The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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Moving^ Picture WORLD Manager of Advertising: James A, MUligan. Manager of Circulation: Dennis J. Shea. Subscription price: United States and its possessions, Mexico and Cuba, $3.00 a year; Canada, $3.50; foreign countries (postpaid), $10.00 a year. Copyright, 1923, Chalmers Publishing Co. Copyright throughout Great Britain and Colonies under the provisions of the Copyright Act of 1911. (All rights reserved.) Other publications: Cine Mundial (Spanish). Technical books. John F. Chalmers, president; Alfred J. Chalmers, vice-president; James P. Chalmers, Sr., vice-president; Eliza J. Chalmers, secretary and treasurer, and Ervin L. Hall, business manager. Branch Offices: 28 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago; W. E. Keefe, 1962 Cheremoya Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Editorial Staff: Ben H. Grimm, Associate Editor; John A. Archer, Managing Editor. What is behind these rumors of a gigantic non-theatrical, organization with oodles of millions available— enlisting the co-operation of some of the strongest interests in the industry — ready to put a full equipment in every school, church and barn in the land if it takes a shipload of notes to do it and so on, and on some more? The rumbles come from the field. Everybody in New York supposed to know anything about it is "out of town." But much mystery. And something surely of vital interest to exhibitors. Let you know more as we learn more. But just now it's a seething volcano that may be ready to shoot and, again, may be only spoofing us. "This Week" continues to mean a calendar of big and bigger pictures. But for the exhibitor the big pictures are not on this week's list or next month's. No one seems to be willing to attempt a guess at how iong it will be before the average exhibitor gets a chance at the Fall beauties. A surprising number of the more prominent exhibitors are holding off on all signing of contracts. "DANNY" advises them to step carefully and "get in out of the rain." The same advice can well be seized on by some wise distributors. Paramount's "zone showing" plan goes into effect November 1st. Along about that month it will be a lucky distributor who has his dates signed and sealed while the other fellows are battling for open time. Give you a new department this week — "With the Advertising Brains." 'Course everything has to have a start and only the future will show you our real plans. We don't have to tell the advertising men those plans, for it is their insistence that impressed us with the value of such a department. A long, Iong time ago. But we had to wait for the right man to conduct it. Ben Grimm is the man. With all due appreciation of the average capable trade paper man — something more was needed. Firsthand experience both in the field and at the home office, knowledge of the ROBERT E. WELSH — EDITOR Published Weekly by CHALMERS PUBLISHING COMPANY 5H Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Member Audit Bureau Circulation This Week ad department's possibilities, limitations, policy problems, aims, etc. Such were some of the qualities necessary. BEN GRIMM has them. All of which I don't have to tell you boys. But I'm going to put over my closing speech that the experience spoken of covers New York, London, California and various and sundry points in between. Epes Winthrop Sargent could have handled the job — but the exhibitor members of his "Selling the Picture Club" won't give him the time to take on additional burdens. Al Woods, Arch Selwyn and a few select showmen of their standing have seen George Spoor's stereoscopic pictures. Reports are drifting back to New York. Enthusiastic? Say, take that word and add five hundred per cent, to it. Expected that within sixty days a complete outfit will be available in New York for more private showings. If it is all that we have been told by men whose judgment is usually safe — but, we can't begin to think of that possibility. J. E. FLYNN, Eastern district sales supervisor, severs his Goldwyn connection this Saturday. New plans unannounced. When Chinese bandits captured a train— there was a COCHRANE aboard. When an earthquake hit Japan — there was a COCHRANE around. Both safe. But R. H. Cochrane and P. D. Cochrane must approach the newspapers each morning of their lives with all the anticipation accorded a coming family gathering. WILL HAYS is in Europe. CHARLES PETTIJOHN out of town and won't be back until the nineteenth. Vacation days on Fifth Avenue. Heard of a prominent exhibitor the other day who had a definite word of mouth agreement with a film magnate on next year's product. Then the magnate went on a trip. When it came time to sign the dotted line the sales manager presented figures calling for fifteen thousand dollars over the agreed price. What a row! Not over yet. Speaking of the CHARLIE BURR BOOSTERS ASSOCIATION, as we were last week, you should hear Jenkins, of Enterprise, Atlanta, discuss his results with the Burr product. Grand Master Orator of the lodge. The same producer who merely grunts when production costs jump from an advance estimate of three hundred thousand to an actual five hundred thousand will roar all over the office when the advertising manager accidentally steps over the appropriation to the extent of $39.40 worth of electros. How many distributors — facing a competitive condition this season that is at least unusual — are giving proper thought to the place of trade paper advertising space in the scheme of things ? JIMMY CRON can add another line to his solicitation — "help the family." It's a boy! Arrived last week. Lost our notes and don't remember the date. Congrats, Jimmy! The Fall Film Golf Tournament Tuesday. Nearly one hundred and fifty entries. Almost as many cups. And then a few thousand prizes. Nine million reasons why yoa should be there. If "Danny|' can accept your reservation at this late date. The place, Belleclaire Club, Bayside. Goofers just as welcome as golfers, says the committee. That lets in R. E. W.