. (Cive yeaf snd amount) 1918 ($ ). 1919 ($ ). 1920 ($ ), 1921 ($ ). 1922 ($ )' Stale Amount o( Your Liability Insurance $ Rate Slate Amount collected on Liability Insurance during past five years. (Give year and amount) 1918 ($ ). 1919 (S _ )., 1920 ($ )■ 1921 ($ ). 1922 ($ ) Signed Theatre Street Location City ~ If you have any remark* or suggestions pleaae write them on this sheet. Searing capacity t State