The Moving picture world (January 1924-February 1924)

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220 MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 19, 1924 (V K. Had good attendance. Draw nil classes In town of 2.S00. Admission 10-20-25. W. B. Aspley. Aspley Theatre (360 scuts), Glasgow, Kentucky. I.OVK PIKKH. (t"'.2:!l fool). Star. Anita Stowart. Anltu wont over big with my audlenco with this olio. Kino picture. Moral tone flne and Is suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. l>raw mixed class In town of 4,000. Admission 10-20-26. T. L Harnett, Finn's Theatre (600 seats), Jewett City, Connecticut. >i\\ wini two MOTHERS. (MM teat). Star, Mary Alden. This Is a fair picture. Wo had no kicks but for some reason the people didn't come. Used ones, newspaper, ad., photos. Had fair attendance. Draw city class and coal miners In town of 960. Admission 16-30. Joe. J. Mnhowald, Alhambra Theatre (250 seats). Garrison, North Dakota. PKSAI.TV. (R reds). Star. l,on Chanoy .A very Rood crook picture a little gruesome, l^on does some flne acting In this picture. Moral tone good and Is suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw farmers In town of 160. Admission 10-20, special 10-25. Jack Schneider, Casino Theatre (285 seats), Richmond, Iowa. SIIKHI.OKK IIOI.MKS. (S.000 feet). Star. John Barrymore. Brought more In than we expected. Picture proved entertaining for about seventy-live per cent, of our audience. Print was in fair physical condition but some parts had been cut out leaving gaps In the action. Not suitable for Sunday. Had average attendance Draw belter class In town of 4.500. Admission 10-15. C. A. Anglemire. "Y" Theatre (403 seats). Nazareth. Pennsylvania. SIN FLOOD. (li.ROO feet) Star. Richard Dix An extra good picture. Will satisfy as a special. Moral tone O. K. Had good attendance Draw all classes in town of 2.500. Admission 10-20-2R. W. R Asploy, Aspley Theatre (350 seats), Glasgow. Kentucky. SLAVE OK DBS HUB. Star oast Th«J didn't oare very much for this here, nor will the small town rave over It either In my opinion. Still that's Just an opinion and given as a result of my experience. Usual advertising brought fair attendance. Draw health seekers and tourists. Dave Seymour. Pontlac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Like. N. w York. SOILS KOH s U.K. (7. $61 feet) Star cast. First print did not arrive and second also failed to appear on first night of showing. We got a till-In from a Paramount salesman at Allentown. entitled "What's Your Hurry?" with Wallace Hold. Wo had a show but many had seen it before and would not go In. The failure In getting print to us lost us a lot of money. They did not ship In time and did not ship according to directions. It seems one can toll the exchanges how to do a thing a hundred times or more, but It Is just so much time wasted. We have told Goldwyn for two years how to address our prints for shipment but It has not got through yet. A little more co-operation from the exchanges would help the exhibitor In the small towns a groat deal. Had poor attendance. Draw boiler class In town of 4.600. Admission 10-15. C. A. Anglemire. "Y" Theatre (4e:l seals), Nazareth. Pennsylvania. SIMM I.Kits. (S.!>L\S foot) Siar. Milton Sills. A good picture and pulled good crowds three days. If you've played the old edition (1 did twice) don't tell them this Is better, 'cause you can't make good. "A parlor edition." The klondike all gone from this now one. Doubtful for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw family and student classes in town of 4.000. Admission 10-25. R. J. Rolf. Star Theatre (600 seats), Decorah, Iowa. TAHITI KVIIt. (7,66! feet), star cast. A good picture but not for a small town. They walked out on it for me. Had poor attend Between Ourselves A get-together place where we can talk things over H. S. Stantel, our good friend in charge of the Ruleville Theatre down in Ruleville, Mississippi, pulls a new slant on film condition. We've been yelling about prints with • tuff left out — and he is up against that too! — but the big punch in a recent letter from him is this: "We are returning by express today two sections of film, one about 300 feet which was taken from "Silver Wings," one about fifty or seventy-five feet, taken from "My Friend The Devil." "ALL OF THE FOOTAGE REMOVED WAS DUPLICATED in these subjects, and of course interfered with the continuity of the pictures." Carelessness, of course. But brother Stansel could shake hands with himself that he had too much rather than not enough — which is too darned often the case. Fellows, fix up your machines so that the exchanges can't claim that you are to blame for torn sprocket holes, and then let the home office know every time an exchange slips you a damaged film. VAN. tendance. Draw health seeaers and tourists. Dave Seymour, Pontine Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake. New York. Metro UK \ UTS \KI.\MK. lS.110 foot). Star cast. One of the best small town pictures ever made. Plenty of comedy, action, and thrills. Set thorn to thinking about destruction of forests. Played It on Thanksgiving Day and following day but did much better business second day on account of rain. Moral tone good and It Is not suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw small town and country class. Admission 10-25. Kenneth Richardson, Star Theatre, Seneca, South Carolina. 