The Moving picture world (July 1924-August 1924)

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July 5, 1924 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 41 ture. Draw working class in city of 18,000. Admission 10-25-30-35. S. A. Hayman, Lyda Theatre (350 seats), Grand Island, Nebraska. NICE PEOPLE. (6,249 feet). Star cast. Every member of cast fits perfectly. Bebe Daniels exactly in her place. The old folks see the young folks at their naughtiest and think it great. Young folks see themselves and are pleased. Moral tone good and It Is suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. Draw all classes in town of 2,500. Admission 10-20. A. L. Middletown, Grand Theatre (500 seats), De Queen, Arkansas. NOBODY'S MONEY. (5,587 feet). Star, Jack Holt. Splendid entertainment but I personally like Wanda Hawley and think she ought to have been co-starred with Mr. Holt whom I don't like, but audience liked as it was. Moral tone good and it is suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. Draw all classes in town of 2,500. Admission 1020. A. D. Middletown, Grand Theatre (500 seats), DeQueen, Arkansas. N'TH COMMANDMENT. Star, Betty Compson. A good picture gone wrong because the producer (director?) seemed to lack decency about three scenes in this that are absolutely unnecessary; and I bet you agree with me and disagree with the Cosmopolitan director when you run the picture. If I were an exchange manager I would take a chance on my job and cut this picture rather than take a chance on my business. Low tone; suitable for Sunday if cut. Attendance fair. Admission 10-20-30. Chas. Lee Hyde, Grand Theatre, Pierre, South Dakota. NTH COMMANDMENT. (7,33'J feet). Star, Colleen Moore. Well acted and poorly directed. Moral tone low and it is not suitable for Sunday. Draw all classes in town of 3,000. Charles L. Hyde, Grand Theatre (700 seats), Piere, South Dakota. O'MALLEY OF THE MOUNTED. Star, William S. Hart. Drew good business and pleased something unusual for a Hart production in this town. Had good attendance. Draw rural and small town class in town of 1,474. Admission 10-22-25. T. W. Cannon, Majestic Theatre (249 seats), Greenfield, Tennessee. ONE GLORIOUS DAY. (5,100 feet). Star, Will Rogers. Poorest Rogers yet and the title didn't draw at all. Spirit pictures don't go here and the stars didn't fit the picture at all. Pleased sixty per cent. Moral tone good and it is suitable for Sunday. Had rotten attendance. Draw all classes in town of 1,000. Admission 10-15. A. B. Rogers, Temple Theatre (250 seats), Dexter, New York. ON THE HIGH SEAS. (5,050 feet). Star, Jack Holt. Cannot say much for this, though some favorable reports have been made on It. At best an average program picture. Drew a good crowd but was disappointing. "While Satan Sleeps" and "Nobody's Money" are both good Jack Holt pictures and much better than this one. Had good attendance. Draw small town class in town of 900. Admission 15-25, regular. Mrs. E. M. Reitz, Dreamland Theatre (200 seats), Elk Lick, Pennsylvania. PETER THE GREAT. (7 reels). Star cast. Was well acted. Had good historical background. Audience pleased. Best and only costume picture that pleased our audience. School tie up. Suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. Town of 3,500. Krieghbaum Brothers, Char-Bell Theatre (800 seats), Rochester, Indiana. PETER THE GREAT. (7 reels). Star cast. Good film. It was Eastman's, only had one thing to recommend it. It might have been in eight reels instead of six. Not suitable tor Sunday or any other day. Had good attendance. Draw small town class in town of 1,369. Admission 10-15-25-30-35. S. G. Harsh, Princess Theatre (249 seats), Mapleton, Iowa. PIED PIPER MALONE. (7,264 feet). Star, Thomas Meighan. A good story and a good cast. Audience pleased. Picture well acted. Supported by Lois Wilson. Suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw general class in town of 4,000. Krieghbaum Brothers, Char-Bell Theatre (800 seats), Rochester, Indiana. PIED PIPER MALONE. (7,264 feet). Star, Thomas Meighan. This makes a very good Listen, Exchange Manager — write the home office "I must give them good prints; you want me to unload next year's product, don't you?" You owe it to your own standing and the standing of your company. A SQUARE DEAL ON PRINTS! program picture pleasing to children especially, but is below the Meighan standard and rather draggy. Moral tone good. Had fair attendance. Draw all classes in town of 3,500. Henry Tucker, Tucker Theatre (960 seats), Liberal, Kansas. PIED PIPER MALONE. (7,264 feet). Star, Thomas Meighan. A good picture but not up to Tom's standard. Did not please very well here. Moral tone okay and it is suitable for Sunday. Had regular attendance. Draw general class in town of 800. Admission 10-30. Prank G. Leal, Leal Theatre (246 seats), Irvington, California. PIED PIPER MALONE. (7,264 feet). Star, Thomas Meighan. Business was a little better than average but the rental price of the picture was more than double the average. The people who