The Moving picture world (November 1925-December 1925)

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704 MOVING PICTURE WORLD December 19, 1925 Kind oi Piccuic Love and Kisses (Alice Day) Sennett comedy Solid Ivory (Mohaii Englr) Comedy Oever Feet bportllght .... Cuckoo Love (Tryoo) Comedy Good Morning, Madam (Graves) Comedy A.r Cooled J^'i cartoon All W'ooi (Earl Mohan) Koach comedy .Oct. .Oct. ..Oct. ..Oct. .Oct. • Oct. • Oct. Closer than a Bro-her ,lerry cartoon Oct. A hunch in the Nose Koach comedy Oct. A Sweet Pickle ^ciniett comedy Oct. Dangerous Curve. Behind Sennett comedy Oct. Better Movies Our Gang Oct. Wild Cats of Paris ""ry cartoon Oct Honor System lerry comedy Nov. Should Sailors Marrv (Cook) Comedy Nov. Amundsen IV.Iar Flight Spec.alette .Nov. PaiM. Be Good (Tr>on) Comedy .Nov. 21. Un«W ■n;;ee'''(Cha;ei: Uoac'h proU Nov. ^. Take Vour Time (Graves) le"> caiioou Nov. 21. More M.ce Than B.ams ieit, cartoon Nov. 21. Laughing Ladies (star cast) ' nmrdy ^ov. il. A Uay s Outing Terry cartoon.^..... Nov. X. Garden of Geihseiiiane I'llgrimage of Palestiiie. ...Nov. a. Walloping Wonders Sportlight Nov. a. PRINCIPAL PICTURES Uiteo Leiter (aU «t»r) Comedy dram» May Daring Youth (Daniels) Comedy arama May Daughters of Pleasure (Prevoat) Drama May Masked Dancer (H Chadwick) Mystery drama May Good Bad Boy (Joe Butterworth) Comedy-drama June Captain January (Baby Peggy) Sea story July Helen s Babies (Baby Peggy) . Comedy-drama Mine With Iron Door (allstar) Adventure drama Dec. 2,000 i.o()0 . 1.000 . 2.000 . 2,UO0 . l.uX) . 1,000 . 1.000 . 2,U00 . 2.OH0 . 2.000 . 2,000 . i.ouo . I.ouo . 2.<«in . 2.6U . 2.uua . 2.UU . I.OUO . l.UUU . 2,000 . 2.i>0 . i.cno . 2.UU0 . l.i«X) . 1,000 1924 10. . 6,242 S.97S 6,000 4,987 5,198 12.. 6,194 Bc-Creation of Brian Kent Drama , Mar. 27 7,800 1925 14 .. 6.878 PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORP 1924 . Jun. . Jun. Lightlying Rider (Carey) Western What Shall I Do? (Mackaill) Drama Legend 'of Hollywood (Marmont) Drama Jan. vVelcome Stranger (Vidor) Comedy-dr Oct. Barbara Fnetchie (Vidor) Civ. War dr Oct. loaring Rails (Carey) Railway dr ...Oct. Another Scandal (Lois Wilson) ...Sex theme Nov Another Mar's Wife (Lee Kirkwood) Drama Trouping With Ellen (H. Chadwick) Comedy-dr Reckless Romance (Star cast) Comedy feature Nov. 22.. Siren of Seville (Dean) Drama Nov. 29 1925 CThorus Lady (Livingston) Comedy-dr Feb. 21.. Cafe in Cairo (Dean) Drama Mar. 28.. Flaming Forties (Carey) Western rhe Mirage (Vidor) Drama Women Alone (O'Malley-Hawley) Drama Soft Shoes (Carey) Western "harlevs Aunt (Syd Chaplin) farce. comedy Feb. 21.. Her Market Value (Ayrea) Drama Girl of Gold (Vidor) ...Drama On the Threshold (all-star) Drama Beyond the Border (Carey) Western Beauty and the Bad Man (Star) Western Friendly Enemies (Weber & Fields) Comedy dr May 16.' Crimson Runner (Priscilla Dean) Stromberg melo lune 13.. Silent Sanderson (Carey) Cattle— gold fields Juno2o!! Stop Flirting (all star) Light comedy June 27 Beauty and the Bad Man (Mabel Ballin).. Drama July 4.. Awful Truth (Agnes Ayrea) Light comedy July ]]._ Texas Trail (Carey) Typical western July ig._ Private Affairs (Hulette) Character drama Aug. 1.! Hell's HiKhroad (Lealrice Joy) Love drama Sep. 12.! Seven Days (Lillian Rich) Comedy feature Sev. i2.. Coming of Amos (Rod LaRoque) Comedy-drama Sep 19.. Without Mercy (Vera Reynolds) Drama Prairie Pirate (Harry Carey) Western People vs. Nancy Preston Underworld drama Simon, the Jester (O'Rrien-Rich) Comedy. drama V.V.'