The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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September 8, 1923 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 167 wmm "CO Burr's unfa Hind sense of box office value, plus square dealing, assures nim of one hundred per cent distributio through our organization". "RESTLESS WIVES" Pres. Moscow Films Inc. Boston , Mass. Written by Izoia Forrester A vigorous , virile society meltxtfarru Scenario by Mann Patfe "YOUT^/TO As . published in Amslees under the-title ".The Gray Path" f /bylzola Forrester new ang/e on the divorce problem Scenario by Gerald CDuffy s LL" V ^Average woman" j^""""^ From the Saturday Evenmtf PoitSXty 1 ^J. 1 ^^^h fry Dorothy peja&rs^ , «^ — / £ven si yo'a and Scenario by Mann Page w MDME WRHUSBAND" A sensational .original and enthralling Drama by Marguerite Gove cA great ihow for the wives who wou/dnt Scenario by Marguerite Gove The four outstanding attractions of the season . Wire or write today for a franchise. OOBURR PICTURES MASTODON FILMS I2STC C C. in ii" Pm. 133-135-137 Wnt Uih St. New York City. N. Y.