1\ SKAIMTI OK \ THRILL. (5.600 feet). Star, Viola Dana. It's a Dana program picture not quite up to her standard. However. It pleased fairly well and Is probably worth playing. Viola Is as pretty as ever and wears good clothes In the first of the picture. After disguising as an Apache the picture Is not much until near the end. A sub-title near the finish will certainly provoke laughter from the men. Moral tone only fair and Is not suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. Draw college class In town of 4.000. Admission 10-30. C. W. Cupp. Royal Theatre (360 seats), Arkadelphia, Arkansas. LOWa l.IVK TIIK KING. (9.364 feet). Star, Jackie Coogan. Positively the greatest picture ever starring a child. Full of comedydrama and good action. A great family picture. Pleased all. A little bit too long. Used usual exploitation. Suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw family patronage. J. A. Harvey, Jr., Strand Theatre, VacavlUe, California. HM of MY BDBART. (7.900 feet). Star, Ijiuretto Taylor. Another corker. Advertise this up big and don't bo afraid to raise your price. This one pleased everyone. Moral tone flne. Suitable for Sunday. Had large attendance. Draw mixed class In town of 4.000. Admission 10-20-25. T. L Barnett. Finn's Theatre (600 seats), Jewett City, Connecticut. ance Draw all classes In town of 2,500. Admission 10-20-26. W. B. Aspley. Aspley Theatre (350 seats), Glasgow, Kentucky. Hodkinson down To THB SEA IN villi's. ,7.100 feet). Star cast. Fairly good picture. Action Is very slow In the first four reels. First print did not arrive and had a rush one sent which arrived late and was not rewound for us. causing trouble. Second night attendance could be counted on your fingers. Wo paid a very high film rental for this show, but it proved to be the poorest drawing card for us that we have had In three months. Print received was not In good condition Titles were warped, causing reading to have an In-and-out-of-focus effect on screen. leaders and titles on the beginning of reels were not properly spliced, causing no end of trouble. This picture was an absolute failure from the standpoint of our making any money and the service received from the exchange. Then they wonder why the exhibitor gets disgusted with the exchanges. Moral tone good. Had fair attendance first night. Draw better class In town of 4.500. Admission 10-15. C. A. Anglemire. "Y" Theatre (403 seats). Nazareth, Pennsylvania. HOW N TO TIIK SKA IN SHIPS. (7.100 feet). Star east. Entirely out of the beaten path, thrilling. Instructive. One of the best. Used ones, threes, lobby, heralds. Brought home the bacon and seemed to please ninety per cent, of large audiences. Book It nnd get behind it strong. Moral tone good and is suitable for Sunday. Had big attendance. Draw general class in town of 1,200. E. N. Prescott, Prescott Circuit Theatres, Union. Maine. HICHAM. O'HALLORAJV. (7.600 feet). Star. Irene Rich, if any. A picture with a lot of senseless detail that failed to please here at all. The book was widely read, but that doesn't make a picture a picture. Those of you who cater to particular audiences stay off. unless you want to provide your patrons with a sleeping potion. Usual advertising. I wish the picture had been as good as the at (|ll\(i tnins SAWYER. (7,600 f Star cast. One of the best pictures we have had this year. Hard to sell to the public, but If you can get them In they will like It Immensely. Moral tone fine and is suitable for Sunday. Had average attendance. Draw all classes in city of 14.000. Admission 1025, 10-35. E. W. Collins. Grand Theatre (750 seats), Jonosboro, Arkansas. ROl'GKD LIPS. (5.150 feet). Star, Viola Dana, Viola always pleases here and we have used nearly every Dana production since we began business. The story shows a strong moral side which is very pleasing In these days of emotional productions. We ran a "Stan Laurel" comedy the same night and not a person got away without enjoying a good laugh. Draw small country class. Admission 10-25. Benson and Landman, Town Hall Theatre (450 seats), South Londonderry, Vermont. SOCIAL CODE. (5.000 feet). Star, Viola Dana. Just another hit by consistent money getter. Viola Dana pleases here. Usual advertising brought good attendance. Draw general patronage. J. A. Harvey, Jr., Palace Theatre, Dixon, California. Til It l '.K AGKS. (5.500 feet). Star, Buster Keaton. Played this two days and regretted it. All who came could have seen it in one day, and that means "Buster's" clientele Is rather limited. Personally think the picture is a good bet at a reasonable figure. There are good laughs, not very frequent, it's true, but as a whole notwithstanding my comparatively poor attendance I think the picture is very good. Usual advertising brought poor attendance. Draw health seekers and tourists. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful. Saranac Lake. New York. TOLL OK TIIK SEA. (4,600 feet). Star, Anna Mae Wong. A good program picture. The natural colors make It pretty but seems to hurt the eyes. Draw general class in 1 town of 3.720. Admission varies. C. F. Krleghbaum, Paramount Theatre (2»4 seats), Rochester, Indiana. WHERE TIIK PAVEMENT ENDS. (7,706 feet). Star, Ramon Navarro. The best of the HetJ?otjfWan $ut timber