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January 26, 1924
CHEAT. (6,323 feet). Star, Pola Negri. Excellent. Negri can "emote" without boringyou to death. This "Cheat" picture satisfled what few people we showed to one hundred per cent., but business with us is very, very poor. No one seems to have the movie fever. Arthur E. Hancock, Columbia Theatre, Columbia City, Indiana.
EXCITERS. (5,939 feet). Star, Bebe Daniels. A good program picture of the modern Jazz type. Did not draw quite as well as expected. Moreno is becoming popular with our fans. Had fair attendance. Draw better class in town of 4,500. Admission 10-15. C. A. Anglemire, "Y" Theatre (403 seats), Nazareth, Pennsylvania.
GENTLEMAN OF LEISURE. (5,695 feet). Star, Jack Holt. Pleased those who saw it only, so few saw It. It rained and spoiled a perfectly good night. We received a fine print on this one from Paramount. Attendance poor. Draw better class in town of 4,500. Admission 10-15. C. A. Anglemire "T" Theatre (403 seats), Nazareth, Pennsylvania.
GOOD PROVIDER. (7,753 feet). Star cast
Good program. Ran to a fair audience who liked the picture. Used ones, photos, heralds. Had good attendance. Draw city class and coal miners in town of 950. Admission 1680. Jos. J. Mahowald. Alhambra Theatre (250 seats), Garrison, North Dakota.
GRUMPY. (5.CB1 feet>. Star. Theodore Roberts. A real good picture but without drawing power. Like "The Old Homestead." I ran this at a loss. Moral tone O. K. and is suitable for Sunday. Had below average attendance. Draw mixed class in city of 110,000. Admission 10-20. Al. C. Werner, Royal Theatre (500 seats), Reading, Pennsylvania.
HEART RAIDER. (5,075 feet). Star, Agnes Ayres. Absolutely nothing to it. Is neither comedy nor drama. No action whatever. Agnes Ayres does her best to put life into it but her efforts are of no avail. Had poor attendance. Draw small town and country class in town of 3,500. Admission 10-22. Henry Tucker, Tucker Theatre (960 seats). Liberal, Kansas'.
HOMEWARD UOIND. (7,000 feet). Star, Thomas Meighan. I have never yet played a poor Meighan picture and I never expect to, as Thomas doesn't make that kind. The combination of the star's name and the Paramount trademark is as good as rain insurnce for my house. "Homeward Bound" although not as good as "Back Home and Broke" is a mighty fine program offering, and such pictures do more to boost the industry, than all the scandals ever whispered can hurt the movies. Used slide, photos, boards. Attendance fine. Good for Sunday. Guy C. Sawyer, Town Hall Theatre, Chester. Vermont.
JAVA HEAD. (7,865 feet). Star, Leatrlce Joy. Picture drew well on the strength of the all star cast. Joy was splendid in her role but would have been better if she had had Jacqueline Logan's role. Moral tone offensive to some and possibly suitable for matinee on Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw college class in town of 6,000. Admission 10-25-35. Jean Dagle, Barth Theatre (835 seats), Carbondale, Illinois.
feet). Star, Agnes Ayres. Just fair program. O. K. where Ayres is popular. Ayres is a card for us. Moral tone O. K. and is suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. Draw oil and farming class In town of 650. Admission 10-25. J. A. Herring, Play House (249 seats), Strong, Arkansas.
LAWFUL LARCENY. (6,237 feet). Star cast. A good production, one that will hold up in any house; we did a fair business on it considering the season at which it was shown, during the slump that always precedes the holidays. Suitable for Sunday. Arthur E. Hancock, Columbia Theatre, Columbia City, Indiana.
LAW OF THE LAWLESS. (6,387 feet). Star. Dorothy Dalton. Consider this far above the average Paramount picture. People may think they do not like the star and a picture made up of Gypsy characters, but once get them in and they will be more than satisfied. Moral tone good and is suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. Draw small town and country class in town of 3,500. Admission 10-22. Henry Tucker, Tucker Theattre (960 seats). Liberal, Kansas.
A blonde beauty whose ability in satirical drama is displayed in the Universal all-star production, "The Whispered Name," which King Baggot just completed.
male AND FEMALE. Star, Thomas Meighan. Played this one in lieu of a poor picture from the same people that I knew I could not "gel by" with at any profit, If you have the last twelve bought look out for it. "Male and Female" Is one of the best efforts of Cecil B. DeMille and Til say that he never made a hetter audience picture. It was a repeat in this town but a new print, brand new with. .tin-, wax still on It (thanks Paramount!) and how thsy ate it up. The best Sunday night in two months and Monday a few dollars better. H Paramount has a few more of these I am going to buy them: the outstanding older pictures have many of the later ones backed clear off the map and the price and print being right I can use them to better advantage than many of the new ones. Arthur E. Hancock, Columbia Theatre, Columbia City, Indiana.
MANSLAUGHTER. (9,061 feet). Star. Thomas Meighan. A very good production, a fine drawing card. My patronage says it Is the best one I ever ran. You can't go wrong by booking this picture. Print in good «ondition. Moral tone good and is suitable1 for Sunday. Had extra good attendance. Draw ail classes in town of 1,200. Admission 20-30. C. P. Alford, Princess Theatre (250 seats). Spring Hope, North Carolina.
MARRIAGE MAKER. (6.295 feet). Star cast. The worst picture I ever projected on my screen. A few patrons comments: "A perfectly wasted evening," "Six reels of absolutely nothing in an elaborate frame." "I want my money back" and the patrons got the refund. I played to a fair matinee and at night I might have closed up for all the business I did. And. had I a picture available I would never have shown it after the matinee and the comments this "lime" occasioned. There is positively no entertainment value, you can't figure it from any angle as being amusement and the walkouts In the first show were almost unanimous. Those of you in the exhibiting game, take it from me, keep off or you will probably never hear the end of it. They are after me yet on this picture. A picture I bought knowing It wasn't good, but can't even yet understand how they had the "superlative nerve" to ever try and sell this. Used everything for advertising. Attendance fair matinee, nobody night. Draw health seekers and tourists. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful. Saranac Lake, New York.
feet). Star, Dorothy Dalton. Good average entertainment. Used ones, slide and photos. Usual attendance. Draw small town and country class in town of 1,500. Admission 10-30. W. F. Jones. Queen Theatre (280 seats). Olney. Texas.
MIL HILLINGS SPENDS II IS DIME. (5,585. feet). Star, Walter Heirs. Fair picture. Price