The Moving picture world (November 1925-December 1925)

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318 MOVING PICTURE WORLD November 28, 1925 MISS LUCY MERIWETHER CALHOUN appointed Chicago Field Representative of the Public Relations Department of Pathe Exchange, Inc., by Miss Reggie Doran, director. Miss Calhoun zvill co-operate with e.vhibitors in the Mid -West District. European Market (Continued from preceding page) foreign productions, American pictures and methods in particular. This agitation, started I believe, by a few disgruntled British producers, has now been seriously taken up by the organization of British Trades which feels that British prestige is menaced by the dominance of American pictures. But while they like English pictures — if they are good, at no point did I find important exhibitors particularly interested in this AntiAmerican movement. English exhibitors like American pictures: First, because they are relatively inexpensive, and secondly, because they are generally of better quality than they can get elsewhere. Moreover, they are making money with them. "In the United Kingdom good progress has been made in the organization of our subsidiary, the Producers Distributing Company, Ltd., and in the sale of its first program of fourteen pictures, Mr. Vogel made a wise choice in his selection of A. George Smith as managing director of this enterprise." Former Ohio Censor Seeks to Become Qovernor MRS. EVELYX FRANCES SNOW, former chief cen>or of motion pictures in Ohio, is reported as seeking the Republican nomination for governor. While censoring she attracted considerable attention by reason of her wielding of the shears and her explanations of her eliminations. Governor Harry L. Davis appointed her and she resigned early in the administration of Governor A. V. Donahey after several stormy sessions with Director of Education, Vernon M. Riegel. No Exaggerations (Continued from page 312) Right here Semmy finds ott de fadder iss seek, he goes to de badside he should esk forgeevness, bot hees fadder vants unly Morris. Semmy tinks he could safe hees papa wit meking ott he is Morris, his fadder wouldn't know de dififrence een a dok room. So he stots to getting batter Mista Kominsky, wot he giffs de credick to Morris, odder he dun't iven geeve eet a taught to Semmy. Second floor — Oy, sotch a dahlingk boy. Eets by heem all de time secrifices for dot good-for-notingk tremp of a brudder. First floor — Anyhoo de doktor meks knun ees impossible he could leave seex monts weetott a chenge from climate Mista Kominsky, odder dey hev no moneh eet dun't look pussible. So while he iss conwellesing de papa, he rids een de paper ees goingk on opptown a wadding wot de grum's name ees Morris Kominsky who ees a self made men weetott a fadder odder a mudder. He couldn't bilive hees eyes Mista Kominsky. He tinks he should go by de wadding he should mek sure. Ven he gats dere, Morris dat low bist of bom wot a gunmen odder a moiderer iss motch batter, he says he dun't iven know hees own flash wit blud, he toins de beck un hees papa. Second floor — Better should be een mine femly a sewer ret, for dis dere ees no law you couldn't keel it. First floor — Here it soffers Mista Kominsky a relaps vot he vanders arond de strit wit asphixia wot he dun't remamber nottingk were iss his hos. Second floor — So ? First floor — So here comes de beeg climate of de stury. Semmy gats a chence, he feels een de place from a buxa wot bruk hees torn. For dees flight se should gat van toosand dollas, odder eef he weens he should be waltawet chempin from de woildt. So de flght stots. Oyoyoyoy, vas dot a flght. On my woister anemy I shouldn't vish sotch ponishment vot dat beeg moiderer of a chempin was sparing no hexpense he should knuck off de bluck Semmy. Second floor — Bot itch clod hes de seelver liningk, nu? First floor— You got right. Semmy's goil taks his mudder to de fight vot ven he gats knucked don she jomps to de reengsite she should hencurrage heem de fadder nids de moneh he should gat veil. Oy, run't spick a voidt, ven Semmy sees de momma, dots enuf he should commick a little moider himself. De rast I vouldn't tall you. Iss woidt ten dollas you should see how cosi ott de feelm. Tulk abot hexitement wit sput wit leffiing — for seex monts I shouldn't gat hova eet. Second floor — So, tonight I mek mine Louie vash oily de deeshes vot ve should be hable to see dees "Hees Pipple." Slonk. —R. S. SAFE ROBBERS FOILED Safe robbers were foiled in their attempt to break open a safe in the office of the Capitol Theatre, Braddock, Pa., early Sunday morning a week ago. There was $800 in the safe. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiw In and Out of Town UlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW^ William Parker, vrell knon-n fllm writer and newspaper man, vrho has been aaisociated with Irvine Lexser and Harry Ratliner In the .'Vstor DlNtributingr Corporation, sailed on IVovember 14 (or London. In addition to making: a study of the foreiiEn fllm situation, Parker n1U write a serlea of articles on foreifni fllm production for an American news* paper syndicate. Lee Marcus, greneral sales manager of F. B. O., has returned from a ten-day tour of the eastern central exchangea of the company. Mark Hyman, president of the Standard Cinema Corp., arrived in Los Augreles from N'ew York last week to confer with offljcialn of Joe Rock Productions relative to the forthcoming program of that concern. Ludwig G. B. Erb, producing head of Associated Arts Corp. producing for F*. B. 0> at that company's Hollywood studios, arrived there from New York this week after Npending a month In the East on business. Mrs. E. It. Scott, proprietor of Kilm Distributors. Ltd., of London, und of the American Film Company of Kngland, has arrived from London. She Is a woman pioneer to «'nter the production and distribution fleld In Bnglnnd, and has, through her laboratory, made moMt of the first prints from .\merlcnn product abro.-id. At the present time she la doing the printing for many of the leading distributing organlKatlons In England. Mrs. Scott is stopping at the Hotel .Vstor and nill make her business headquarters at the office of Uichmount Pictures, Inc., 723 Seventh a %'enue. Ed Hurley, who is handling the special exploitation and iiublicity that Associated Exhibitors is giving to Peggy Hopkins Joyce In her first starring screen vehicle, ■•The Skyrocket,*' spent part of last week In New Knsland. E. J. Smith, newly appointed general aalea manager for Associated Exhibitors, left on Wednesday for a flying trip to Chicago for ■ sales conference with Middle West territory managers. This is the first official trip Mr. Smith has made In the Interests of the Associated Exhibitors and is done principally to pep up the sales force on the "Triumphant Thirty" and the Peggy Hopkins Joyce starring vehicle, "The Skyrocket." According to aalea plans, "T'he Skyrocket" will open in Chicago for a run at the same time that Broadway sees the picture. It is hinted that a booking has already been made with one of the biggest theatres In Chicago's Loop. Sam Bullock Is In New York City in comnection with the Public Service Department of the Ohio !H. P. T. O. He recently returned from England and Ireland. Jack Coogan, Sr., is in New York City to discuss Jackie's next picture with MetroGold wyn-Mayer. Theda Bara has arrived from the West Coast. Lou B. Metsger, Universal sales director, supervising the western divlalon, la on ■ sn-|ng around the territory. OPENS MEXICAN BRANCH J. J. Rein, of Producers International Corporation has just returned from a three weeks trips to Mexico where he completed arrangements for a new Producers Distributing Corp. subsidiary releasing organization to be located in Mexico City. Due to the limited local facilities for distribution in Mexico, the Producers International Corp. found it necessary to establish its own Mexican Company namely; Producers Distributing Corporation de Mexico, S. A. George Pezet, formerly with Paramount in Mexico has been appointed general manager and will assume his new duties immediately. It is planned to release fifty pictures during the first fiscal years.