The Moving picture world (July 1925-August 1925)

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August 22, 1925 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 815 Fil1 In Tear Out Send Along Straight From the Shoulder Report Van: I am an exhibitor. I want to help exhibitor Independence from poor pictures. So I send this tip and will send others if you will send me your regular blanks. I'll live up to the ethics of "Our Gang" by being fair to picture and to exhibitor. Here's my tip on Title Producer Star My report Audience appeal Suitable for Sunday? A Special?... Signature of Exhibitor Theatre No. Seats Town State. Semon. Very good slapstick comedy. I seldom get a Semon comedy that fails to please. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Good appeal. Small town class and farmers town of 600. Admission 10-20-30. H. W. Batchelder, Gait Theatre (175 seats), Gait, California. KING COTTON. (Educational). Star, Lloyd Hamilton. Lloyd Hamilton in an action comedy. That's what we've, been howling for all the time. From the opening scene to the final fade-out this comedy was a scream. Southern exhibitors and patrons will go wild over this one. A very realistic cotton picking scene starts off the show and Lloyd begins to do his stuff. You should have heard them roar. Oh, Lloyd, give us more like this one. Tone. fair. Sunday, yes. Almost a special. Appeal, one hundred per cent, comedy. General class town of 1,000. Admission 1025, 15-35. H. H. Hedberg, Amuse-U Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. SIT TIGHT. (Educational). Star, Jimmie Adams. Jimmie Adams in a fast moving story with a good deal of action but for some reason there were not many laughs. Probably the reckless motorcycle riding had them too thrilled to laugh. Tone. good. Sunday, yes. Good appeal. General class town of 1,000. Admission 10-25, 15-35. H. H. Hedberg, Amuse-U Theatre, Melville, Louisiana. WHY WORRY. (Universal). Star, Wanda Wiley. Not a laugh in it. One exhibitor near here says they are the best two reel dramas he has seen. I am beginning to think he is about right. The girl is good looking, and is a pretty good comedy actress but her comedies are the worst things I nave seen in a long time. Out of the present group (which will be my last). I have found one good one and one fair one. The rest have not been worth express charges to me. Given a director, a comedy story and some support I believe Wanda would be a favorite. All classes town of 3,000. Admission 10-^u. National Theatre (430 seats), Graham, Texas. day, yes. Good appeal. All classes town of 1.312. Admission 10-20. M. J. Bradley, Airdome Theatre (250 seats), Thornton, Arkansas. Serials INTO THE NET. (Pathe). Good serial, gets attention. Wr. D. LaFerry, Rossville Theatre, Rossville, Gorgia. Short Subjects BRAINS AND BRAWN. (Pathe Sportlight). Very good interesting single reel educational. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Good appeal. Small town class and farmers town of 600. Admission 10-20-30. H. W. Batchelder, Gait Theatre (175 seats). Gait, California. STEREOSCOPICS. (Zowle). (Pathe). This novelty drew many to see what it was like and then they told the others and brought them out to show them the second night. Very novel and drew well. Tone, okay. Sun Independents BROAD ROAD. (State Right). Star, May Allison. A fair program picture that seemed to satisfy everybody. City of 110,00. Admission 10-20. Al. C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania. COWBOY PRINCE. (Arrow). Star ca%t. A fair western picture, and nothing to get excited about. Will do for anybody that likes western pictures. Tone, good. Snuday, yes. Special, no. Fair appeal. Working class city of 13,500. Admission 10-15. G. M. Bertling, Favorite Theatre (187 seats), Piqua, Ohio. DUPED. (Independent). Star, William Desmond. Time for Helen to retire. Patrons don't want her for heroine. Picture weak and director J. P. McGowan (who also loves to "act") didn't put his customary pep in this one. James Thompson, as the tramp, stole the picture and his every appearance was greeted with laughter. This is the last of the Holmes Desmond pictures, thank goodness. Boys, watch out for the six sheet as it is misleading. Nothing like it in the' picture. Tone, fair. