The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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204 MOVING PICTURE WORLD September 8, 1923 vert it into moving picture theatre, with seating capacity of 600. HARVARD, NEB. — E. M. Fetterman plans to erect moving picture theatre here. RAVENNA, O.— F. E. Robinson, 527 Bulkley Building, Cleveland, has plans by Crosby Engineering Company, 623 Bulkley Building, Cleveland, for one-story brick theatre to be erected at Main street and Parkway, to cost $100,000. ♦TAMAQCA, PA.— W. H. Lee, 32 South 17th street, Philadelphia, is preparing plans for six-story brick theatre and hotel building, 54 by 150 feet, to be erected at Broad and Pine streets. TAMAQUA, PA.— Chamberlain Amusement Company, care L. J. Chamberlain, of Shamokin, has plans by W. H. Lee, 32 South 17th street, Philadelphia, for one-story brick moving picture theatre to be erected at Broad and Center streets. THE CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE 80-82 Wardour St W. I. London, England Hu the largest certified circulation at the trade In Great Britain and the Dominion*. All Official Notices and News from the ASSOCIATION to lti members are published exclusively In this Journal. YEARLY RATE i POSTPAID, WEEKLY, $7JS SAMPLE COPY AND ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST Appointed by Agreement Dated 7/8/14 THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CINEMATOGRAPH EXHIBITORS' ASSOCIATION OF GREAT BRITAIN sad IRELAND. LTD. LA CINEMATOGRAFIA ITALIANA ED ESTERA Official Organ ef the Italian Clnemstssrspb Ualen Published on the 15th and 30th of Each Month Ferelm Subscription: (7.00 tr S3 trance per Annua Editorial and Business Offices I Via Cumiana, 31, Turin, Italy MACHINES THEATRE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES WRITE FOR CATALOG EREER BROS. OPTICAL CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. HALLBERG MOTOR GENERATORS Are the best for Projectors. J. H. HALLBERG 209 W. 48th St. New York WELDED WIRE REELS For Sale by Howells Cine Equipment Co., 740 7lh Are.. New York New $200,000 House for Aberdeen, Wash. With Dolan & Ripley's new house well under way at Wish'<ah and I Streets, Aberdeen, Wash., conies the announcement of plans completed for a big Jensen & Von Herberg house costing $200,000, to be erected at Broadway and Wishkah Streets. Andrews & Wade. Aberdeen theatrical managers are operating in conjunction with Von Herberg. According to Harry W. Andrews, work will be begun September first, and the magnificent new building rushed to completion by the first of the year. Name Not Yet Chosen The house, as yet unnamed has been designed by H. Ryan of Seattle and Dobell & Griffith of Aberdeen. It will be of concrete construction, faced with terra cotta and will be absolutely fireproof. It will consist of two floors with a total seating capacity of 1.400, and a large stage equipped to handle attractions of all kinds. The location will be at a point in line with the rapid growing business district of Aberdeen. The theatre will form the principal portion of the structure, but there will be stores below and offices above. Chehalis, Wash., Will Have $100,000 House Contracts have been let for a new modern house in Chehalis, Wash., construction to commence in the near future. A. F. Cormier, who recently bought out Ed. Dolan's interest in the Hub City Theatres Co., and became manager of the Liberty in Centralia, is associated with Arthur St. John in the deal. The site is that of the present St. John Motor Co., adjoining the St. Helens Hotel and the newly formed company will be known as the St. Helens Theatre Co. The house will cost approximately $100,000 and will seat 800. Shearer Secures Contract It will have a stage large enough to house road shows and vaudeville. Equipment will be of the highest class, air cushion seats, with plush chairs for the loges, are called for. Contracts for complete furnishings, equipment and lighting have been let to B. F. Shearer, Inc.. Plans, which call for a ground floor and balcony, are by Griffin of Chehalis. Am. Photo Player Co. Moves Branch Office The Xew York office of the American Photo Player Company has removed from its former quarter-, at 1600 Broadway to. 148 and 150 West Forty-sixth street. Improving Theatres MALVERN, ARK.— Pastime Theatre has moved into its new quarters. CLINTON, ILL. — Repairs are being made to Star Theatre, including redecorating interior and painting the lobby. DANVILLE, ILL.— Fischer Theatre has closed following the final showing of "Only 38" in order to make needed repairs. Interior will be redecorated and walls frescoed, new carpets laid, new draperies added, and the stage decorations changed. House will reopen September 1. DANVILLE, ILL. — New cooling system has been installed in Terrace Theatre. House is running feature pictures for summer months. *MACOMB, ILL.— Extcn>ive improvements have been made to Grand Theatre, a popular priced moving picture house. Newopera chairs have been installed in gallery; four additional fans have been set up, beside a large exhaust fan; ventilation capacity of projection booth has been doubled. WASHINGTON, END.— New moving picture projection machine ha been installed in Palace Theatre. COFFEYVILLE, KANS.— New projection machine has been installed in Columbia Theatre. LINCOLN, KANS.— Motor ventilator has been installed in Princess Theatre. OKETO, KANS. — Oketo Theatre has been repaired and painted. BARBOUR VILLE, KY. — Barbour ville Amusement Company has taken over Star and National Theatres. Former lias been closed and only National will be operated. National has been thoroughly renovated and reopened with moving picture program, with occasional vaudeville and road attractions. MEDFORD, MASS. — Fell-way Theatre, care B. Green, 46 Cornhill street, will remodel theatre and erect two-story brick addition, 32 by 45 feet. CAMERON, MO.— New gold fibre screen has been installed in Roval Theatre. HOPKINS. MO.— Ventilating and cooling system has been installed in Royal Theatre. KANSAS CITY. MO.— Strand Theatre at 36th street and Troost avenue, recently purchased by Jack Roth, manager of Apollo Theatre, has been closed for repairs and improvements, including $10,000 Hope-Jones organ. 800 new seats, ceiling decorations, etc. SCIOTOVILLE, O— Almost completely rebuilt, the Stanley Theatre has reopened under the management of Fred Beloat. New light itig and ventilating systems, new seats, screen and projecting machines have been installed. Marshall and Price avenues, the north and south streets on either side of theatre will be used for parking cars. William R. Burkel is director of five piece orchestra. First-class program has been inaugurated, with changes Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission price is 30 cents and 15 cents for children. PHILADELPHIA, PA.— Jack Trickivisky has contract to make alterations to moving picture theatre at 5949-51 Spruce street for L. Hirsh, to cost $2300. PHILADELPHIA, PA.— T. S. Johnson Sons Company has contract to make alterations to theatre at 5931 Market street for Stanley Company of America, to cost $2250. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Help and Situations Wanted Only 3c per word per insertion Minimum charge 60c Terms, strictly cash with order Cepj must reteb oe by Tuesday noon u Loeure pubUcerJon In that week'e Issue. MOTION PICTURE PIANIST desires change by September 1, 1023. Pictures artistically cued. Can give good references as to ability. Will go anywhere in New England. Address Pianist, Moving Picture Word, New York City. THEATRE MANAGER at liberty. Fifteen years' experience. Business producer. Can handle booking, advertising, expert on projection. Go anywhere. Address Manager. 114 Kt. Greene Place Brooklyn. New York.