The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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^ Along 6xchange Row With the cMca Who Sell the 9ix:tures Albany J. H. Maclntyre, manag-er of the Famous Players exchang-e in Albany and chairman of the entertainment committee, expects about 200 persons in attendance at the dance to be given by the Associated Film Clubs of Albany at the Hotel Ten Eycl< on the night of January 15. Dancing will start at 9 o'clock. There has been a heavy demand for tickets. The southern tier in New York State will be covered for Warner Brothers from now on by Ted Hayes, who had previously been connected with the First National exchange. Walter Vadney. who has been succeeded by Mr. Hayes, will devote his attention to his theatre In Watervliet. Joe Miller, who looks after the Interests of Renown, was in Albany last week calling on various theatre owners. Alfred Marchetti has been elected as president of the local First National Club. Miss Carrie Himmelberger has been chosen as eecretarj'. Ella M. Rourke as treasurer and Renee Craven as chairman of the entertainment committee. All the salesmen In the First National office sported new memorandum books the first of the year, gifts from A. W. Smith. Employees of the Famous Players exchange tendered a farewell dinner last week to Tom Murray, prior to his departure for New York City, where he will make his home from now on. J. H. Maclntyre. manager of the Paramount exchange here, spent his Christmas at his home in Boston but returned here on Saturday and left a day or so later for a selling trip through Northern New York. No one has yet been appointed as manager of the local Bond exchange In place of Jack Krause. San Francisco Members of the San Francisco Universal exchange, thirty-two in all, cast business cares to the wind on the afternoon of December 24 and enjoyed a Christmas party. Presents of a comic nature were exchanged and the rest of the afternoon was given over to dancing. Employees joined in presenting Manager Carol A. Nathan with a handsome foot-stool. Lou Metzger, western division manager of Universal, with headquarters In New York, spent the Christmas holiday at San Francisco, conferring with District Manager L.. J. Schlaifer and Local Manager Carol A. Nathan. Harold Moore, formerly San Francisco city salesman for F. B. O., has been transferred to Portland, Ore., where he has been made branch manager. Fred Voight has taken over his duties as manager of the local exchange of Associated Exhibitors and Is rapidly becoming acquainted with the product of this concern. Jack Marpole has been added to the staff In the capacity of booker. The lure of San Francisco attracted several members of the Los Angfles film exchange colony during the Christmas season, among these being Jack and Betty Brower of First National, Mell Hulling of Warner Bros, and George Knowles of the Pathe Exchange. Mike Coyne, for some time connected with United Artists, has been made manager of the San Francisco exchange of this organization. Earl Cohen of the E. L. C. Co. la doing the proud-papa act these days, a bouncing boy having arrived to make things lively In the Cohen household. A. J. Moeller of the Moeller Theatre Service. New York, was a recent visitor at San Francisco. Buffalo Members of the various committees which planned for the annual Movie Ball staged Monday evening, January 4, In the Hotel Statler, are to be congratulated on the success of the event, which was the largest attended in the history of these dances. The ball, which was staged by the Film Board of Trade, attracted a huge throng of exhibitors and exchange men. not only from Buffalo but from surrounding towns. John M. Sitterly, Associated Exhibitors' representative, has engaged F. A. Maxwell as city salesman. E. J. Smith, general sales manager, was in town last week for a brief conference with Mr. Sitterly, stopping oft in Buffalo on his way home from Toronto where he went to confer with Frank S. Hopkins, representative in Canada. Robert T. Murphy, one of the best known exchange men in Western New York, has left Universal to assume his duties as manager of Shea's North Park. Bob took over the managerial reins on Sunday, January 3. Manager Basil Brady of Pathe has engaged George Ross, formerly with Bond and Fox as cashier, at the Pathe office, to succeed Louis Schlndler, who has been appointed booker. Harry T. Dixon, manager of the F. B. O. office. Is still trying to figure out who Is trying to make a golf bug out of him. He received a wliole outfit for Christmas but to date has never swung a niblick. Colonel Howard F. Brink received a beautiful toilet set for Christmas from the employees of the Educational exchange. It Includes everything but the bath tub. Jack Lyons, salesman. Is confined to his home with the grippe. Wants