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Weak appeal. General class town of 1,000. Admission 10-25, 15-35. H. H. Hedberg, AmuseU Theatre, Melville, Louisiana, FOOLISH VIRGIN. (State Right). Star, Blaine Hammerstein. Was here considered good picture and did a fair business. City of 110,000. Admission 10-20. Al. C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania. HARBOR PATROL. (State Right). Star, Al Ferguson. A little program picture that did surprisingly nice business. City of 110,000. Admission 10-20. Al. C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania. HEARTS OF THE WEST. (State Right). Star, Lester Cuneo. A fair program picture that played to fair business. City of 110,000. Admission 10-20. Al. C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania. I AM THE MAN. (Chadwiek). 'Star, Lionel Barrymore. A dandy program picture and Barrymore made more friends here. The acting was good and my patrons liked it very much. The title is weak. Tone, good. Sunday, no. Special, no. Good appeal. All classes city of 15,000. Admission 10-25, 1535. Ed Malhiot, Monarch Theatre (569 seats), Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada. LIGHTNING ROMANCE. (State Right). Star, Reed Howes. Was nothing like as good as we expected from this star. Only pleased a few, but the Fox special, Reed Howes played in was a knockout. Sunday, no. 'Special, no. Fair appeal. All classes. Admission 10-25-30. W. H. Odom, Pastime Theatre f25n seats), Sandersville, Georgia. lneatle <2o° MIDNIGHT GIRL. Star, Lila Lee. Pretty fair program picture but the first reel contains the filthiest title and scene I ever saw in a picture. Cut it out before showing Tone doubtful. Sunday, no. Special, no. Fair ap^ peal. Family and student class town of 4 000 Admission 10-25. R. J. Relf, Star Theatre '(600 seats), Decorah, Iowa. MARRIAGE MARKET. Star cast. Pulled tair crowd one day and all spoke well of it. Tone, okay. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Cood appeal. Family and student class town of 4,000. Admission 10-25. R. J. Relf Star Theatre (600 seats), Decorah, Iowa. ' MY NEIGHBOR'S WIPE (Davis Distributing Division). Star cast. Splendid example of "story-within-a-story" type of picture. In general it's very well done. It's especially good in character drawing and suspense which I've always maintained are the two most important mental elements in a screen drama. Appeal, ninety-five per cent. Sunday, yes. Special, no. A. S. Rittenberg, Fulton Theatre (1,800 seats), Jersey City, New Jersey. SURE FIRE FX I NT. (C. C. Burr). Star, Johnny Hines. This picture was well liked Jjy all. Many favorable comments and no kicks. Hines is fast becoming a favorite. Tone, good. Hardly suitable for Sunday. Special, no. Good appeal. All classes town of 1,312. Admission 10-20. M. J. Bradley, Airdome Theatre (250 seats), Thornton, Arkansas. TAINTED MONEY. (State Right). Star„ Eva Novak. Eva Novak supported by William Fairbanks but it is not much of a picture. Story drags too much. Has some action. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Fair appeal. Working class city of 13,500. Admission 10-15. G. M. Bertling, Favorite Theatre (185 seats), Piqua, Ohio. WALLOPING WALLACE. (Enterprise). Star, Buddy Roosevelt. Good western with lots of action. A new star here but they seemed to like him. R. D. Nowell, Idlehour Theatre, Monroe, Georgia. WESTERN PROMISE. (State Right). Star, Lester Cuneo. Rotten. Nothing to it. Some of these Lester Cuneo pictures have been fair westerns of the cheap variety but there was nothing to this one. All classes in small town. Admission 10-30. M. W. Larmour, National Theatre (430 seats), Graham, Texas. ZEEBRUGE. (State Right). Here is a picture that all exhibitors should run. The detail is good and shows clearly what actually took place. A sailor who took part in the fight declared it true to the occasion. Tone, good. Sunday, no. Special, yes. Appeal, one hundred per cent. All classes city of 15,000. Admission 10-25, 15-35. Ed. Malhiot, Monarch Theatre (569 seats), Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.