The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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Straight from the Shoulder Reports SxhibLttoa Information Direct from the $>ox-Office to yoa Sdit&dL bij cA. Van 3urm S'ow&U Associated Exhibition CAMILL.K OP THE BARBARY COAST. <5,308 ft.) Star, Mae Busch. A fairly entertainingpicture, that will come and depart and just fill in the day with no comment either way. Weather fair. Good attendance. Average program picture. Dave Seymour, Pontlac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Liake, New York. GOING UP. (5,886 ft.). Star, Douglas -MacLean. Very good thrill comedy, but not up to what I had expected from the advertisements. The last reel gives enough stunts to keep them up in the air for that length of time at least. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, eighty per cent. Small town class and farmers town of 600. Admission 1020, 10-30. H. W. Batchelder, Gait Theatre (175 seats), Gait, California. HIS BUDDY'S WIFE. Star, Glenn Hunter. This Is a show that pleased about 90 per cent., especially the ladies. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. 90 per cent, appeal. J. M. Blanchard, Lone Rock, Kossuth County, Iowa. KEEP SMILING. (5,400 ft.). Star, Monte Sanks. Plenty of laughs in this and that's what the picture was bought to accomplish here. Good cast and produced well, would advise exhibitors to play this, it will get by in any town. It's clean and tunny. Weather fair. Excellent attendance. A good comedy program picture. Tourists and health seekers. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. MANHATTAN MADNESS. (5.500 ft.). Star, Jack Dempsey. What business you are going to do is solely on Dempsey's name and then •when you get them in this picture won't entertain. It didn't here, but this is a particular town, Dempsey can't act a licl<, didn't do what he does best, fight. If I had it to do over again I wouldn't have played the picture, the squawks were many and in my opinion justified. If you ballyhoo this you can get them In, if you don't care how the audience feels after you've counted up, play it. Estelle Taylor can act, but she never liad a chance in this except to run in and out of doors. I wouldn't call this even a program picture. Pair weather, good attendance. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. F. B. O. GAI/IiOPING VENGEANCE. Star, Bob Custer. Not very good. The story didn't hold Interest. Tone, good. Sunday and special, no. Fair appeal. Farmers town of 412. Admission 10-25. J. C. Leveck, Benoit Auditorium, Benoit, Misissippi. HEADS UP. Star,' Lefty Flynn. This Is about the worst Flynn that I have ever run of him. I think that F. B. O. is trying to kill him as they don't put him in the stuff he should belong in, which is western type. Tone and appeal, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Working class city of 14,000. Admission 10-15. G. M. Bertling; Favorite Theatre (167 seats), Piqua, Ohio. JIMSVE'S MILLIONS. (5,167). Star, Richard Talmadge. Any of Dick Talmadge's shows please our crowd. Buy all of his pictures you <!an. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. 95 per cent, appeal. J. M. Blanchard, Lone Rock, Kossuth County, Iowa. LAST^ EDITION. (6.400 ft.). Star, Ralph Lewis. Step on this one, boys. Emory Johnson's greatest bar none. A real good bond and gold mine for the exhibitor if exploited I "It Is my utmost desire to be | I of some use to my fellow men." | I That is the spirit that prompts | I sincere exhibitors to send the de | I pendable booking tips you always | I find on these pages. Used by a | I [host of exhibitors, they have | I aided in the booking of good pic | I tures. They are published in a | I spirit of fair play to producer and | I exhibitor, without fear or favor. | I Use these tips and send some | I from your own experience. | I "OUR GANG." I fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ right. New print. Tone and appeal, good. Sunday and special, yes. R. A Preuss, Arvada Theatre, Arvada, Colorado. LAST EDITION. (6,400 ft.). Star, Ralph Lewis the grand old man of the screen back with Emory Johnson in a real honest to goodness picture, of the type of "In the Name of the Law" and "Third Alarm" and is just as good as any of these. Tone, good. Sunday and special, yes. Appeal, ninety-five per cent. Small town class town of 300. Admission 1025. Roy E. Cline, Osage Theatre (200 seats), Osage, Ol-clalioma. LAUGHING AT DANGER. (5,442 ft.). Star, Richard Talmadge. Packed with stunts, action, and daring adventures. Also has adequate comedy. A few of my patrons kick because all of Dick's stuff is so unreasonable but the majority like him fine. M. W. Larmour. National Theatre, Graham, Texas. LET'S GO GALLAGHER. (5,182). Star, Tom Tylor. Best Western on market; plenty of comedy and action. The little boy with his pony and dog will help make you liice it. