The Moving picture world (January 1926-February 1926)

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250 MOVING PICTURE WORLD January 16, 1926 DESERT FLOWER. (6,837). Star, Colleen Moore. A very good picture from every viewpoint. Miss Moore well liked here. Ran It on a Monday (Blue Monday) and it went over big. Tone, excellent. Yes for Sunday and as special. 100 per cent, appeal. Draw rural and surrounding towns, town of 30,000. Admission 10-20. Cliarles Epler, Lyric Theatre (300 seats), Hamburg, Pennsylvania. FOR SALE. (7,840). Star, Corinne Orlf6th. Excellent picture. The kind that makes them come back for more. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. C. C. Golden, Missouri Theatre, La Belle, Missouri. FRIVOLOUS SAL. (7 reels). Star. Eugene O'Brien. This is a fine program picture of the western type and just a little different from other Western i>ictures. It went over In fine shape and everyone well pleased. Didn't have a very big Saturday night crowd, so Just made a little above expenses. Prints in good condition. Tone. fine. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, 90 per cent. General class town of 600. Admission 10-2.5, 15-35. \V. C. Snyder, Cozy Theatre (265 seats), Lamont, Oklahoma. HER TEMPORARY HUSBAND. (6,722 ft.). Star cast. Good comedy, plenty of laughs. Tone and appeal, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Farmers and merchants town of 1,650. Mrs. J. B. Travelle, Elite Theatre, Placerville, California. HUSOAIVDS AND LOVERS. (7,883). Star cast. A bright and clever picture with that human touch for which John W. Stahl has become known. Well done and pleasing. Tone, O. K. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, high. Draw better class, town about 14.000. Admission 10-35. E. W. Collins, Grand Theatre, (700 seats), Jonesboro, Arkansas. IDLE TONGUES. (5447 ft.) Star cast. Good story worth seeing. Tone and appeal, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Farmers and merchants town of 1,650. Mrs. J. B. Travelle, Elite Theatre, Placerville, California. KNOCKOUT. (7,450 ft.). Star, Milton Sills. It's a story of the woods with the big he-man triumphant over villainy, etc. They liked It, that's enough for me. They pay the freight. ■Weather fair. Attendance good. A program picture and priced as such here. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New York. PLAYING WITH SOULS. (5,830). Star, J. Logan. This is an ordinary program picture that will get by as such and no doubt please your average movie-goer. Special, no. Appeal, 80 per cent. Admission 10-30, L. O. Davis, Virginia Theatre, Hazard, Kentucky. POTASH AND PERLMUTTER. (7,700). All Star cast. This picture should have been run first ahead of "Potash and Perlmutter in Hollywood" but was not, consequently people became confused, thinking they had seen It, and stayed away. Tone, fair. Sun piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiin I Between Ourselves | I A get together place where | I we can talk things over | Western. Did not draw or please any better than a Jones, Mix or Fred Thompson production. P. R. Matson, Crystal Theatre, (43» seats) Flandreau, South Dakota. SHORE LEAVE. (6.856). Star, Richard Barthelmess. Dick very good In this one. Why don't he make more like It? Everybody raved over It. Tone, very good. Sunday and special, yes. Appeal, 100 per cent. Draw rural and surrounding towns, town of 30,000. Admission 10-20. Charles Epler. Lyric Theatre, (300 seats), Hamburg, Pennsylvania. SHORE LEAVE. (6,866). Star, Richard Barthelmess. One of the new ones but cannot say that It's any better than the others and certainly not the picture "'Classmates" was for box offlce value. Tone, fair. Sunday and special, no. Ordinary appeal. Draw all classes, town about 2,900. Admission 1025, specials 15-30. A. E. Andrews. Opera House, (486 seats). Emporium, Pennsylvania. SINGLE WIVES. (7.308). Stars, GrifflthSills. Our patrons did not care for this. With Lou Tellegen. Milton Sills, Henry B. Walthall and Kathleen Williams all in the cast it has the appearance of having been photographed In the Od Folks' Home. Y'ea, verily youth must be served. Tone, O. K. Sunday, yes. Special, never. Appeal, negative. Draw better class, town about 14,000. Admission 10-35. E. W. Collins, Grand Theatre, (700 seats), Jonesboro, Arkansas. SOUL FIRE. (8,262 ft). Star, Richard Barthelmess. A high class audience will enjoy this picture but the average audience will pan it. A very good -picture with wonderful action but will only be appreciated by a very intelligent class of people. All classes town of 3,000. Admission 25-35. T. L. Barnett, Finn's Theatre (000 seats), Jewett City, Connecticut. TALKER. .