The Moving picture world (September 1924-October 1924)

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September 20, 1924 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 221 Audience appeal, better class. Mixed class town of 2,714. D. S. Goolsby, Rex Theatre (460 seats), Brinkley, Arkansas. BLACK OXEN. (7,837 feet). Star, Corinne Griffith. Fine picture, with some exceptionally fine acting on part of Miss Griffith, but some complained because of ending. Better class will enjoy picture of this kind anywhere, but the rougher element will walk out on it. Tone good. Sunday, yes. Strolls' audience appeal. General class, town of 1.0C0. Admission 10-25, 15-35. H. H. Hedberg, Amuse-U Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. BOND BOY. (6,902 feet). Star. Dick Barthelmess. An excellent picture but not as good as "Tolable David" although the press sheet harped on the fact that this one put "Tolable David" in the shade. Patrons who saw this were well pleased and a good many nice comments were heard. This is the type of photoplay that is suited to Barthelmess. An old one but well worth playing if you can get a good print. Mine fine. Tone, fair. Sunday, yes. Strong audience appeal. Mixed class town of 1.000. Admission 10-25, 15-35. H. H. Hedberg, Amuse-U Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. DADDY. (5,738 feet). Star, Jackie Coogan. Jackie Coogan in "Daddy" pleases them all just as usual. My patrons always come out to a Coogan picture and seem pleased. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Good audience appeal. Town and country class town of 900. Admission 10-30. Charles L. Nott, Opera House (400 seats), Sutherland, Iowa. DULCY. (6,859 feet). Star, Constance Talmadge. Opinions on this one sharply divided. Some said it was an excellent picture and others that it was the silliest piece of junk she'd ever appeared in. Attendance was fair. City of 100,000. Admission 10-20. Al C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania. ENCHANTED COTTAGE. (7,120 feet). Star, Richard Barthelmess. Did not go over at all. Personally thought it was fair, but had more kicks on this than any picture for a long while. Barthelmess has lost out down here. Tone, fair. Sunday, yes. No audience appeal. Best class in the world, veterans of the World War. Admssion 10-50. Adolph Schutz, Fort Bayard Theatre (300 seats), Fort Bayard, New Mexico. ETERNAL. CITY. (7,800 feet). Star, Barbara LaMarr. Long and drags; no action, very poor direction, poor acting. Miss LaMarr does not do any acting In this, only poses. "International News" the best thing on this program. Tone, fair. Sunday, yes. Audience appeal, none. Best class in the world, veterans of the World War. Admission 10-50. Adolph Schutz, Fort Bayard Theatre (300 seats), Fort Bayard, New Mexico. FLAMING YOUTH. (8,474 feet). Star, Colleen Moore. Does not follow the book and a lot left out, whether for fear of censor or cut out, unable to tell. Nothing big at all. Tone, fair. Sunday, no. Fair attendance. Student and educated class town of 1,700. Admission 15-25. K. F. Van Norman, Star Theatre (350 seats), Mansfield, Pennsylvania. FLAMING YOUTH. (8,474 feet). Star, Colleen Moore. Nine reels long and every Inch was filled with interest. One of the best pictures we have played in a "coon's age." Did exactly what all the boys said it would do. Didn't disappoint a single patron. Here's a hundred per cent, picture. Boys, play this with a good two-reel comedy and give them an eleven-reel show that will seem too short. Plenty of action and Colleen's Interpretation of the modern flapper wonderful. Mixed class town of 1,000. Admission 10-25, 15-35. H. H. Hedberg, AmuseU Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. FLIRTING WITH LOVE. (6,926 feet). Star, Colleen Moore. A real picture, full of Interest from start to finish, but beware. If you flirt take care. It's fascinating but perilous, for leap year is still here, and the hectic young vamp will get you if you don't watch out. William Noble, Empress Theatre, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. FLOWING GOLD. (8,006 feet). Star, Anna Q. Nilsson. A picture full of pep and a picture that pleased them here, and that's praise enough. Everything In advertising gave good attendance of health seekers and tour Between Ourselves A get-together place where we can talk things over Send every tip you can ! Let's make the dependable tip department bigger than ever. Shoot in the dope on the features, but don't forget the short subjects. Thousands of exhibitors are reading and profiting by what you write. Report what the audience said about the program. Give the other fellow every bit of help you can. If you have been reporting — keep