The Moving picture world (January 1924-February 1924)

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684 MOVING PICTURE WORLD February 23, 1924 SPECIAL ROLL TICKETS Your own special Ticket, any colors, accurately numbered ; every roll guarantee!. Coupon Tickets tor Prize Drawings; 5,000 for $6.00. Prompt shipments. Cash with the order. Get the samples. Send diagram for Reserved Seat Coupon Tickets, serial or dated. All tickets must conform to Government regulation and bear established price of admission and tax paid. SPECIAL TICKET PRICES Five Thousand $3.00 Ten Thousand 5.00 Fifteen Thousand 6.50 Twenty-five Thousand 9.00 Fifty Thousand 12.50 One Hundred Thousand 18.00 National Ticket Co. Sh amok in. Pa. WHEN You have an insurance or BOND problem consult STEPHEN H. ANGELL 89 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK Phone: Beekman 2100 Years 0/ experience at your service. International Film Trade Exclusive agency for Switzerland wanted; best introduced film manufactures only; commission system. Seat in Zurich. Write: O. F. 306 Z.. care Orell Fiissli-Annoncen, Zurich (Switzerland). The World's Market Place FOR SALE Advertising under this heading $5 per inch. Minimum space one inch. FOR SALE Contents of Criterion Theatre, Buffalo. Complete equipment for moving picture theatre, including Eleven Thousand Dollar Wurlitzer organ. All in perfect condition. Must be removed week April 1st, as building is to be torn down. STRAND SECURITIES CORPORATION 407 Iroquois Building Buffalo, N. Y. "Stories for the Children, Drama for the Grown-Ups."— N. Y. Herald Original Drama Written for the Screen Adaptations Made E. E. BURSON, Cineo-Dramatiot 261 So. Burlington Art. Lot Angelo, Col. The Week 's Record of Albany Incorporations A decided slump occurred in the number of motion picture companies incorporating in New York State during the week ending February 9. Following are the names, capitalization and directors : Moeller Theatre Service, Inc., $25,000, Shirley Kesand, Blanche Steinberg, Edmond Dewan, New York City. Junee Holding Corporation, $25,000, Nicholas, Fanny and Albert Cooper, New York City. Heartstone Pictures, Inc., with M. V. Kress, Brooklyn; M. C. Lynch, Isidor Tatt, New York City. Hepworth Productions, Inc., R. T. Cranfield, Joseph Di Lorenzo, M. Kaufman, New York City, the capitalization of the last two companies not appearing in the papers filed. Theatres Projected WASHINGTON, D. C— W. S. Plager, 1930 Kearney street, N. E., is preparing plans for one-story brick and stone moving picture theatre and store -building, 60 by 100 feet, to be erected at 18th street and Rhode Island avenue, N. E., to cost $100,000. PENSACOLA, FLA. — Saenger Amusement Company plans to erect theatre on Intendencia street. CHICAGO, ILL.— Lubliner & Trinz, 25 East Jackson Boulevard, have plans by Walter W. Ahlschlager, Inc., 65 East Huron street, for three-story brick and reinforced concrete theatre, dance hall and office building, 200 by 240 feet, to be erected at Belmont and Lincoln streets, to cost $1,750,000. Theatre will have seating capacity of 3,000. CHICAGO, ILL.— John Hocke, 7602 Chappel avenue, is preparing plans for one-story brick theatre and store building, 50 by 125 feet, to cost $30,000. Theatre will have seating capacity of 750. GALVA, ILL.— J. H. Best Estate, Best Hotel, contemplates erecting two-story brick theatre on Market street. PARK RIDGE, ILL.— Park Ridge Amusement Company has plans by Elmer F. Behrens, 400 North Michigan avenue, Chicago, for two-story brick and terra cotta trim moving picture theatre, store and office building, 75 by 165 feet, to cost $125,000. EVANSVILLE, IND.— Cleveland capitalists plan to erect theatre on site of the Chadwick at Third and Sycamore streets, to cost $500,000. ORLEANS, IND.