<73<ll ft.). Star, Anna Q. Nilsson. Played this one on a Sunday and did very good business. My patrons seemed to be pleased. Very good entertainment. Ton© and appeal, good. Sunday, yes. Hardly suitable for special. Farming and dairy class town of 1,750. Admission 10-30. E. W. Fischer, Rtalto Theatre (500 seats), Oakdale, California. WHAT FOOLS MEN. (7,349 ft.) . Star, Lewis Stone. An excellent program picture. Tone, okay. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Appeal, eighty-five per cent. Mixed class town of 1,400. Admission 10-30. Pace & Bouma, RIalto Theatre (300 seats), Pocahontas, Iowa. WHY BIEN LEAVE HOME. (8 reels). Star cast. A very good program picture. Soma funny situations appeal In this picture, but had several say good picture. Tone, fair. Sunday and special, no. Appeal, seventy-flve per cent. Town and country class town of 700. Admission, 10-20. W. F. Denney, Electric Theatre (250) seats), Lowry City, Missouri. Fox CONai'EROR. THE. (Star, William Farnum). While this picture is of ancient locale concerning the rise of Sam Huston's life from Indians to governor of Texas, it Is a very true narrative of history. The events concerning same are well handled and the acting is well done. This picture contains heart Interest, action, humor, and some comedy. The battle between settlers and raiders Is big with a large body of Indians to tho rescue of the settlers. This Is a picture that should please where action Is demanded. Good comments were heard from my patrons, although I had three days' rain. Tone, good. Special, no. Good appeal. Draw general class, town of about 1,200 to 2.200. Admission 15-25. E. N. Prescott, Prescolt Theatre (257-700 seats). Union, Maine. CURLY TOP. (5,82). Star, Shirley Mason. A picture that will hold your audience from beginning to end, although the end isn't very fitting. It is unbelievable, but the picture Is worth running. Tone, fair. Sunday and special, no. 80 per cent, appeal. Draw factory class. Admission 15-25. D. W. Strayer, Mt. Joy Theatre, Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania. LADY WHO LIED. (7,111 ft.) Star, Lewis J. Stone. The exhibit was found no fault with by my patrons and that's the proof. Weather good, attendance good. A good program picture, nothing more. Tourists and health seekers. Dave Seymour, Pontiac Theatre Beautiful, Saranac Lake, New Y'ork. MAKING OF O'MALLEY. Star, Milton Sills, I don't believe this will suit Sills' fans. It didn't here. The story Is very weak and disconnected. It doesn't seem true to life. Don't boost It too much. T. L. Barnett, Finn's Theatre (600 seats), Jewett City, Connecticut. MAKING OF O'MALLEY. Star, Milton Sills. If your patrons like action pictures this should suit them. Special, no. A. Entwisle, Dreamland Theatre, Edmonton, Altoona. MARRIAGE CHEAT. (7 reels). Good picture just a little above program schedule. Rental too high for this small town. Tone, good. Sunday, yes. Special, no. Fair appeal. Draw farmers and merchants, town about 1,650. Mrs. J. B. Travelle. Elite Theatre, Placerville, California. PACE THAT THRILLS. One of the worst that I ever played. Absolutely rotten from the first to the last reel. Lots of walkouts on this show, and the few who did remain only stayed to "bawl" me out when they came out. If you run this one, advertise that it is rotten, and may be they will want to see how rotten it is. A. Mitchell, Dixie Theatre, Russell ville, Kentucky. I Every once in a while the boys | I here in the office look up from | I the work of getting out the trade | I paper you like to read, and then, | I with a shrug, return to their | I work. I I All because the chap who | I gathers your dependable tips and | I gets them in shape for type, has | I gotten a letter from one of Our | I Gang, let out a yell of sheer de | I light and pretty near knocked | I over his desk getting up to show | I the letter around. | I And that's not kidding either! | I You may get the idea that I'm a | I "nut" — all right. The real dope | I is that I'm so enthusiastic about | I the brotherhood spirit that I can't | I hold down the soft pedal when I | I get a fresh proof that you boys | I are interested enough to send in | I an extra word or two of friendly | I talk. I I Such an occasion very lately | I made the office crowd think New | I Year hootch had got me — but it | I was a letter from our old depend | I able, John McGill. | I But read it — and you'll see why | I I hurrahed! | I VAN. I ^uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiniiin day and special, no. 70 per cent, appeal. Draw all classes, town about 2,900. Admission 10-25 — specials 15-30. A. E. Andrews, Opera House, (486 seats). Emporium, PennsylvaT-la. SCARLET WEST. (3,391). We did not consider this to be more than jblo ordinary