The Moving picture world (September 1924-October 1924)

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October 11, 1924 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 509 HELENE CHADWICK In Producers' Distributing Corporation's "Trouping With Ellen." Lloyd Ready for Next Following Brief Rest Comedian Will Start on Picture With College Atmosphere With the return of Harold Lloyd last week from New York, production manager John L. Murphy of the Lloyd Corporation has started the ball rolling on the picture slated to follow "Hot Water" which the comedian brought back East with him. "Hot Water" is scheduled to be released about the middle of November. Before returning to work, Lloyd, with Mrs. Lloyd, will spend a few days at Big Bear, and by the time he returns to Hollywood his scenario staff will have the first section of the new story prepared so that actual shooting can be started immediately. Sam Taylor, Ted Wilde, Tim Whelan and John Grey, comprising the Lloyd "gang" staff, are working on the new story which will have a college atmosphere, and will offer Lloyd in a type of role he has been planning to portray for several years. Taylor, with Fred Newmeyer. will direct the offering. Robert A. Golden will be assistant director, with Walter Lundin and Hank Kolher again performing behind the cameras. Arrives in New York Having completed the leading role in B. P. Schulberg's Preferred Picture, "The Breath of Scandal," Patsy Ruth Miller has arrived in New York from the coast. While in the east, Miss Miller will play in a new picture opposite Lou Tellegen, also co-featured with her in "The Breath of Scandal." Use All Old Tickets Exhaust Your Supply of Tax Notated Ducats, Revenue Bureau Rules Admission tickets printed in compliance with the old revenue law and still in the hands of exhibitors whose admission rate is less than 50 cents may be used until the stock on hand is exhausted, the Internal Revenue Bureau has ruled, regardless of the date on which such exhaustion may occur. Following the enactmnt of the revenue law in 1924, representations were made to Washington that many exhibitors bought tickets in large lots, some as many as a million at a time, and to require them to destroy old tickets and provide tickets printed in accordance with the new law would cntial a serious loss. The Internal Revenue Bureau, accordingly, issued a ruling that such tickets might be used until September 1. As that date approached, however, it became evident that many exhibitors would still have large quantities of old tickets on hand, and they were given another month of grace. Even this extended time did not result in a material diminution of the stocks and, as the bureau felt that too great a loss would result from destruction of the remaining tickets, exhibitors will be permitted to use old-style tickets so long as any remain on hand. JULIUS AND ABE STERN, heads of Century Comedies, returned to New York this week after a three months' stay in Europe. Their time was spent in combining business with pleasure and they report conditions in the various European film marts as being most encouraging. They have also secured a series of stories written by Georges Fouret, a well-known French author, for a series of two-reelers starring Wanda Wiley, their latest comedy find. The Sterns spent most of their time aboard at Carlsbad, the famous European resort which is rapidly coming into its own after many years of inactivity due to the recent war. They also spent much time in Paris and London, reviewing conditions in the industry and looking for new material for their comedies. Julius Stern, president of the Century organization, expects to leave for Hollywood in a couple of weeks to supervise production of next year's product. The coming year, says Mr. Stern, will be the greatest in the history of the Century Comedies. The stu FLORENCE VIDOR In Thomas H. Ince's "Christine of the Hungry Heart," for First National. Title Hiers Comedy The title of the second EducationalWalter Hiers Comedy will be "Slim Chance." Duane Thompson will support the rotund comedian in this two-reel comedy, which presents Walter Hiers in a travesty on the problem of removing superfluous weight. dios have been entirely renovated and enlarged and a quantity of new equipment has been installed, which will make it possible to make Century Comedies more like feature productions than any two-reelers being made today. In addition to Wanda Wiley, Buddy Messinger, Al Alt, Hilliard Karr, Pal the dog and The Century Follies Girls, the Sterns are negotiating for two more well-known screen comedians. Wilde Rejoins Lloyd Staff John L. Murphy, production manager of the Harold Lloyd Corporation, announces that Ted Wilde had rejoined the comedian's scenario staff, and would co-operate with Sam Taylor, John Grey and Tim Whelan in the writing of a college story in which Lloyd is to appear next. For the last six months, Wilde has been affiliated with the Hal Roach organization as a director, making several high class feature comedies including the "Battling Orioles" featuring Glenn Tryon and Blanche Mehaffey. Stern Bros., Century Comedy Heads Back from European Trip