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. 100 per cent, appeal. Draw farmers, town of 150. Admission 15-30. Robert W. Hines, Hines Theatre, (250 seats) Loyalton, South Dakota. NO MAN'S LAW. Star, Bob Custer. Here is a chap that is sure batting one hundred per cent. Bow Custer is making some real westerns at last. This one was pronounced a real bet by all. Tone and appeal, good. Small town class town of 300. Admission 10-25. Roy E. Cline, Osage Theatre (200 seats), Osage, Olclahoma. PARISIAN NIGHTS. (6,278 ft.). Star, Lou Tellegen. Just a fair program picture with all sorts of scraps and supposedly thrilling adventures that make little impression here. Only a fair program picture. Fair weather, attendance not good. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. TEARING THROUGH. (4,714 ft.). Star, Richard Talmadge. Not as good as his former pictures and very short. Not over four thousand feet of film. Business a little below normal for Saturday. He usually goes big for me. Tone, fair. Sunday and special, no. Appeal, seventy per cent. All classes town of 2,900. Admission 10-25, specials, 16-30. A. E. Andrews, Opera House (486 seats). Emporium, Pennsylvania. TEXAS BEARCAT. Star, Bob Custer. A good western picture full of action, that wll] please all western fans. Tone, fair. Sunday and special, no. Appeal, eighty-five per cent. Town and country class town of 700. Admission 10-20. W. F. Denney, Electric Theatre (250 seats), Lowry City, Missouri. THAT DEVIL aUEMADO. (4,720). Star, Fred Thompson. Up to the Thompson standard, which Is a good recommendation. Tone, good. No for Sunday and as special. Appeal 80 per cent. Draw farmers, small town oil field, town about 600. Admission 10-25. H. P. McFadden, Reel Theatre, (200 seats), Natoma, Kansas. •WHITE FANG. (5,600 ft.). Star, Strongheart (dog). The worst dog picture I have played. Strongheart was okay but the picture and cast fell down. S|)ecial, no. Not much appeal. Town of 3,000. Admission 10-30. M. W. Larmour, National Theatre (430 seats), Graham, Texas. THREE WISE CROOKS. Star, Evelyn Brent. Two days to fair business. This picture is just the old crook hokum. General class city of 35.000. Admission 25-35. C. D. Buss, Strand Theatre (700 seats), Easton, Pennsylvania. WHITE THUNDER. Star cast. Satisfactory western, but not as peppy as most persons want in action film; as a matter of fact it is not a Western until near the end. Opera House, Shepherdstown, West Virginia. WYOMING WILDCAT. (G reels). Star, Tom Tyler. "Let's Go Gallagher" with Toy Tyler was a knockout. "The Wyoming Wildcat" is all the title Implies. Action, thrills, and romance. For Western fans great. Tone and appeal, good. R. A. Preuss, Arvada Theatre, Arvada, Colorado. First ISIational AS MAN DESIRES. (7,650 ft.). Star, Milton Sills. One of the best liked jiictures shown here In months. Gets the business. Paper good. Easy to advertise. Wish could get more like it. Tone. okay. Special, yes. Good appeal. Town of 3,000. Admission 10-30. M. W. Larmour, National Theatre (430 seats), Graham, Texas. BRASS BOWL. Star, Edmund Lowe. Very good mystery story. Keeps you guessing who is who most of the time, better than the average mystery fiction. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, eighty-five per cent. David W. Strayer, Mt. Joy Theatre, Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania. CLASSIFIED. (6,925 ft.). Star, Corinne Griffith. This is one of the most pleasing pictures Miss Griffith ever made and if she is a drawing card with your audience she certainly will please them in this one. Slightly out of lier class but nevertheless a very fine picture that will do business and please your patrons so what could any e.vhibitor want. Tone, O. K. Sunday, O. K. Special, yes. 100 per cent appeal. Admission 10-30. L. O. Davis, Virginia Theatre, Hazard, Kentucky. CLASSIFIED. (6,927 ft.). Star, Corinne Griffith. Very good and just what the people like her in; this is a story with a foundation whereas few others of her output have the slightest semblance of a sensible theme. Tone, spicy. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, 95 per cent. Mixed class town of 1,400. Admission 10-30. Pace & Bouma, Rialto Theatre (300 seats), Pocahontas, Iowa. CLASSMATES. (6,982 ft.). Star, Richard Earthelmess. The authentic West Point atmosphere and action In this makes it a production that will greatly Interest everyone. 1 pushed this one hard but didn't clean up as tile weather and a county basketball tournament was against mo. Tone, okay. Sunday and special, yes. Strong appeal. Village and rural class town of 400. Admission 15-30. E. L. Partridge, Pyam Theatre (250 seats). Kinsman, Ohio. DARK ANGEL. (7,311). A good one and it will stand up for two or three days run. A. Mitchell, Dixie Theatre, Russellvllle, Kentucky.