The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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768 MOVING PICTURE WORLD October 27, 1923 C tl w "I tl ei tu tr a P< of cc th di ne th ne pe wi mof fr< sti Ca In pic loa dr; rot dis tiv ] fle du Monticello's Armour Gets Two New Power's W. P. Armour, of the Armour Theatre, Monticello, Wash., has purchased a new screen for his house there, and two Power G. E. Mazda equipments with transformers for his Armour Theatre in Elma. Installation was made by the Theatre Equipment Company of Seattle. Heywood Wakefield Seats in American Three hundred new Heywood-Wakefield opera chairs have been installed in the American Theatre, Hillman City, by B. F. Shearer, Inc., who also had charge of redecorating and redraping. Work has been accomplished without closing the house. Improving Theatres PINE BLUFF, ARK.— Community Theatre has improved house with balcony for colored patrons, costing $2,000. JACKSONVILLE, FLA.— Guy A. Kenimer, manager Arcade Theatre, plans expending $25,000 for improvements ; $12,000 pipe organ; $3,000 stage setting; foyer or glass partition in lobby; enlarge orchestra pit. WEST POINT, GA.— Almo Theatre has been repaired and redecorated and reopened under management of C. F. Smith with picture program. CANTON, ILL.— Princess Theatre has been redecorated and new cooling system installed, and reopened with first-class picture program. KNOXVILLE, ILL.— Earl Williams, of Farmington, who recently purchased the Playhouse, will reopen theatre with pictures as soon as improvements are completed. NEWCASTLE, IND.— Grand Theatre has been thoroughly renovated and reopened with pictures and vaudeville. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.— New addition will be built to Wealthv Street Theatre at 1130 Wealthy street, S. E., to cost $3,000. BELFAST, ME.— Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, 485 Fifth avenue, New York, has plans by F. A. Patterson, 16 Central street, Bangor, to rebuild moving picture theatre. Address George S. Thompson, local manager, care Hull Hardware Company. KANSAS CITY, MO.— Gayety Theatre has been redecorated and reopened. LOUISIANA, MO.— Burnett-Buell Theatre has been repaired and repainted. CHARLESTON. S. C— Charleston Theatre, Inc., has leased Milo Theatre on King Introducing the Best Designed and Most Durable RE WINDER and DUMMY Ever Constructed Beautifully Finished in Battleship Grey Enamel Machined throughout. Made to stand long, hard service. Will accommodate 14" reel. Supplied by all live dealers. Manufactured and Guaranteed by C. R. BAIRD CO., 243 E. 151st Street, New York Makers and Distributors of Moving Picture Machine Parts Since 1909 street and will make improvements. DENTON, TEXAS.— Improvements will be made to Princess and Palace Theatres. SEYMOUR, TEXAS.— Fire which gutted Neeln Theatre, operated by Richard Neeln, will be repaired and reopened as soon as repairs can be made. SPOKANE, WASH.— Sum of $35,000 will be spent for improvements to Hippodrome Theatre, including new lighting fixtures, ventilating system, carpets, seats, etc. Robert Morton organ will also be installed. WHEELING, W. VA.— Midway Theatre has been remodeled. WELDED W.RE REELS For Sale by Howells Cine Equipment Co., 740 7th Are.. New hit Management Changes CAMDEN, ARK.— M. A. Lightman, O. M. Radford and C. G. Bryan, have purchased new Majestic Theatre in new Ouachita Hotel Building. WALNUT RIDGE, ARK.— L. L. Lewis, manager of Sharum Theatre, has leased new Swan Theatre. BLUFFS, ILL— G. O. Parrish, of Naples, has purchased interest of Charles Sheets in Photoplay Theatre. CENTRALIA, ILL.— Charles Hall has disposed of his interest in Illinois and PittengerGrand Theatres to Reid, Yemn & Hayes, of De Quoin. New owners now control eighteen theatres in principal cities of State. New Illinois is one of most attractive and modern picture houses in State, with seating capacity of nearly 1,200. Grand, formerly legitimate theatre, is now operated as combination picture and dramatic house. DECATUR, ILL. — W. N. McConnell, of Quincy, has taken over lease on Empress Theatre from F. & H. Amusement Company, and will operate house seven days a week with three acts of vaudeville and feature pictures. MONTEZUMA, IA.— Princess Theatre, a moving picture house, with seating capacity of 500, has been taken over by G. W. Weigman. CHETOPA, KANS. — Nick Kotsis, of Kansas City, has purchased Lyric Theatre from Evans & McCullough, who conducts moving picture house at Oswego. HERINGTON, KANS.— John G. Tindale, of Iola, has leased new Eagle Theatre. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Help and Situations Wanted Only 3c per word per insertion Minimum charge 60c Terms, strictly cash with order C«P7 must read) us by Tuesday oooo u laiurt Damnation In that week's usue. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERT PHOTOGRAPHER (on stills) 18 years' experience. S. Friedman, 777 Gates Ave Brooklyn, New York. SCREEN'S painted by expert painter. Estimates given on request. Os-ar Sohediwv, care Apollo Theatre, Winfield, Long Island. A YOUNG MAN of 26, college graduate and licensed projectionist, wants a position with a manufacturer of moving picture equipment or allied line, an opening that can be used as a stepping stone to an executive position of responsibility. Box 317, Moving Picture World. New York City. ORGANIST (young lady of exceptional ability) desires change of position. Cue pictures intelligently and artistically. Novel and original effects. Eight years' experience best houses. Large library. Any standard organ. State best salary. Lady Organist, care Moving Picture World. New York City. EXPERIENCED RESULT GETTER, seeks position with good picture theatre or chain. Have managed and can, but specialize in exploitation. I do a high-class lobby poster and banner. Have the ability and experience to handle all phases of theatrical advertising. Married. References. Prefer central or southwest. Send for samples or photos of recent work. Robert D. Curran. Box 476. .loplin. Mo. FIRE! May result from badly installed electrical equipment s-r poorly chosen materials. Hallberg's Motion Picture Electricity $2.50 Postpaid is a book that is as good as an insurance policy if you heed its advice and get the best equipment for your needs, and know how to have it properly installed. CHALMERS PUBLISHING CO. 516 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. In the Nation 's Capital RAVEN HAFTONE SCREEN has just been installed in TOM MOORE'S RIALTO and CRANDALL'S AMBASSADOR Washington, D. C. RAVEN SCREEN CORPORATION One Sixty-Five Broadway, New York