The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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MOVING PICTURE WORLD ^h"^^^"^' Monster Exploitation for "Black Oxen" Will C3 the eatrice Bnjrahaia pilars tie chief ■ntuiing role opposite -Denny, ers ki the cast indade: HaiGc*oltT. t — L» Sherwor»dL Leo ae. Arthur MSBeitte. Wn rouL Laura la A ernie. Gordon Ford L-uciDe Ward and Eugene :er:c Dolores Rousse Signs Fox Contract Hcranse of her excellent work ha ~Xp Mother Guide Her." the Fox Film Corpora tiorcn special for the oautanaag year. Dolores Roimsse has beean il to a hmg itm contract to »ff»»f in leading ftmlll1l>t TC'I'rf 3B piciiim es to be -made at tie West Coast Stadias, rt was iDiicrct-c this week Miss will depart shortly for Los -AageJef serauuatooni 01 Blar* XewsrAapers whose cirt-nlaTi xaL according to A. B C. nacxre than 3ive •nmalTOwMn haTe t'O nnns the sttccy in sixt' -t^t? Tl^ne^is each of whi<< tfcvcar the credit Emer '"Pno In arrangement with Associate Xatiooal Pictures, lac Wa the screen vejrsicHt direct Frank Lloyd with Gorinne < as Countess ZaTtiauv.^" When First Xatiooal purchased the screen rights j-o 'j-ertrnde Alhci ton's story, it also acquired the newspaper seriafiiatban rights. _ r z t z * " r " ij; r_ ' 1 zz_ wtr i ili _ the privilege of publication was not offered to the press ntfl the apprwxinaaie release date was ascertained. Under the present arrangements with the newspapers. pnbSction wfl not start r.r*-.. ~. z zz " rr.r . t Z'.sZ t ■ z".tz October 15th. This means that the semination wiB be concluded the picture throughout the coan Fourteen Hearst newspapers m as many large cities. wiD pnbfish "Black Oxen" with the annonnceMBa^ma oi the f a w -"W'-fi picture. These cities are Xew York. Boston. Chicago. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Atlanta. Rochester. Baltimore, Washineiom. Mihraukee. Svracuse. Fort Worth. Den ©it and . rJ . . je Among other big city newspapers which will start po Miration of the novel are : Kansas City Star, Louisville Courier Journal. Omaha Bee, Xew Orleans Item. St. Louis Times, Des Mosses Register and Tribune, Buffalo Times, Cleveland Xews, Pittsburgh Press. Albany Tirnes-Union. Racine Journal Xews. Minneapolis Star, St. Paul Xews. Xew Bedford Standard. South Bend Tribune, and Charlotte Observer. This list wfll be increased by many smaller publications, according to the report. September 8, 1923 Finish Mountainous Scenes Now in Studio head Lake. : e* A s'sodated^utbors* rompar.v of players mak" ~Xo Me-. "A ostoT for release through Allied Producers and Distribut rs Corporation, hai returned to the Ince studios to complete the nterior scenes of ihi« Elnier Hirris original story prodnctk _ The players inhh-ie Midge Fe'laray. Kathleen Clifford. Mar Moore. Shannon Day. Clarence Burton. Stanhope Wheatcroft. H Reeves-Smith and the director, Lloyd Ingraham. "Jingle" Contest for Pathe Film The Colonist Theatre. Seattle, added a novel ".ingle" contest featnre to the newspaper tie-op ad exploitation it used in connection :h its "Saiety La?:"" engagement. Local mercha-ts took liberal spare in successive issues, and the :hca:re furnished the free tickets awarded to the ~i:ngle** winners. Santel Reassigned To Make Feature Films of L W. Ir\'ing Stories navng completed * Lishts Otbi."* "hjs firsc feature productaoai for Fikai Booking Offices at the Pat Itamers* stuadaos in Hollywood. A] Santel las been assigned by General Manager EmaBe Offeman to Slrn ^^^wnii'i'w* \% aters. m mmjb an •original story by E. Lloyd SeHdem. Atccrd-rr •: rtt--r: riii z Htirr. recently signed by F. B. O, wiB uttve the featured role .frj: * TVr-T mtt'C'rtant i.rt-:r: cfsls :: the ;. ;l th; . Tr.!* .'Z. z tr-t _ rv ~ z r " i _" r — ' Ch^j|ffnr?^ti"itp t? i i.LaV^ t3ntre tures of stones Milieu by L W. -"•-re irjt «i..