. Road to Yesterday (Schildkraut) Spectacular drama ', Man from Red Gulch (Carey) Western Wedding Song (Leatrice Joy) .South sea drama Madame Lucy (Julian Eltinge) Farce-comedy Off the Highway (W V Monyl Prama ..Oict. .1. ^imon the Jester (O'Brien-Rich) Locke story Nov. 28. B. P. SCHULBERG PROD. .Dec 1924 27.. 192S 24.. 21.. 31.. 14.. 9.. 27.. 25.. 15.. 22.. 10.. 31.. Kind oi Piciurr Review Pc< . TRUART FILM CORPOi^ATION Passionate Youth Society drama 5,80U Marrving Money Society drama 5,800 Dollar Down Society drama 5,800 Age of Indiscretion Drama 5,800 "Where the Worst Begina" Comedy drama 5,800 The Hurricane Drama 5,800 Salvage Drama 5,800 Komaiice Road Drama 5300 The Fighting Cub Newspaper drama 5,801 NOVELTY SERIES Three in Exile ■ 5,800 The W ild Girl 5,808 l als 5,808 The Silent VVitneaa SJUO 6.000 6,000 5,414 6,618 7,179 5,753 7,000 5,015 6.4S2 5,530 6,724 6,020 5.656 5.770 5.770 5,620 7.243 5,931 4,%9 4,469 6,238 4,775 4,841 5.161 5,794 5.917 4,720 6.132 6.flR4 6.974 5,077 7^1 6,ia 6,626 5.950 6714 5.140 6.147 6.107 6.228 6009 6.324 5.979 6.4Sg 6,080 Triflers (Busch-Mayo) Paris soc. dr Capital Punishment (Clara Bow) Prison dr Jan. Boomerang (Oara Bow) Comedy-dr Mar Parasite (Bellamy-MooreWashburn) Drama Jan. Mansion of Aching Heart! (all-atar) ..Melodrama , Mar. Go Stra^**! (Star ^ast) Drama May Faint Perfume (Seena Owen) Romantic drama June My Lady's Lips (Oara Bow) Crook drama July Parisian Love ((Tiara Bow) Apache drama Aug nw\ Who Wouldn't Work (De La Motte) Modern drama Aug! Plastic Age (Bow-Ki'»h1 College story Oct. The Other Woman's Story (Calhoun) Mystery drama Oct. TIFFANY PRODUCTIONS, INC. 1925 Souls (or Sables Society drama Sep 5.. 6,500 The Sporting Chance Racing drama 6.500 Lightning Drama 6.500 Morals (or Men Society drama 6.5flJ The Lodge in the Wilderness Dram* Morganson's Finish Drama Tale of a Vanishing People Drama The Travis Cup Tlrama The Wrong Oat Drama The T>urab Head Drama The Life of a Woman Drama UNITED ARTISTS Salvatioo Hunters (Von Sternberg prod.). Symbolical dr Feb. 1 hici ol Bagdad (D. Fairbanks) Fantasy Mar. America (Ofiititb prod.> Historical drama Mar. Waking Up tlic Inwo (J. Pickford-Shearer; wmcoy dr A|iriJ Don ^, Son of /orro cD. Fairbanks) Typical Fairbanks lune Sally of the Sawdust (Dempster) D. W. Gnflitb prod Aug. Gold Rush (Chaplin) A Dramatic cuiucdy Aug. Wild Justice (I'eier ihe Great) Dog inelo.lrama Auc. Little Annie Rooney (Pickford) Typical "Mary" Oil. Kagie (Rudolph Valeiitinu) Komaiitic drama .Nov. Stella Dalbs (star cast) Motlier-love drama Nov. 6.500 6.500 6.,50n S.'SOO 1925 14.. s.m 29..12,UU0 8.. 11,442 11.. *JBt 27..1I.UO0 IS.. 9,500 29.. 8,535 29.. 5.886 31 . . 0 «« 21.. 6JS< 28.. 10,157 UNIVERSAL 1925 Rolling Stones (Chaa. Puffy) "Fat man" com May 23.. 1,000 Love Sick (Lake) Sweet 16 comedy May 23.. 2,000 The Teaser (LaPlante-O'.Malley) Comedy-drama May 30,.. 6,(MXi Slick Articles (Karr-Engle) Century comedy May 30,.. 2,000 Locked Out Sweet 16 comedy May 30.. l.OOO I'll Show You the Town (Denny) Comedy June 6.. 7,400 Nobody Wina Sweet 16 Comedy June 6.. 1,000 Showdown (Art Acord) Mustang western June 6.. 2,000 Price of Pleasure (Valli. Kerry) Koinai.iic drama June 13.. 6,618 Speak Freely (FJdna Marian) (Century comedy June 13.. 2,000 Nearly Rich (Chas. Putfy) Fat man comedy June 13.. I.UOO Kicked About (Eddie Gordon) Century comedy June 13.. 2,000 Siege (Valli O'Brien) Drama June 20.. 6,426 Gridiron Gertie (Wiley) Century comedy June 20.. 2,0U0 Queen of the Roundup (Ed 0>bb) Mustang western June 20.. 