The Moving picture world (January 1924-February 1924)

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526 MOVING PICTURE WORLD February 16, 1924 What the Boosters think of TfjeHoosiER Schoolmaster: \2 to « Vvo^oT 8, ,tet Passed by the most critical board in the world — the people it tells about. They like it — so will you, and so will your patrons. A wonderful picture has been made from Edward Eggleston's famous mid-western classic, depicting the trials and triumphs of two lovers in the early days of Indiana. Book It Now At Your Nearest Hodkinson Exchange vet? ate ma? A erf* Whitman Bennett presents Qhe H00S1ER SCHOOLMASTER %? threat Mid-Western Classic bfCdmrd Cggleston^ featuring Henry Hull eUane Thomas Scenario bf Cve Stupes ant (Directed bf Oliver Sellers