— M. Switow, of Louisville, president of the Laurence Theatrical Corporation, has purchased Sharwell Building and plans to convert it into an up-todate moving picture theatre. MISSOURI VALLEY, IA.— H. J. Culavin and H. C. Hoss have purchased interest of W. A. Smith in Moreland Amusement Company and plan to arect new fireproof moving picture theatre on Erie street. WORTHINGTON, MINN.— Nick Casareto, 301 Tenth street, has plans by Lang, Raugland & Lewis, Essex Building, Minneapolis, for one-story brick fireproof theatre and store building, 50 by 66 feet, to be erected on Tenth street. BROOKLYN, N. Y.-Samuel Gardstein, 44 Court street, is preparing plans for twostory brick moving picture theatre, store and office building and roof garden, 119 by 175 feet, to be erected at northeast corner New Utrecht avenue and 46th street, to cost $250,000. NEW YORK, N. Y.— George Richenlaub, Commerce Building, is preparing plans for one-and-a-half story brick and tile theatre and store building, 40 by 120 feet, to cost $150,000. COLUMBUS, O.— J. A. Jackson, 775 East Long street, is preparing plans for one-story brick and stone moving picture theatre to be erected on Long street, near Garfield, to cost $25,000. BROKEN ARROW, OKLA.— Mrs. W. T. Brooks plans to erect new theatre on site «f the Crystal, recently destroyed by fire. HASTINGS, PA.-L. O. O. M. has plans by W. S. Powell, 220 Ohio street, Johnstown, for two-story brick theatre and lodge building, 40 by 120 feet, to cost $40,000. GEORGETOWN, WASH.-C. F. Martin will erect moving picture theatre, to cost $35,000. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Help and Situations Wantad Only 3c per word per insertion Minimum charge 60c Terms, strictly each with •rdei uSiSt "ST? SA EE" — » -* SITUATIONS WANTED ORGANIST, employed, desire* change ten vear.* experience, exceptional education; organ must be worthy competent man. PartteSkuTSS letter. Box 329, Moving Picture World' New Tort ORGANIST of ability desires change. Spot-light performer All pictures cued correctly EWeniWalibrary. Thorough, reliable. Go MywhewTaSS n.CAP«ABLB ORGANIST WITH REPUTATION. Best Arms. Must be good instrument. East or West. No objection to smaller city. Fair salary NewYork CltylenCed' M°VlDg P'CtUre Wor1*' PROJECTIONIST — Married, 0 years1 experience. Desires permanent position where skillful work la essential. Philadelphia license. Repair o«n equipment. Long runs preferred. Go anywhere at once. V. Groetzlnger, 4406 Market 8treet, Philadelphia, PROJECTIONIST AND ELECTRICIAN, age 23. married, seeks change. Literally grew up In projection room. Thorough mechanic on Power and Simplex. Can set-up or rebuild either type. Have own tools. No boozer or smoker. A sticker— have T1*/? iSJiST't town. a" my "fe In a°le charge or m_.,,(ki.m«. house for past two years. Nothing too big— have run "Three Musketeers," "Foolish Wives, 'If Winter Comes," etc. City unorganized —but no objections to Joining union. Also mechanical experience on Fotoplayer. Recommendations. Require ten days' notice. Box 332 Movlna Picture World, New York City. MANAGER — Projectionist, first-class electrician. Six years with modern picture houses. At liberty soon. Desires position where honesty and competent service Is essential. Mr. Applegate 214 Hammond Place, South Bend, Indiana. CINEMATOGRAPHER with complete camera equipment, experienced In studio, news and Industrial motion picture photography, desires position or will take assignments. Donald Malkames 21» East Chestnut Street, Hazleton, Pa. HELP WANTED WANTED INDUSTRIAL CAMERAMAN WITH OUTFIT, SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY AMBITIOUS MAN, STATE AGE, QUALIFICATIONS. METROPOLITAN INDUSTRIAL FILM COMPANY, P. H. STA.. YOLNGSTOWN, OHIO.