The Moving picture world (March 1925-April 1925)

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86 MOVING PICTURE WORLD March 7, 1925 Christie Plans Innovation in Filming "Stop Flirting" I N advices to Producers Distributing Corporation, A1. Christie promises the presentation of a new angle on the so-called social whirl of high society in his forthcoming big feature, "Stop Flirting." While the locale of the motion picture version will be virtually the same as it was in the musical comedy of the same name as successfully presented in London last season— that of the luxurious seaside home of a young man of wealth, surrounded by a gay and flirtatious crowd of pleasure seekers, the thing which will make the new Christie production "different" will be the presentation of this sort of life from the farce comedy angle, with no melodramtic or problematic worries to trouble the beholder. In other words it is being filmed purely for humorous episodes and laughs. "For laughing entertainment only" is the slogan which the staff headed by Director Scott Sidney is working on. All the players in the big cast have been selected from the angle of playing farce, enlivened with the ever useful "gag" designed to make two laughs grow where only one existed in the stage versions of the story. John T. Murray, former vaudeville and Winter Garden star, heads the cast. Opposite him is Wanda Hawley, who has already registered in the Christie features released through Producers Distributing Corporation. Jimmie Adams, known for his work as a star in the two-reel comedies, will make his bow in features in the role of a flirty Baron; Jack Duffy, who scored a personal hit as the old grandpa in "Reckless Romance," will do the funny butler character in "Stop Flirting," and David James will play the aviator. Others prominent in the story will be Hallam Cooley, Ethel Shannon, James Harrison and Vera Steadman. Scenes are now being made at the beaches and at Catalina, with hydroplanes, aeroplanes, surfboards and all that goes with the locale from a scenic point of view. With the reputation which the Christie organization has made with its features "Hold Your Breath," "Reckless Romance" and the laugh classic, "Charley's Aunt," the movie fans will be looking forward to another sure-fire laughing feature when "Stop Flirting" is released early in the Spring. Barbara La Marr Studying Role Barbara La Marr, while vacationing abroad, is intently studying the character of "Fleur," heroine of the newest Galsworthy novel, "The White Monkey," in which she will make her next screen appearance. Miss La Marr will return to New York in time to attend the premiere of "Heart of a Temptress," in which she is starred. This Sawyer-Lubin production, which was made under the direction of Phil Rosen, is slated for early release by First National. Will H. Hays and Sam L. Warner greet William Beaudine, new president of the Directors' Association. Special Meeting of Legislature Called to See "The Iron Horse" WHILE the William Fox production of "The Iron Horse" has been shown to President Coolidge, Governor Alfred E. Smith and other state executives, for the first time in history a special meeting of the State Legislature has been called to witness a motion picture. On Tuesday night, February 17, "The Iron Horse" was screened in the rotunda of the state capital at Salt Lake City, Utah, for Governor George C. Dern, the members of the Legislature and the following prominent citizens of that state : Mayor C. Clarence Neslen of Salt Lake City, Secretary of State H. C. Crockett, Attorney General Henry C. Guff, Speaker of the House of Representatives McKell, Superintendent of Public Instruction A. N. Jenson, Chairman of the State Industrial Commission Board H. O. McShane, Chairman of the Utilities Commission D. O. McKay, President of the State Senate A. B. Irvine, Chairman E. L. Gurgon of the Board of County Commissioners and Judge F. C. Loofbourow. James Kirkham, 75, who was with the road from the head of Echo canyon to Devil's Gate, said, "The hardships shown in the picture were not exaggerated. We worked for nearly a year just driving the tunnel in Echo canyon, and the trials that came to the workers there were great." Joseph S. Home, Richfield, a pioneer of 1847, who worked on the transcontinental road, assisted in the construction from Ogden to Salt Lake built at the suggestion of Brigham Young. He said, "I saw towns move from place to place as the road progressed just as shown in the picture. It was real and historically true in most cases. Much of the grading from Echo Canyon to Ogden, the most difficult section, was done by the Utah pioneers, who also built the trunk line to Salt Lake. Brigham Young himself after the Promontory celebration broke the first ground for it and drove the last spike at Salt Lake January 10, 1870." "Our Gang" in a scene from their latest, "Dog Days," which Hal Roach has produced for Pathe. New Century Comedy "Dangerous Peach," a two-reel comedy starring Al Alt, is the current week's release by the Century Film Corporation. It is being released through all Universal exchanges. This is Al Alt's first comedy under Century's new four-star series plan. Alt will make twelve two-reelers in all for 1925 release. Some of them already are completed. The other three stars in the four-star plan are Wanda Wiley, Eddie Gordon and Edna Marian.