The Moving picture world (January 1924-February 1924)

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February 16, 1924 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 527 innrn >ror» innrv iim >nnni mnn innoi innm irmoi innni innni innni innnr innni innnr irw-ir irrvn Carl Laemmle Drives Home a Fact! great successes. UNIVERSAL Has The Pictures! ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© n innni irx-mr=)QOO<-^K iTOC=30O0(=>r)OO< inon, innn, ,nry-y mfr. ,r^v-v innn, f-nni inrmi innni innni mm innn, inmi Tin 0 O M w o© §© o© y© n© y@ u© ALONG with others in the industry, Universal made a lot of §© i\ promises about its great array of productions for this year. 0 J But, unlike many others, Universal CAME THROUGH. [j©( Beginning with "Merry Go Rpund" Universal swept the field with one great box-office smash after another — and simultaneously d © swept profits into the hands of every exhibitor who played these © © © 18? ?At 18? is? ■§? Ig? IS? IS? ■51? IS? is? 18? 18? © ?fit 18? 18? Jot IS? © IS? f Jot 1 18? 18? j*t IS? ©1 ®| 18? £5t > f : 18? 18? I 18? | 18? ifx. 18? 18? 18? 18? 18? 1 18? 18? { IS? r IS? r 18? 1 18? 1 I 1 IS? f 18? c 18? f Jot 18? 1 18? ^ 18? 18? £ ~f 18? t 18? c 18? [ © £ 18? f ?£i L 18? r 18? S 18? L 1??f 18? ©5 © © © © © © OC30 ©[ 8©° p© §® n© AND NOW in the great pictures described on the following pages Carl Laemmle gives the industry the final, overwhelming proof of his great slogan— UNIVERSAL HAS THE PICTURES. For the sake of your box-office study every one of the pictures listed. Note the unexcelled combinations of stars, stories, casts, §© directors, — they are superb! Every one is destined to be a bigger success than any of its predecessors — they cannot fail! Nothing 0 J could state more clearly, or emphasize more strongly the fact that §© 0? 8© 8© P S ©!_ ©0 ©" © © © © © © §© 0© ©i © ©i i©©©©©©©©©©©©©©@©©@©©©©©©©©©©©©®©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© -v-Y-™ ,m-y-ii wnm u-mrv inm-ii k-w-i. iivyv .nrmi inrrv irvni inrw mnn, innnr— irj '0OOC=JO0Og^0O0l^300Ot=30<X)C^OOOC^0OOC^00OC^O0OC^OOOr^nOOr )000(=3000C=)OOOg=)OOOC=)OCOg!^)OOOC!^>OOOC