The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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oA message TO ALL EXHIBITORS y\ T the Minnesota Convention of the Motion Picture Theay 1 tre Owners of America, June, 1921, a resolution was passed authorizing the Board of Directors to investigate the situation relative to the formation of a theatre owners distributing corporation. At the Washington Convention of the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America, May, 1922, the committee on business relations submitted a unanimous report which was adopted by the Convention unanimously, urging the Board of Directors and officers of the organization to continue further its activities in the investigation of the formation of a theatre owners distributing corporation. The Board of Directors of the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America unanimously resolved that as the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America was purely a membership organization, a separate organization be created for the distribution of pictures. The Theatre Owners Distributing Corporation was formed December, 1922, for the purpose of supplying all theatre owners, motion pictures of merit at fair prices under an equitable contract. It was hoped that after the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America gave notice to the producers and the entire trade generally at Minnesota and at Washington, that relief was needed relative to the distribution of pictures, that these interests would give (OVER)