The Moving picture world (January 1925-February 1925)

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January 31, 1925 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 489 Ralph Graves in "The Plumber," a Mack Sennett comedy; a Pa the release. Four Comedy Companies at Work at Century's Hollywood Studio Miss Miller Remains Upon ocmpleting her leading feminine role in "Overboard," this week, Patsy Ruth Miller will remain at Universal for another superJewel feature, "Lorraine of the Lions," under the direction of Edward Sedgwick. She will play a female Tarzan role and share starring honors with Norman Kerry. PRODUCTION at the Hollywood studios of Century is booming, according to advices just received from Julius Stern, president of the corporation, who now is directing the making of Century Comedies on the Coast. Four comedy companies are now at work making films starring the four Century stars who are slated to make pictures under Century's new star series plan. These four stars are Wanda Wiley, Edna Marian, Al Alt and Edward Gordon. The four directors now at work are Edward I. Luddy, William Watson, Charles Lamont and Noel Smith. Luddy is directing Wanda Wiley in a tworeeler entitled "Her Lucky Leap." Whitney Raymond, Joe Bonner and Max Ascher are in the cast. This picture will be completed in a few days and the Wanda Wiley company will be ready to start on that star's next picture, "Met by Accident." William Watson is putting the finishing touches on the Edna Marian comedy, "Plain Luck," a hilarious two-reeler which shows the little blonde comedienne in a series of new screen mishaps. Charles Lamont is just beginning work on a new Al Alt comedy with Hilliard Karr, Century's fat comedian, in the chief supporting role. It is called "A Leadpipe Cinch" and will be a take-off on a plumber's adventures. The humorous situations are promised to appeal to people who own their homes and who have plumbing difficulties fn their apartments. The fourth Century company now at work is the Noel Smith unit. That director is han Begins on "Fashions for Men" After several weeks of preparation John M. Stahl has started production of "Fashions For Men" at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio. Mr. Stahl, collaborating with Benjamin Glazer, wrote his own scenario for this picture, which will have a notable cast including Lewis Stone, Percy Marmont, Alma Rubens, Raymond Griffith, Eileen Percy and William V. Mong. Louis B. Mayer is producing this feature for First National. dling Edward Gordon in a new comedy called "For Hire." Eddie Gordon is the latest star added to the Century release program. He is a recruit from the vaudeville field and his first work for Century was so promising that he was signed up as a star. "For Hire" promises to be a laugh riot, according to reports from the Coast. Filming of "Who Cares" Started Columbia Pictures have been advised that David Kirkland has started the filming of their sixth Columbia feature ' Who Cares" a social drama adapted from Cosmo Hamilton's novel of the same name. The cast which has a number of well known names includes Dorothy Devore, William Haines, Beverly Bayne, Wanda Hawley, Vola Vale, Charles Murray, Ralph Lewis, Lloyd Whitlock, Vera Lewis, William Austin and Carrie Clark Ward. Gladys Hulette Signed Renaud Hoffman has selected Gladys Hulette to play the feminine lead in his picturization of George Pattullo's story, "The Ledger of Life," to be produced under the title, "Crossed Words." Mill Hulette, who also starred in Hoffman's recent production, "On the Threshold," is considered the ideal type for this producer's specialties of rural American life. Miss Johnston Honored Julanne Johnston, now starring in "City of Temptation," and Sir Phillip Gibbs, the author of the story, were guests at a dinner tendered the company by members of the English and Turkish legations, in Berlin, Germany, where interior scenes are now being filmed after two months of exteriors in Constantinople. COM/NG OF THE OLD COLD RUSH IN THE WEST WHERE HONEST MEN HAD TO FIGHT NOT ONLY FOR THEIR PROPERTY BUT % THEIR LIVES IDAHO! MAHLON HAMILTON AND VIVIAN RICH WHO WERE THE VIGILANTE SEE THIS EPIC OF THRILLS AND LEARN ! fafheserial — =®= —