2,000 Outlaw (Perrin-Lorraine) Mustang western June 20.. 2.U0C Dog Biscuits Sweet 16 comedy June 30.. 1.000 Ice Cold Sweet 16 comeay June 20.. 1.000 Heart Trouble Sweet 16 com July 25.. l.iKJti Dry Up (Jack Singleton) Century com July 25.. 2.m Wh:te Outlaw (Hoxie) Western June 27.. 4,850 Nicely Rewarded (Chas. Puffy) Comedy June 27.. i.MB Rough Party (Alt.Karr) Century comedy June 27.. 2.000 Pronto Kid (Ed Cobb) Mustang westerr June 27.. 2.000 Unwelcome (Chas Rnffy) Comedy June 27.. I.nOT Plenty of Nerve (Edna Marian) Century comedy July 4.. 2.000 Beauty and the Bandit (Larkin) Mustang western July 4.. 2,000 Married Neighbors (Engle-Darhngton) Century comedy July 4.. 2.00(' A Lucky Accident (Puffy) Fat man comedy July II.. 1,000 Just in Time (Wanda Wiley) Century comedy July 11.. 2.000 Ropin' Venus (Josie Sedgwick) Mustang western July II.. 2,000 Knockout Man (Perrin-Lorraine) Reissue western July II.. 2,00G Little (jiant (Hunter Murphy Comedy July 18.. 6,858 Discord in "A" Flat Sweet 16 comedy July 18.. 1,009 Polo Kid (Eddie Gordon) Comedy luly 18.. 2,001 Battle of Wits (Josie Sedgwick) Western Inlv 18.. 2.008 Goose Woman (Louise Dresser) Drama Aug. 1.. 7,500 Milky Way (Puffy) Comedy Aug. I.. 1,000 Short Pants Sweet 16 comedy Aug. I.. 1,000 Paging A Wife (AI Alt) Century comedy Aug. I.. 2,000 Fighting Schoolmarm (Sedgwick) Short western Aug. 1.. 2.000 Home Maker (Alice Jovce Oove Brook) Domestic drama Aug. 8.. 7,735 Lorraine of the Lions (Miller -Kerry) Jungle melodr Aug. 8. . (.700 Raiders of the North (Ijrkin) Northwest dr Aug. 8.. 2,000 After a Reputation (Edna Marian Century comedy Aug. 8.. 2,000 Greenhorn (Chaa. Puffr) Comedy Aug. 8.. 1.000 A Woman's Faith (Rubens-Marmont) Drama Aug. 15.. 6.023 Crying For Love (Gordon) Century comedy Aug. 15.. 2.000 His New Suit (Arthur Lake) Comedy Aug. 15.. 1.000 Best Man (Josie Sedgwick) Western Aug. 15.. 2.000 Circus Cyclone (Art Acord) Western Aug. 22.. 4,397 Won Bv Law (Wanda Wiley> Century comedy Aug. 22.. 2.000 Speak Easy (Chas. Puffy) Comedy Aug. 22.. 1.000 Stand ITp and Fiirht (Jack Perrin) Western Aug. 22.. 2.000 Where Was 1? (Reginald Denny) Farce-com-romance Aug. 29.. 6.630 Buster Brown Series Outcault's "kid" ser Aug. 29.. 2,000 Educating Buster Brown Buster Brown Aug. 29.. 2.000 Buster, Be Good Buster Brown Aug. 29.. 2.008 Perils of the Wilds (Bonomo) Serial -Sep. 5.. 10 ep California Straight Ahead (Denny) Thrill comedy Sep. 5.. 7.2.W Peacock Feathers (J. Logan) Domestic drama .Sep. 5.. 6.747 Stranded (Edna Marian) Century comedy Sep. 5.. 2.000 The Party Sweet 16 comedy .Sep. 5.. 1.000 Dynamite's Daughter (Sedgwick) Mustang western .Sep. 5.. 2.000 Pleasure Bent (Puffy) Tat man comedy Sep 5.. 1.000 Call of Courage (Art Acord) Blue Streak western Sep. 12.. 4.061 Tricked (Cobb) Mustang western Sep. 12.. 2.008 Fieht Within (Larkin) Mustang western Sep. 12.. 2.000 Phantom of the Opera (Chaney) Suspense-mystery Kep 19.. 8.404 Storm Breaker (House Peters) Sea town melo Sep 19.. 6.064 Westward Ho (Puffy) BlueBird comedy -Sep 19.. 1.000 Too Much Mofher-in-Law Century comedy Sep 19.. 2.flnn Uncle Tom's Gal Century comedy Sep 19.. 2.0O0 Life's Greatest Thrills Special Sep 19.. 2.000 Sporting Life (Bert Lytefl) Melodrama Sep. 26.. 6.709 One Wild Night (Edwards) Comedy Sep. 26.. 1.000 Officer No. 13 (Eddie Gordon) Comedy Sep. 2S.. 2.000 Busfin' Through (Hoxie) Blue streak western Oct. 3.. 4..5fl0 Cupid's Victorv (Wanda WHey) Comedy '>'"•• ' • Bt the Sea (Puffyl Cimiedy Oct. 3.. I.flOO Calgary Stampede (Hoot Gibson) Thrill western Oct. 10.. 5.924