saw it thought it extra good. We had a regular weeping party at the first matinee. I would call it an extra good picture but It failed to draw here in proportion to the rental. Moral tone good and it Is suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw all classes in small town. Admission 10-33. M. W. Larmour, National Theatre (450 seats), Graham, Texas. PIED PIPER MALONE, (7,264 feet). Star, Thomas Meighan. A few more like this and Meighan might as well quit. If Paramount is trying to kill his popularity it might satisfy them to know that they have nearly succeeded in this town. Lost money on Meighan for the first time, and have barely got by with the last three or four of his pictures, when with the proper subjects he would be one of my best bets. Draw all classes in Saginaw, Michigan. Admission 1025-35-50. H. W. Irons, Franklin Theatre (1,600 seats), Saginaw, Michigan. PINK GODS. (7,602 feet). Star, Bebe Daniels. Good picture, well produced; a little old but good program picture. Had poor attendance. Draw mixed class in town of 2,714. L S. Goolsby, Rex Theatre (460 seats), Brinkley, Arkansas. PRIDE OF PALOMAR. (7,494 feet). Star, Marjorie Daw. Priced low by Paramount but can better be advertised as a special than many of their pictures they get three times as much for. Moral tone good and it is suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw small town class in town of 2,500. Admission 10-20. A. L Middleton.. Grand Theatre (500 seats), DeQueen, Arkansas. PRODIGIAL DAUGHTERS. (6,216 feet). Star, Gloria Swanson. An average Swanson with a good cast. If you have played her before you know what to expect from this one. Moral tone okay. Had fair attendance. Draw small town class In town of 6,000. Admission 10-30. L. O. Davis, Virginia Theatre (600 seats), Hazard, Kentucky. PRODIGAL DAUGHTERS. (6,216 feet). Star, Gloria Swanson. If the flappers and drug store cowboys would look this one over seriously, they would mend their ways somewhat and believe their father and mother know a thing or two, even though they are not up to date with the jazz stuff. Entertaining, exciting, money making (if bought right) picture. Moral tone okay and It Is suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw all classes in city of 100,000. Admission ten cents at any time. Art. Phillips, Cozy Theatre, Tulsa, Oklahoma. PRODIGAL DAUGHTERS. Star cast. Will please Swanson fans. As good as "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" and cost one half. Used plenty of advertising and drew them in. Swanson a good bet. Moral tone okay and It is suitable for Sunday. Had good attendance. Draw town and country class In town of 1,200. Admission 10-25. C. R. Seff, New Radio Theatre (249 seats)^ Correctionville, Iowa. PURPLE HIGHWAY. (6,574 feet). Star, Madge Kennedy. A fine program picture. Good acting in this and should please average audience. Tone fine; Sunday, yes. Poor attendance, average class, town of 2,000. Admission 10-25. J. W. Griffin, by J. H. Watts, Scotland Theatre (600 seats), Laurinburg, North Carolina. PURPLE HIGHWAY. (6,574 feet). Star, Madge Kennedy. A very pleasing picture from the stage play, "Dear Me." Good entertainment. Tone good; Sunday, yes. Fair attendance. Admission 10-20-30. Charles Lee Hyde, Grand Theatre, Pierre, South Dakota. PURPLE HIGHWAY. (6,574 feet). Star, Madge Kennedy. A very good program picture. Pleased all that saw it. That was only a few. Paid too much for it. Suitable for Sunday. Had poor attendance. Draw mixed class in town of 2,000. Admission 10-25. J. W. Griffin, Scotland Theatre (500 seats), Laurinburg, North Carolina. RACING HEARTS. (6,400 feet). Star, Agnes Ayres. A racing romance that could not have been better if Wally himself had tried to play in it. Step on the gas. It will please all comers. Moral tone good and it is suitable for Sunday. Had fair attendance. Draw all classes in town of 2,500. Admission 10-20. A. L Middletown, Grand Theatre (500 seats), DeQueen, Arkansas. RUGGLES OF RED GAP. (7,500 feet) Star cast. This was a Paramount special — only a light comedy. May not please average audiences. Paid too much for it, as on all Paramounts. Poor attendance, average class, town of 2,000. Admission 10-25. J. W. Griffin, by J. H. Watts, Scotland Theatre (600 seats), Laurinburg, North Carolina. RUGGLES OF RED GAP. (7,500 feet). Star, Ernest Torrence. I do not know what to say about this: some said it was terrible, others said it was O. K. Personally, I was sweating blood when viewing it as I thought the crowd would lick me. Moral tone O. K., suitable ■foir /Sunday. Fair attendance of mixed class in town of 3,000. Admission 1020. Chas. Martin; Family Theatre, Mt. Morris, New York. RUGGLES OF RED GAP. (7,500 feet). Star cast. Personally I liked this one, but evidently it is not an audience picture. Did [ELMER HARRIS ^niQiie creator of brilliant comedy drama ^ ^ ^ PRODUCING A SERIES OF PICTURES Relea.ed by Season 1924-/925 PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING first run nirhlr« corporation ow >ust -run pictures