The Moving picture world (November 1925-December 1925)

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December 5, 1925 MOVING PICTURE WORLD 447 tlrely, so of course no one cared for the picture. Tone, fair. Sunday, no, ad no for special. Appeal, none. Draw rural class town about 1,450. Admission 10-30. I l' Kennedy, Electric Theatre (350 seats), Glasgow, Missouri. SEVEN KEY,S to BALDPATE. (6,974 feet). Star, Dougrlas McLean. First McLean picture ever run in my house and it went over nicely. A mystery comedy drama, taken off the stag-e play of same name. Print new. Good tone Sunday, yes, and no for special! Good appeal. R. A. Preuss, Arvada Theatre, Arvada, Colorado. SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE. (6,048 feet). Star, Doug-las McLean. The version wasn't commensurate with the touting it got, and our critical audiences termed it a mere program picture. Suspense is the keynote and it's well done; no exeftion on the parts of all involved. Tone, O.K. Sunday, yes, special, no. Eighty-five per cent, appeal. Draw mixed class, town about 1 300 Admission 10-30. Pace & Bonman, Ri'alto Theatre (300 seats), Pocahontas, Iowa. Pathe KRE.SHM.W. (6.683 feet). Star, Harold Lloyd. Excellent comedy. Will please all Lloyd fans and should do a very good business. Tone and appeal okay. Sunday, okay. Special, yes. General class town of 3,500. Admission 10-25. Krieghbaum Brothers, Char-Bell Theatre (800 seats), Rochester, Indiana. GIRL SHY. (7.457 feet). Star, Harold Lloyd. Lloyd always goes good here. This picture tame at the start but makes up for it in the last two reels. Lots of laughs. Tone, good. Sunday and special, yes. Appeal, ninety-five per cent. Farmers town of 400. Admission ten cents on program pictures and 10-25 on specials. Ross. S. King, Opera House (225 seats), Barnes City, Iowa. PERCY. Star, Charles Ray. This a very good picture but it did not get me any money. Star is a back number and does not draw as he did several years ago. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Fair appeal. All classes in big city. Stephen G. Brenner, Eagle Theatre, Baltimore, Maryland. Producers' DisU Corp CHARLEY'S AUNT, igtar, Syd Chaplin. In my opinion the laugh hit of the season. You're going to be asked som* coin of the realm for this, expect it and then sell it hard. You can increase, I did very slightly and not a murmur. Weather fine. Excellent attendance. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. CH.\RLEY'S AUNT. (7,245 feet). Star, Syd Chaplin. Played a bit late but to record crowds. Pleased one hundred per cent. C. L. Brattin, Princess Theatre, Sidney, Montana. CRIMSON RUNNER. Star, Prlscilla Dean. It's a crj'ing shame this artist can act, but the picture is the veriest rot. You know how "Priscilla" stands in your town, I know now too. If it was me. I wouldn't show this picture on a bet, I consider it positively the worst in which she has ever appeared. Weather fine. Attendance, matinee fair, night I might as well have closed up. Dave Seymour, Pontlao Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. FRIENDLY' ENEMIES. Star, Mat Moore. A very good comedy drama with plenty of pathos and heart appeal. Tone, and appeal, okay. Sunday, okay. Semi-special. General class town of 3,500. Admission 10-25. Krieghbaum Brothers, Char-Bell Theatre (800 seats), Rochester, Indiana. FRIENDLY ENEMIES. Stars, Weber and Fields. They liked it here, because in my estimation eighty per cent, of the population here is from New York City and the W. and F. popularity counted, not a "Charlie's Aunt'' but a very good comedy much of the fun being told in titles, and as a rule that Is not satisfactory but the "language butchering" amused 'em here. Weather fine. Attendance good. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful. Saranac Lake, New York. CORINNE GRIFFITH Clmnii condensed in a corner of a couch — certainly that's Corinne in "Classified" for First National. LET WOMEN ALOINE. Star cast. A fair program picture for small houses that still charge ten cents admission. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. No appeal. D. W. Strayer, Mt. Joy Theatre, Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania. OFF THE HIGHWAY. (7,641 feet). Star, William V. Mong. The acting in this one Is great. Photography bum. Old story done in old way, but acting carries the story through, can be used three days to good business. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, ninety per cent. Factc-y class. Admission 15-25. Da\id W. Strayer, Mt. Joy Theatre, Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania. ROARING RAILS. -Star, Harry Carey. A dandy melo-drama, heart interest, thrills, forest fire. The child acting is wonderful. Business class and farmers town of 2,200. Admission 10-25. A. F. Jenkins, Community Theatre, David City, Nebraska. STOP FLIRTING. Star, Wanda Hawley. Only fair. Laughs entirely too infrequent. Play it but be sure and have a good program surrounding it and possibly you'll escape censure. I was very particular in the selection of my short stuff and that virtually "made" my program for the day. Weather fair. Pretty good attendance. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. WHAT SHALL I DO. (8,000 feet). Star cast. Picture good. Pleased all who saw it. Title misleading and killed the picture. Wallins Theatre, Wallins Creek, Kentucky. United Artists HILL BILLY. Star, Jack Plcktord. Very well liked but did only a moderate business. Al. C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania. ISN'T LIFE WONDERFUL. Star, Carol Dempster. A great character study about a lot of potatoes, acted magnificently, not a false move of any of the direction. Candidly I can't see how a small town can play to anything with this because its appeal is so limited. It was requested here, and they got it at a very moderate rental. Would have lost my life if I paid what was originally requested, as it was I sneaked by and they saw the picture. Some liked It, others walked out. Weather fair, attendance considering the offering fair. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. ONE EXCITING NIGHT. Star cast. A real good show that failed to pull them through rain and mud. A complete flop at the box office. Tone, good. Sunday, no. Special, yea. Appeal, ninety per cent. Town and rural class town of 1,028. Admission 10-25, 25-50 on specials. W. C. Geer, Princess Theatre (175 seats), Vermont, Illinois. THIEF OF BAGDAD. Star, Douglas Fairbanks. It's class throughout and a fine spectacular affair. The question arises whether you can play it and get by, if there are patrons enough in your town to come across buy it, what they consider it worth, that's something else, buy it reasonable and charge accordingly. Don't run it for ''prestige" for if you do try cashing some "prestige" at your local bank. Weather fine. Attendance, great, it had to be. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. Universal BUTTERFLY. Star cast. An excellent offering. Tone and appeal, good. Sunday and special, yes. Farmers and merchant? town of 1,650. Mrs. J. B. Travelle, Elite Theatre, Placerville, California. CALIFORNIA STRAIGHT AHEAD. Star, Reginald Denny. They liked it here. Plenty of action and plenty of laughs. Weather rain, which affected the attendance. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. DANGEROUS INNOCENCE. (6,759 feet). Star cast. This is a nice picture, but the name didn't appeal. I believe the story's name "Ann's An Idiot" would have been better as lots of people have read the story. It is a pleasing show with Considerable comedy. Tone, fine. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Town of 3,200. Admission 10-20-30. Charles Lee Hyde, Grand Theatre, Pierre, .South Dakota. . DARING CHANCES. (6,260 feet). Star cast. Just a good western. Nothing extra good tor Saturday crowds in small towns and country. Sunday and special, no. Appeal, eighty per cent. Town and country class town of 1,500. Admission 15-25. O. G. Odell, Odelphl Theatre (400 seats), Hughesville, Pennsylvania. DON DARE DEVIL. Star, Jack Hoxie. Best Hoxie up to date. Rural class town of 1,450. Admission 10-30. I. 1. Kennedy, Electric Theatre (350 seats), Glasgow, Missouri. FAMILY SECRET. (5,076 feet). Star, Baby Peggy. Very good entertainment. Will not appeal to everybody but it does give the -variety that a theatre should have. Baby Peggy quite clever. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, eighty-five per cent. Small town class and farmers town of 350. Admission 10-35. Nelson & Ottem, Rex Theatre (140 seats), Osnabrock, North Dakota. FIGHTING AMERICAN. Star cast. Right. No matter how crazy you make a picture you'll always find some that will like it. This case was no exception. Some even thought it very good. AI. C. Werner, Royal Theatre, Reading, Pennsylvania, K — THE UNKNOWN. Star. Percy Marmont. A little gruesome in places but an interesting story and worth seeing. Tone, good. .Sunday, yes. Just above program. Fair appeal. Farmers and merchants town of 1,650. Mrs. J. B. Tt-avelle, Elite Theatre. Placerville, California. K — THE UNKNOWN. Star cast. A very good picture that should please the better class of patronage. Print good. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Fair appeal. All classes in big city. Stephen G. Brenner. Eagle Theatre, Baltimore, Maryland. LAW FORBIDS. (6,262 feet). Star, Baby Peggy. A very fine picture dealing with the divorce problem. Baby Peggy does her part in fine shape. Good for any day in week. ICxcellent tone. .Sunday and special, yes. Ajipeal. one hundred per cent. Town and country class town of 1,800. Admission 15-25. O. G. Odell, Odelphl Theatre (400 seats), Hughesville, PennsylM ania. LOVE AND GLORV. Star cast. This is a costume picture but it Is very good and well worth a Print good. Tone and appeal, good. Sunday and special, yes. All classes in big city. Stephen G. Brenner, Eagle Theatre, Baltimore, Maryland. MAN IN BLUE. Star, Herbert Rawlinson. A most excellent program p-icture, full of action and yet plausible, comedy not neglected