The Moving picture world (January 1924-February 1924)

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January 5, 1924 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 3 o rPPOR TUNITIES real showmanship cease when the feature is so long that there is no room left to build up a program with Short Subjects. What is the need of a high-priced manager when the feature takes up the whole program ? Danny certainly hit the nail on the head when he said, in Film Daily: " What has a real manager to do when he takes in a 10 or, worse still, a 12-reel feature? Very little. Certainly there isn't a chance to develop ortipbuild his program. Eitherthe big picture carriesfhe show. Or it doesn't." And you know that often it DOESN'T. WE PRODUCftUN NCE': The Greatest i Comedy Cyclone Ever Filmed A Gale 4 of Laughter will Hit your House with the with EELEY EDWARDS and Lflliai&eHackett MERMAL COMEDL A two-reel com&dy with exploitation possibilities a "super feature" EDUCATIONAL FILM EXCHANGES, Inc.