-i;r.:'it i. .:z.:z ire A Universal Purchase "Cfay of CaT6na_~ a recent popmbr Sat nr day Evening Post serial by Cahram Johnston, has been pnrciiased by L'mjversal for Herbert ur^MCw^fam Jj is ar nnderworld -story, an which an unsophisticated Southern boy gets mixed up with -a trio cf Xew Turk crooks. Eherc :.t : : zr * :: _-^r : ' : dmoed dnxrng the year. tr:t nrst of which, entitled "Trapped." has just gc*De ffito pr cdtactD cid at the Hollv \>z*c ^rjc~ Z'f .zr. i:t tr.t z rt-z*;zc ~ t John B. O'Brien, with a cast of all-star players. The story deals largely with sea adtcutares Oirector O'Brien has had a wide experience is the directorial add. He directed a number of Mary ~c • :. : — i ir.d "The Faundhug-** He has also directed Bessie Love. Lillian Gish. Ralph Lewis. Mae Marsh. Blanche Sweet. Alice Brady and many Z'.'r.Zi Irving announces that be selected the greatest specialists he could find in the fn uiaticin of his producing organization and that no tune, care or ■r.----. • • k -'-Til :z zz^K-zr.s the Irving Productions the most elaborate and artistic that can be ~~*r*t -v Mix Working on New Thriller Tom Mix. who has finished "The Lone Star Ranger." the Zane Grey story selected for him hy Wilham Fox. s now at work on a new thriller. "The Flyin' Fool." taken from Max Brand s "The Gun Gentlemen." The picture is being dire ::c i by Lambert Hillyer. Betty Jewel plays opposite the star. Doing It Thoroughly Bentiey with Burr Plavs Juvenile Lead Principal Pict-r^ nounce they are ab deal which wQl coi the United States v for their five late; ; rrrary Marriage ." of Broadwav," "Th the Rose," "E^: Side' and "Gold > ! transaction will c:v sola. North and Sou ritorv. itfa franchises :.~:ures, "TernBright Lights Spider and Side, West itness." This t :he Minneh DaVota ter K:'.-c*t r-.".:.-v. r^zz 'ZZ.-ts.zs r C C Burr's All-Star comedy: Tht life ©f RkEey." cm the Hodkinst-r. : ■ .4'Z': been re-tr 1£.z*k ' it t -i-" ' 'he initial in Blackton's Latest Jacobs Arrive fames Morrison, who was Sale feature under brought from the coast to play agement. the juvenile lead in J. Stuart Two Feminine Roles Unfilled in New Talmadge Cast The c**t of "Diiil of De»ire,* Norma Talmadge * next First National ttarriiLg vehicle, is complete with two exceptions: only two fesunine roles mm tin to be assigned. Joseph Schildkraut htads the snpportinf cast, which tndodes Arthur Edmund Carew. Earl Schesck. Hector \~. Samo. Laurence Wheat. James Cooler. Albert Frisco and Mario CarriQo Preparations for the commencement of filming of this future First National release ire being made hy Frances Marion and Chester Franklin, who are to direct, assisted by David D. Fischer. Tony Caudio v h be Blacktoa's special. "On the Banks of the Wabash." which Mr. Blackton is producing in the Brooklyn studios of Vitagraph, beean work last week It is Morrison's first visit East in several years, and he returned to the studio where he began his career in pictures. Mr. Blackton is making rapid progress with his photoplay of the little Indiana town. The production has a typical Blackton all*tar cast headed by such wellknown box office ticket sellers as Mary Carr. Burr Mcintosh. Lumsden Hare. Madge Evans. Mary McLaren. Marcia Harris and George Xeville. as well as James Morrison. The exteriors are to be shot at Roslyn. L. I., and a crew of cat penters and builders are busily engaged in erecting a village by the sound there. Arthur FL Jacob.-, who is presenting Frank Borzire productions through First arrived in Xew York last wee'-c with a print of The Age of De?ire." a screen adaptation of Dix;e Wilson's celebrated noveL The :i=t is headed by Mvrtle Stedmar William Collier. Jr_ Mary Philbin. Josef Swickard. Frederick 1 ruesdell and Frankie Lee. A Hit in Mexico Goldwyn's Rnper: K jghes' story of the motion pizzzzt colony in Hollywood. "Souls for Sale." has been shown in Mexico City, and according to repon; received from German Cain us A: Co.. agents in Mexico for Goldwvn Cosmopolitan Distributing Corporation, it scored one of the biggest hits ever made by an American picture in that city. \