The Moving picture world (November 1923-December 1923)

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November 17, 1923 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 267 The Truth Is HE new pictures which Paramount announced to the trade last They will be released at the rate of one a week beginning now. Prints of the first four, "THE SPANISH DANCER," "HIS CHILDREN'S CHILDREN," "THE LIGHT THAT FAILED," "STEPHEN STEPS OUT" may now be seen at Paramount exchanges. If Demonstration runs on "THE SPANISH DANCER" have proven, in all sections of the country, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that this Pola Negri picture is one of the greatest box-office draws ever released. j[ Demonstration of "HIS CHILDREN'S CHILDREN" in New York marks this picture as sure-fire. It is marvelously acted, sumptuously produced, has an engrossing story and is full of strong, human-interest drama. It has tremendous pulling-power. We are confident demonstrations of "HIS CHILDREN'S CHILDREN" in other sections of the country will show the same result. We ask that exhibitors watch closely its success in demonstration theatres. ^"THE LIGHT THAT FAILED" we believe is another great big picture. It has in it the romance, the drama, the story interest and the superlative acting that only big box-office attractions can hope to have. It has already received the Board of Reviews' endorsement as one of the two best pictures of the month. ^"STEPHEN STEPS OUT" speaks for itself. Is there any one who doubts the interest of the entire American public in the name "DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR."? ffThe others of the 19 new Paramount Pictures which we listed in full in this paper last week make up an output of product that is absolutely revolutionary in motion picturedom. Such stars, featured players and supporting casts, such great stories, such magnificent productions of proved in advance box-office merit could come only from Paramount. Exhibitors may rest assured that the Paramount Pictures in the months to come will be the greatest line-up Paramount has ever released. ]f And that's saying something!