it up! If you haven't yet sent tips — START SENDING TIPS NOW! VAN. ists. Dave Seymour, Pontlac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. FOR SALE. (7,840 feet). Star cast. A much overworked plot, but as just an ordinary program at regular prices will get by. Tone okay. Sunday, yes. Fair attendance. Farmers, town of 2,500. Admission 10-20, 10-26. H. J. Longaker, Howard Theatre, Alexandria, Minnesota. GALLOPING FISH. (6 reels). Star cast. A good comedy drama. The laughs come all through but the last two reels are a scream. There are some wonderful comedy flood scenes. The paper and advertising possibilities are great. However, this picture is not as good as "The Hottentot" or "Her Temporary Husband." Tone, fair. Sunday, yes. Good audience appeal. All classes in town of 3,000. Admission 10-30. National Theatre (450 seats), Graham, Taxes. GALLOPING FISH. (6 reels). Star, Sidney Chaplin. Good comedy that kept them laughing. Acting of Mr. Chaplin, Sterling and Miss Fazenda away above the ordinary while the trained seal stole the honors. The best picture for me so far this month. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Audience appeal, good. Best class in the world, veterans of the World War. Admission 1O-50. Adolph Schutz, Fort Bayard Theatre (300 seatsj, Fort Bayard, Now Mexico. GOLD FISH. (7,145 feet). Star, Constance Talmadge. Not much; too many close-ups of Constance. Has fair comedy. Constance had better wake up if she wants to be popular with my fans. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Fair audience appeal. Best class In the world, veterans of the World War. Admission 10-50. Adolph Schutz, Fort Bayard Theatre (300 seats), Fort Bayard, New Mexico. ISLE OF LOST SHIPS. (7,425 feet). Star, Milton Sills. A far-fetched story that was well carried out. Unusual and well acted. Good audience getter and will please. Cubans and Americans. Admission 10-30, 2040. Ernest D. Gruppe, Fausto Theatre, Santa Fe, Isle of Pines, West Indies. MAN OF ACTION. (5 reels). Star, Douglas MacLean. A fair picture; above ordinary program. Paid for two days and used but one day. No more of this for us. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Audience appeal, not liked. Farmers and merchants town of 1,650. Mrs. J. B. Travelle, Elite Theatre, Placerville, California. MARRIAGE CHEAT. (6,622 feet). Star cast. This picture could have been exceptionally good. But there are lots of scenes in it that are positively nasty. A few more like this and I will be forced out of business or run out of town. It is the class of pictures that makes even conservative people ask for censorship. Screen it privately before you run it. Cut out the rotten stuff in It and it may go over nicely. Tone, offensively vulgar in spots. Not suitable for Sunday. All classes in town of 3,000. Admission 10-30. National Theatre (450 seats), Graham, Texas. PAINTED PEOPLE. (5,700 feet). Star, Colleen Moore. Pleased better than "Flaming Youth." A good plot and a fine story. Acting great. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Fair audience appeal. All classes town of 1,200. Admission 10-30. F. E. Wheeler, Strand Theatre, Scotland, South Dakota. PAINTED PEOPLE. (6,700 feet). Star, Colleen Moore. Don't want any better than this one. Nine-tenths of First National pictures are winners and they don't take your theatre for their pictures either. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Very fine audience appeal. Resort class town of 2,240. Admission 15-25. S. L. Taylor, Kozy Theatre (250 seats), Pass Christian, Mississippi. PERFECT FLAPPER. (7.000 feet). Star, Colleen Moore. A picture that ought to be viewed by all "cake eaters" and "flappers," also their pas and mas. Lots of comedy and a big lesson administered in a delightful manner. Tone, excellent. Sunday, yes. Audience appeal, nlnety-flve per cent. Neighborhood class city of 80,000. Admission 1015. M. F. Meade, Olive Theatre (450 seats), St. Joseph, Missouri. SCARLET LILY. (6 reels). Star, Katherine MacDonald. Another program picture without any special merit. Pleased moderately. City of 100,000. Admission 10-20. Al C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania. SCARS OF JEALOUSY. (6,246 feet). Star cast. Another picture, one day was enough for it in a small town like this. I paid for For Release in November— Now Booking % % PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION fflCKLlSS ROMANtf ^"AL CHRISTIE FEATURE (^Adapted from the great "Broadway success WHAT'S YOUR WIFE DOING? a 1 t Sea*on 1924-1925— Thirty First-Run Picture: Directed by SCOTT SIDNEY Harry Meyers Wanda Hawley Tully Marshall Sylvia Breamer Lincoln Blumer Jack Duffy Morgan Wallace Mitchell Lewis T. Roy Barnes NO]