The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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September 8, 1923 .1/ O V INC PICTURE W O RLD 205 American Reflecting Arc LATEST IN PROJECTION EQUIPMENT CUTS PROJECTION COST 75 SUPPLIES PLENTY OF LIGHT 10 TO 15 AMPERES WITH D. C. 20 TO 30 AMPERES WITH A. C. ELIMINATES ALL CONDENSERS AUTOMATIC ARC CONTROL GUARANTEES CORRECT TRIMMING OF ARC AT ALL TIMES WITH EXTREME EASE OF OPERATION Special Stereopticon Attachment STANDARD HIGH GRADE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED UNDER SPECIAL AGREEMENT RHEOSTATS— WARD LEONARD ELECTRIC CO. TRANSFORMERS— AMERICAN TRANSFORMER CO. REFLECTORS— BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. MOTORS— ROBBINS & MYERS CO. We Guarantee All Equipment For Particulars Write Your Supply House or American Reflecting Arc Corporation 24 MILK STREET, BOSTON, MASS. MARTIN CONVERTER FOR REAL SUN-LIT PICTURES PERFECT REEL DISSOLVING WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. 412 8. Hnrm A**.. Chlt»». f • 10 Br«kaw Bldg.. Nn V«r» LA VITA CINEMATOGRAFICA The Leading Independent Organ of Italian Film Trade F^SIfoTCo-NT..?, SIX DOLLARS A YEAR Advertisements : Tariff on Application Editorial Offices. TURIN (Italy)— GaUeria Nazionala FIRE! May result from badly installed electrical equipment or poorly chosen materials. Hallberg's Motion Picture Electricity $2.50 Postpaid it a book that is as good as an insurance policy if you heed its advice and get the best equipment for your needs, and know how to have it properly installed. CHALMERS PUBLISHING CO. This Skinner llro». Direct-fired Healer is also ■ Ventilator. With it you can keep your auditorium always comfortablv warm and well supplied with fresh, pure air. In Hummer operate it merelj as a ventilator— in winter as a heater and ventilator c o m l> i n e d. Douhly useful. JH FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK. M. Y. Supplies Fresh, Pure Air at the Proper Temperature The Skinner Bros. ( Baetz Patent) Directfired Heater is ideal for moving-picture theatres. It is a portable unit that uses no outside pipes or ducts for air distribution. You do not have to clutter up your aisles and walls with useless heating fittings. You save both the space they Occupy and the money thev cost. This unit burns coal, coke, wood, gas or oil. Easj and simple to operate — can be set up by anyone, anyvvherer in the basement, auditorium or other convenient place. Can be moved about as much as re■ quired — no special foundation needed. Guaranteed When installed as directed by our engineers. Get full information — ask for Catalog 15-8. Please state if you have steam available. SKINNER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., INC. Main Office ami Factory: 1474 S. Vamlevcntcr Ave., St. Loult, Mn Eastern Office and Factory: 140 Hay way, Elizalx-th, N. J. IliMlnn. II" Utile HldK. llurTal". 702 Morion HUlK. t'hwo. I7»:l KlHlirr Ithli: Cleveland, ti 1 2 Marshall' <-!■« In tiall. 1 lullx-rt St. \Va»lilni:ti>ti. IV »'.. 7 I I Kvim. Ill.l. Oliver Hrhlrmmer Co. V. 1> Seltzer I'lllla.. Ph.. 1711 Sansoui St . )lovneo Melllnil C" \en Y..rk. 1702 riatlr.m BUg. PtlUbUrgh, I Wood Bt. Kimknne. 101 Klr.l \\e _ I'i" h H.allim Co. II II Delxinc IV _ ■ ■ SktimerBros. £S HEAUNG SYSTEM