to be in style. Canada Formal announcement has been made of the appointment of I. H. Allen of Winnipeg, Manitoba, as Western Canada manager for Vital Exchanges of Canada, Ltd., by R. J. Romney, president and general manager of the Canadian company, the head office of which Is at St. John, N. B. This completes the organization of Canadian district representatives. Bill Melody having been made manager at Toronto and James A. Kirkpatrick at Montreal. Mr. Allen has opened offices in 302 Film Exchange Building, Winnipeg, to handle Western Vital distribution. W. A. Sault, one of the veteran film men of Canada, has been appointed branch manager for Canadian Universal at St. John, N. B., succeeding Joe Lieberman who has been In charge of that branch for some time. Harry Manhelm of Toronto, for some years publisher of a Canadian picture trade paper, was arrested recently through the efforts of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on a charge of printing fictitious whiskey bottle labels, having turned these out in large quantities, It is alleged. J. P. Bickell of Toronto, vice-president of Famous Players Canadian Corp., has made a business trip through the Canadian West. H. M. Thomas of Winnipeg. Western Division manager for Famous Players, has been paying a visit to the head office of the Canadian Famous at Toronto. Leo M. Devaney, Toronto. Universal sales manager, has returned from a business trip through Eastern Canada, going as far as Halifax and St. John. Fred W. Crosbie has' been appointed exploitation manager for Canadian Universal in Western Canada and has been doing excellent work with "Phantom of the Opera," I^ittshurgh G. C. Porter was elected president of the Universal Club, a social organization composed of members of the Universal exchange force at the Charleston, W. Va., branch. Other officers elected were: Boyd Eskew. vice-»)resident; Miss Margaret Porter, secretary: Fred Eddlngton, teasurer, and Ralph Smith, sergeant. Members of the entertainment committee named were: Russell Hunt, Miss Lee Eperthener. Miss Lavina Burdette and Ralph Smith. Finance committee — Fred Eddington. Earl Goff and Miss Bessie Meadows. N. E. Shiren of the home office was elected a member of the club. Mr. Shiren is a personal representative of Carl Laemmie and Is here for an extended stay to make a survey of conditions In West Virginia. J. E. Daly, manager of the local exchange, was presented with a beautiful leather set by hia employees, and Mr. Porter, who Is a salesman and known over the territory as the ■little man with the big cigar," was given two cigars that resembled small baseball bats in size. Manager J. J. Maloney, of the Pittsburgh Motro-Goldwyn-Mayer branch, has just lilted out his private office In such tasteful manner that It Is about the prettiest on the local Film Row. Walls painted bittleshlp grey, draperies on the windows and rugs on the , floor. Very classy. Manager R. S. Wehrle. of the First National exchange. Is again hard at work after having spent Christmas Day at the old home in Bluefiold. W. Va. "Russ" Is right at home in the Mountain States, he having .served for five years on the road for F. N. in that territory, plor to his being named manager of the office. Harry Grelle. of the Supreme Photoplay Company, Pittsburgh's oldest film man In point of service, suffered a broken left arm on Christmas Eve. Harry fell in a public garage, and fractured a small bone near the elbow, as well as badly spraining his wrist. The employees of the local Pathe exchange played Santa Claus to their boss, "Bert" Moran, by presenting him with a Pathex camera and projector. The home office of the P. D. C. presented their Pittsburgh branch with a projector for Christmas. Now Manager Jack Cohen is happy. He can screen his product for Interested exhibitors. St. Louis Jack Well has moved into his new offices at 3314 LIndell boulevard. The exchange was formerly used by Producers Distributing, which several weeks ago moved Into ground floor space in the Plaza Hotel Building. George William Gambrlll, Paramount exploiteer here for three years, has been transferred to Cincinnati. He will serve Cincinnati, Louisville and Indianapolis. William Goldman has added Jimmy Gately, formerly assistant manager for United Artists, to his staff of theatre managers. Hall Walsh is Warner Brothers' new city salesman, succeeoding John Morphet. Walsh was with Universal. Morphet goes with Produc->r» Distributing. A. H. Klein, booker tor Warner Brothers, has gone to Memphis, Tenn., to book for Fox there. R. O. Drummond, assistant comptroller for United Artists, visited the local office during the past week. Bill Collins is now booking for United Artists. He was with Universal. Miss Thelma Shirley, formerly bookkeeper for Universal, has also joined the United Artists office as cashier.