The Moving picture world (September 1923-October 1923)

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MOVING PICTURE WORLD uj ms. zgji. ^ 5uj m m ww w ^us^^esse /* Grows With Your Requirements FIGURE 1 Starting with one top, one film storage section and one base. Capacity S reels. FIGURE 3 Adding a third storage section to outfit No. 2. This system has a storage capacity of 15 reels. YOU can start your American Film Safe film storage system with one top, one middle storage section and one base, as shown in illustration No. 1. As your requirements increase, additional storage sections may be added, as shown in illustrations 3 and 4, and you can continue to increase vertically to any height, always using the same top and base. Horizontal expansion with additional tops and bases may also be made at any time. The American Film Safe is the only film storage device that is absolutely fire and dust proof, that keeps film in a proper degree of moisture, that fulfills every requirement of the Board of Fire Underwriters and has its approval. c ยป* Every top is arranged for . venting to the outside air and every section automatically conforms to this venting system. Financially responsible distributors will be awarded territory and protected in same. FIGURE 2 Adding a second storage section to system shown in figure 1. This outfit has a storage capacity of 10 reels. FIGURE 4 A IS-reel Film Safe storage system completely assemhled. Write today for detailed description and prices. AMERICAN FILM-SAFE CORPORATION 1800 Washington Boulevard Baltimore, Md. I ^asanas